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Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Tinnitus is a noise you hear in one or both ears triggered inside the auditory system; it is a symptom of an abnormality or injury and not a specific disease Tinnitus is one symptom of long COVID and from the COVID shot. How the symptom is triggered is still being studied; the virus can infect inner ear cells and the spike protein can disrupt blood supply to the sensitive structures responsible for hearing One study found 53% of those with mild to moderate COVID had sensorineural hearing loss, which was present in all patients [More]
COVID-19 has exposed the complete corruption and divisiveness of our government and its lying affiliates like the CDC. Using masks and vaccines to control the masses has become the standard. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show Friday to expose how the Biden Regime has forced the military to take the bioweapon, and how Rochelle Walensky spews lies, Dr. Jane also addresses the weaponization of the CDC and goes in depth on natural immunity and its hyper effectiveness against the plandemic, and the importance of refusing the death jabs.
“As a resident of FL I’m glad we have a governor who’s not afraid to buck the Big Pharma shills in the CDC and do what’s right for patients. If only we had 49 more governors like him we could turn this country around quickly.” Admin  The Florida Department of Health has unveiled a new guidance that allows doctors throughout the state to freely prescribe off-label pharmaceuticals for early treatment of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Published on February 24, the guidance explains that health care practitioners in the Sunshine State will now be encouraged to provide treatment using federally approved generic drugs [More]
 Last year, women who noticed changes in their menstrual cycles after receiving a COVID shot were silenced and gaslighted by MD influencers and the media.  They were told that there was no way the shots could do that – that it was probably just “stress.”  But it wasn’t long before research confirmed that the mRNA jabs can affect menstruation (at this time, the National Institutes of Health says that these menstrual changes are small, temporary, and “within the range of normal variation” – we certainly hope this is true).   Now, there may be new evidence to vindicate the people who reported feeling sick [More]
By Michael By Bradley Elliott, University of Westminster There’s long been evidence that moderate aerobic exercise (think walking, running, or cycling) are good for your lifelong health and well-being. Research… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
By Daisy Luther By the author of Be Ready for Anything and the course Bloom Where You’re Planted Those paying close attention to the news right now are probably holding their breath, just waiting for the other shoe to drop and drag us all into World War 3. I’d love to be able to say that’s not going to happen, but I have no idea what’s coming next. Nobody does. There are all sorts of pundits with all sorts of predictions. There’s an opinion out there to fit anyone’s cognitive bias. But what we have to understand is that …read [More]
By Michael By Selco Today, we have an interview between Toby and Bosnian War survivor Selco, as they examine how shortages of goods impacts a populace, how these shortages spread, and what the prepper can do to… …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Vegetable oils and seed oils like soy, canola, sunflower, grapeseed, corn, safflower, peanut and rice bran oil are loaded with omega-6 linoleic acid (LA), which acts as a metabolic poison when consumed in excess. Anything over 10 grams a day will cause problems in the long run Seed oils are incredibly proinflammatory and drive oxidation in your body. This oxidation, in turn, triggers mitochondrial dysfunction that then drives the disease process Soybean oil has been shown to cause irreversible genetic changes in the brains of mice. This was true both for unmodified soybean oil [More]
By Brian-Admin Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News In a very rare case, an Ontario Judge has actually ruled against a forced COVID vaccination for two children, ages 10 and 12, where a father was requesting that they be forced to receive the shots against their wish, and against the wish of their mother. While this judge actually just simply did his job, which was to listen to the evidence that both sides presented before ruling, it made waves in the Canadian corporate media, because similar previous cases …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Analysis by Tessa Lena STORY AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Garcia is a psychiatrist in New Zealand who started questioning the official COVID narrative early on As a result of Dr. Garcia’s opposition to the mandates, his medical license was suspended Dr. Garcia is a member of a group of “dissenting” physicians called “New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science” Currently some members of NZDSOS are in the trenches, supporting the peaceful people’s protest in the capital of New Zealand This story is about the situation in New Zealand and about Dr. Emanuel Garcia, a courageous doctor in New Zealand who has been very [More]
