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01/25/22   The information that I am about to share with you is extremely alarming, but I have always endeavored to never sugarcoat things for my readers.  Right now, there are shortages of certain items in grocery stores across the United States, and food supplies have gotten very tight all over the globe.   I have repeatedly warned that this is just the beginning, but I didn’t realize how dire things have already gotten until I received an email from a farming insider that I have corresponded with over the years.  I asked him if I could publicly share some [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure, as COVID infection rates in the U.K. are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts Infection rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove that vaccine passports and mandates are completely pointless Data from Scotland show more of the same. Double-jabbed Scots are more likely to be admitted to the hospital for COVID than unvaccinated. Since Omicron became dominant, COVID case rates are also lower among the unvaccinated [More]
Discussion begins around 40 minute mark. Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors, including Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Robert Malone, whistleblowers and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term. More at www.ronjohnson.senate.gov
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE Technocracy is rule by algorithm, or a bureaucracy run by technologists It is based on the Taylorist principle of “scientific management” Technocrats proclaim that convergence of people with AI is both inevitable and good for us In the past, there have been attempts to establish a formal religious belief based on AI worship The advanced technology that powers technocracy is new but the mindset behind it is centuries old, and in order to fight technocracy it’s important we look at both the past and the present This story is about the mind of a technocrat [More]
By Michael By GreenMedInfo Research Group Consuming honey, nature’s sweet gift freely given through the work and movement of honeybees, gets sweeter in light of its wide-ranging health benefits. For your… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
The Omicron surge in America, which has accelerated at an incredible rate, appears to be peaking, according to analysis by J.P. Morgan. In a report published on Tuesday, the investment banking company notes that the U.S. peak has not come any later than in the U.K., despite the lower vaccination rate. The Omicron wave in the U.S. also looks to be peaking, despite a significantly worse vaccination profile. The overall level of fully vaccinated individuals in the US, at 62% of the total population, is lower than in the U.K., where 70% of the total population have been fully vaccinated, [More]
“The Dems once again show they are the pro death party. All those participating in this mass murder have a hot spot in Hell waiting for them.” Admin   A bill in the Virginia state Senate that would have allowed health-care providers to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine was blocked by Democrats after they shut down a public comment session and ordered state Capitol police officers to remove citizens from the chamber.   As the Democratic majority on the Senate Education and Health Committee moved to kill the Republican bill, Democratic committee Chairwoman Sen. Louise Lucas cut the remote audio feed [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In a non-peer-reviewed research paper just this week published, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., describes a mechanism of the COVID shots that results in the suppression of your innate immune system. It does this by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway The COVID jab can cause neurons in your brain to produce toxic spike protein, or take up circulating spike protein, and the neurons try to eliminate the spike protein by transmitting them through exosomes. The exosomes are picked up by microglia, immune cells in your brain, which activate an inflammatory response, which can contribute to [More]
WND and The New American contributor Alex Newman appeared on an episode of Critical Disclosure Radio, which is hosted at Brighteon, to deliver an emergency message about how South Miami Hospital in Florida is trying to murder his father with deadly “treatments” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).   Newman explained to host James White that he is currently in a “crisis situation” because South Miami Hospital is insisting upon treating his father with remdesivir, a deadly drug from which Tony Fauci profits and that government tests in Africa revealed kills upwards of 40 percent patients.   “We’re in a crisis situation right now,” Newman said right off [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE More than 35 million Americans are on a statin drug, making it one of the most commonly prescribed medicines in the U.S. Lipitor — which is just one of several brand name statin drugs — is one of the most profitable drugs in the history of medicine The “statin empire” is built on prescribing these drugs to people who really don’t need them and are likely to suffer side effects without getting any benefits By simply revising the definition of “high cholesterol,” which was done in 2000 and again in 2004 in the [More]
Jeff & Erica – The Covid Narrative Is Falling Apart? Are Cats And Dogs Being Affected By ‘The Virus’? And Much More Important Information… Listen Here
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Seven applicants, on behalf of the British population, have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), accusing 16 individuals of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression The 16 defendants include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum According to the ICC complaint, the 16 defendants have violated the Nuremberg [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE A case report involving a 47-year-old, previously healthy man demonstrates conclusive evidence that COVID-19 shots may trigger vaccine-induced immune-mediated hepatitis Millions of people continue to get COVID-19 injections without being informed of their true risks, hepatitis being among them. Hepatitis, which is inflammation of the liver, is most often caused by a virus; however, there are also autoimmune and immune-mediated forms. As case reports of vaccine-induced immune-mediated hepatitis began to pop up following COVID-19 jabs, researchers took notice, but wondered if they were simply coincidence. In an ordinary year, there are three cases of [More]
“There is a video interview of her in the article.” Admin   An MIT scientist is warning of possible long-term damage to the brain from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, saying it’s likely there will be an “alarming” rise in several major neurodegenerative diseases.   And that’s likely to happen increasingly among the younger population, according to Stephanie Seneff in an academic paper titled “Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19” published in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.   Read More: MIT scientist warns of major brain damage to kids from [More]