The corporate media has been awash in article after article highlighting a previously unknown reason for why people may suddenly drop dead of a heart attack. For some strange reason, none of these outlandlish causes were ever previously known and are only being brought to light now. What a strange coincidence! Everything from cold weather or shoveling your driveway to post-pandemic stress disorder and climate change (you read that right) are now big risks for cardiovascular problems. Even going to bed too late is apparently going to make your heart crap out. And it’s not just adults – now kids [More]
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The criminal actions of the FDA and CDC in continuing to keep the mRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” in the market in spite of overwhelming evidence that they cause harm, with over 1 million cases of deaths and injuries now reported to VAERS, the U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, are now even starting to be reported in the corporate pro-Pharma media, as insurance companies continue to report on their data from 2021 when the vaccines were rolled …read more Source: Health Impact News     
Mississippi is riddled with rigorous Covid policies that are delaying the treatments of critical care patients. Wendy Heineck joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to discuss how these policies are killing her husband in the name of safety and health. Wendy’s husband was separated from her and her family, and she is fighting from afar for his life. Wendy also shares how her husband is experiencing severe and mysterious blood clots after receiving massive transfusions of blood from vaccinated zombies.
By Selco Author of SHTF Survival Bootcamp, SHTF Survival Stories, and The Dark Secrets of Survival here. So, top ten things to do when SHTF. First, lets be sure what we are talking about here, because articles like “top ten things to do” or “ top 20,100,1000 things to have when SHTF” are usually going into endless and pointless lists that look like grocery shop list. “Top ten things that will be missing when SHTF” -yeah, if shops are gone, you gonna miss everything from it. I mean, if …read more Source: Organic Prepper     
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Facebook has admitted in a court of law that its fact checkers are not asserting facts but, rather, First Amendment-protected opinions Steve Kirsch, founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, recorded a phone call with a fact checker from PolitiFact, showing just how ignorant the fact checker is about the facts, and how unwilling she is to look at the data There are three sources for vaccine injury data: The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Wonder site; OpenVAERS; and MedAlerts, created by the National Vaccine [More]
WARNING: The US Surgeon General has determined that retweeting my videos can be hazardous to your Twitter health. It can get you suspended for life. My Pennsylvania state Senate testimony (Mar 4, 2022) This graphic below from The Vigilant Fox pretty much sums up what happened. The Vigilant Fox posted a 2 minute excerpt of my Pennsylvania state Senate testimony on Twitter and was suspended shortly thereafter. Twitter does this because nobody will debate me on the facts, so censorship is the only option. Watch
Ben created a wonderful 90-minute documentary on the pandemic response entitled “The Time is Now.” Check it out before the call if you can. It’s awesome. A link to it is in the article. “The Time Is Now” creator joins the VSRF Weekly Call On Thursday, March 10 @7pm Eastern, I’m joined by Dr. Ben Tapper, D.C. who rose to fame as the creator of a wonderful documentary called “The Time is Now.” Register at www.vacsafety.org Prior to the movie, Ben was highlighted as one of the top dozen spreaders of misinformation by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). I highly recommend watching the [More]
A post by “A Midwestern Doc” isn’t getting the attention it deserves. Based on just this one doctor’s observations, the vaccines should be immediately halted worldwide. Here’s why.   On March 5, “A Midwestern Doctor” (who I will abbreviate as “AMD”) published a long Substack article that meticulously chronicled his/her observations of adverse events (AEs) associated with the COVID vaccine. This is very rare as most doctors are too busy to do such an analysis. Based on the observation of this one doctor alone, the critical event rates are high enough to justify that the vaccines should be immediately halted based [More]
Florida’s surgeon general announced Monday morning the state has become the first to recommend against vaccinating healthy children for COVID-19.   The announcement by Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo came at the end of an 85-minute roundtable of epidemiologists and other medical scientists hosted by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.   It was titled “The Curtain Close on COVID Theater.”   The governor posed questions regarding the effectiveness of the vaccines in reducing infection and transmission as well as the crucial issue of safety.   Among the participants were Drs. Robert Malone, Harvey Risch of Yale, Jay Battacharya of Stanford, Sunetra Gupta [More]
Wednesday on the Stew Peters Show, Dr. Jane Ruby answered questions from the audience regarding the parasitic Pfizer jabs, children dying from heart attacks, and more. Dr. Jane gave details on the Pfizer parasites, and the potential transmission of the vaccine through touch and inhalation.