“I’m sure based on this data that it’s the same over here in the US.” Admin   The latest data available from the UK Health Security Agency confirms that the triple and double vaccinated population accounted for the vast majority of all Covid-19 cases between 20th Dec 21 and 16th Jan 22 by a country mile.   The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) publish a weekly Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report containing data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths by vaccination status, and the most recent report which was published Thursday 20th January, was the first time UKHSA has included data on the triple vaccinated [More]
“Lets hope countries like Austria, Australia and Canada soon ease up on their draconian measures.” Admin   France and Ireland are following England in announcing the lifting of a host of COVID-19 restrictions.   The Irish Independent reported Friday that the majority of COVID restrictions in Ireland will be removed by 6 a.m. Saturday, including vaccine passports. The paper said the government also will eliminate “limits on household visits, early closing time for hospitality and events, capacity restrictions for indoor and outdoor events including weddings, social distancing, the rule-of-six at a table … and the requirement to maintain contact details for [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Research data found people who go to bed from 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. and fall asleep before 11 have a much lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who go to bed earlier or later Lack of sleep is associated with cardiac morbidity and mortality and fragmented sleep is linked to atherosclerosis and inflammation Sleep deprivation is linked to a significant number of other health problems including obesity, mental health conditions, dementia, impaired immune function, increased risk of cancer and increased risk of pain-related conditions There’s a growing body of evidence that [More]
This new Glazov Gang episode features Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist. He is a leading expert in the analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic and the medical response. Visit him on Twitter: @P_McCulloughMD. Dr. McCullough discusses Is Fauci Really “Science”?, shedding a disturbing light on Dr. Fauci’s “expertise” and intentions. Watch it here
“Human experimentation is being done and people are not consenting to it…this happened before, in Germany, and it led to the Nuremberg Trials.” – Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg   German physician and epidemiologist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg has revealed individual batches of the Covid vaccinations have extremely varying toxicity levels. Some batches have toxicity levels up to 300 times other batches – resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths. Accordingly, the decision to vaccinate can be akin to a game of Russian roulette.   The famous doctor and former politician revealed that the pharmaceutical companies producing the “vaccines” deliberately use different dosages to [More]
Stew Peters Show: Our next guest wants to remain anonymous, for understandable reasons. She’s a nurse in California, which might as well be Stalinist Russia for how it treats its inhabitants. Our whistleblower says she sees the same pattern repeat over and over: Patients get put on remdesivir and another deadly “medicine,” Vancomycin, which also damages the kidneys. Nobody is getting adequate nutrition or IVs. Nobody is given a nebulizer. Nobody gets antibiotics. The patients would end up dying from this, then the doctors rush in and rip their organs out since they’re donors. The Whistleblower Nurse joins us to [More]
Below is a link to a PDF showing pictures of strange objects in vaxxed patients blood plus white blood cells attacking each other. Click Here 
Stew Peters Show: Meryl Nass is a doctor in Maine. She has twenty-five years of experience. She’s an expert on anthrax, and was a key investigator of a major anthrax outbreak in Rhodesia in the 1970s, which she convincingly argued was the product of biological warfare. But now, the state of Maine says Meryl isn’t even a doctor at all. They’ve stripped her of her license to practice, because she’s been prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to her Covid patients, because she’s criticized vaccinating children while giving Big Pharma blanket immunity for any damages, and because she says Covid-19 vaccines aren’t [More]
“I don’t know how wide spread this is but it’s absolutely horrific. Who would have thought that we would ever see homicidal hospitals in this country, obviously staffed by a bunch of psychopaths in managerial positions, being financially incentivized by the government to murder patients. The shadow of Nazi Germany rearing its ugly head here. God help us.” Admin Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to discuss the ongoing genocide being carried out in our nations hospitals in the name of Covid.
Most people know that vitamin C supports the immune system. This finding is backed up by several studies and yet hospitals rarely use it to treat COVID-19.   Indeed, a review of 12 studies, including five “gold standard” randomized controlled trials, shows that this simple vitamin saves lives when given in the right dose. The review, which was published in the journal Life, was carried out and funded by VitaminC4Covid, a consortium of vitamin C experts including Dr. Marcela Vizcaychipi from the Faculty of Medicine at London’s Imperial College, Associate Professor Anitra Carr, who heads the Nutrition in Medicine group at the University of Otago, [More]
“Think this vax madness is going to end anytime soon, doesn’t look that way” Admin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Omicron is rapidly overtaking other SARS-CoV-2 variants and currently accounts for 95% of all COVID cases in the U.S. Research shows current COVID shots cease to provide any protection against Omicron 30 days’ post-injection, and at 90 days offers negative protection, actually making you more prone to Omicron infection This effectively makes COVID jab mandates obsolete, yet government and health authorities are still pushing Americans to get jabbed, and if already jabbed, to get a third booster Pfizer is [More]
01/21/22   Welcome to 2022 and the shiny new federal labeling rule that will require manufacturers to disclose when foods are bioengineered! Sort of …   The new law essentially replaces a patchwork of state regulations regarding the labeling of genetically modified foods and food products. Unfortunately, the law is sure to create confusion and make it burdensome for some consumers to know if the foods they eat contain genetically modified ingredients.   “Bioengineered” is the new term for genetically engineered (GE) ingredients and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Bioengineered plants or animals essentially have an inserted gene that comes from a laboratory. The idea [More]