We are standing on the precipice of chaos. Our society seems to be slowly unraveling — and to what end, none of us can say. It does no good to worry about what could or could not happen, but the true survivalist is prepared for whatever outcome. Here at NaturalNews, we’ve written dozens of articles on medical preparedness, how to build a proper firearm arsenal and stockpile survival supplies. However, for this, we will be focusing on how to properly ration food during times of austerity. We’ve taken the liberty to use some of the tips our grandparents and great-grandparents learned [More]
All “Smart” and wireless sources (devices and infrastructure) expose us to radiation which can cause undesirable symptoms as well as serious illnesses and injuries.  Manufacturers are required to provide warnings about radiation emissions from all “Smart” and wireless products; however, these warnings aren’t necessarily easy to locate or understand.  In regard to the brain, research has determined that wireless exposure can disrupt the blood-brain barrier, cause it to leak, and also kill brain cells (see 1, 2).  Got pets?  Exposure can affect them too.   Read More: Images and Research Reveal How Cell Phones and Other Wireless “Wi-Fi” Radiation Sources Affect Brain – Activist Post
At a time when the nations of the world were recording about 15,000 COVID deaths per day, Dr. Andrew Hill of the University of Liverpool was about to publish a meta-analysis for the World Health Organization and other leading health agencies indicating the remarkable effectiveness of a repurposed drug in treating COVID-19, reducing hospitalization by some 80%.   But when he published his highly influential pre-print paper on Jan. 18, 2021, his stated conclusion didn’t match the study’s findings.   Instead of urging physicians around the world who were desperate for solutions to try the safe and effective drug, Hill [More]
As the corrupt media obsesses over the Ukraine invasion, American citizens should never forget the war we face at home as our rights are stripped away via Covid tyranny. Mother Sara Brady joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to discuss her unjustified arrest over bringing her kids to an open playground, and the court’s abuse of her case, and more. Her rationality towards Covid insanity is refreshing, and a formidable resistance against the monsters running the scheme to control society.
“It seems the supposedly conservative news media was in on the take as well. How can any of them be trusted to give the truth on any topic.” Admin   Only recently has it been revealed that one of the “vaccines” for COVID-19, pushed by the federal government and pharmaceutical industry on Americans, many unwillingly, over the past two years can cause acute kidney injury, acute flaccid myelitis, anti-sperm antibody positive, brain stem embolism, brain stem thrombosis, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure and cardiogenic shock …..   And now it has been revealed that while Americans were facing those life-and-death threats, [More]
“So they want to hand out two newly approved very costly Big Pharma drugs each with a laundry list of side effects and not nearly as effective as Ivermectin. Another windfall for Big Pharma at the expense of the taxpayer for no good reason, just pure greed.” Admin   The American Medical Association (AMA), in a press release on March 4, warned against the Biden administration’s test-to-treat plan saying the approach “flaunts patient safety and risks significant negative health outcomes.”   “The AMA is pleased the administration is ramping up supply of antivirals so in the near future they will be broadly available,” the organization [More]
Stew Peters Show: Gas and food shortages are approaching in the US as the Ukraine invasion continues, and the Biden Regime makes abundantly clear it has no intentions of protecting America’s economy and prosperity. Guns America’s Paul Helinski joined the show Tuesday to share effective prepping tactics for families facing inflation and scarcity, the suppression of truth, and more.