“It’s now very clear that the CDC wanted these dangerous vaccines on the market to enrich big pharma and apparently to kill and injure people as well. We have a bunch of greedy psychopaths now in charge of the medical establishment in our country.” Admin The data was in public view in January 2021 that the vaccines were too unsafe for use in humans. By February, it was even more obvious. To this day, the CDC has never acknowledged this safety signal. Remember Sgt. Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes? “I know nothing, nothing!” was his iconic line (see the video for the 3
The American Civil War was fought between the north and the south, divided only by the Mason-Dixon line on a map. This war was a major turn in American history where brothers fought against brothers. Wartimes are not historically known for feeding soldiers well on either side. The Civil War had two sides; the Confederate South and the Union North. Confederate states seceded from America to form their own free country where slave work was legal. The Union fought to keep the country united and the war ended in their favor in 1865, four years after the start
Do you ever wonder what is in your food? Most people blindly believe that if you buy from a “good company” like Whole Foods Market, Target, and Hy-Vee, you are getting quality foods safe for you and your family. Apparently, that isn’t the case and companies like Quaker Oats, those that make wheat bread, are some of the worst. The scariest part is that the FDA knows about most foods with higher than expected glyphosate levels and still considers them safe. Even non-GMO products have shown significant levels of weedkillers. Most widely used weedkiller in U.S. linked to causing cancer
“I was hoping Dr. Faustus had gone away but he’s back and just as vaccine crazy as ever.” Admin Health dictator Anthony Fauci declared Monday that Americans will need to take more COVID vaccines, just a day after the CEO of Pfizer proclaimed that a fourth shot is needed immediately. In an interview with CNBC, Fauci was asked how many more shots will be needed, and responded “The answer is: we don’t know. I mean, that’s it…it is likely that we’re not done with this when it comes to vaccines.” The comments dovetail with those of Albert Bourla, who
Stew Peters Show: The corrupt corporate health care system has ripped people of their medical liberties and freedoms, prohibiting recovery and long-term health entirely. Founder of Graith Care LLC, Priscilla Romans joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to share her work as a medical advocate. She detailed the dangers of the COVID protocols, the failure of corporate healthcare, and how she saves hospital hostages from their untimely deaths.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE With all eyes on Russia and Ukraine, the U.K. quietly released a vaccine surveillance report that showed roughly 80% to 90% of COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths were in people who were vaccinated Although the U.K. has the same COVID variant and uses only one different vaccine, the U.S. data published by health agencies are vastly different. This is likely since the U.S. defines “vaccinated” differently and is reluctant to release accurate raw data An ongoing study spearheaded by economist Mark Skidmore shows the number of injuries and deaths from the vaccine is many
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The globalist cabal is planning to monopolize health systems worldwide through the creation of an international pandemic treaty that makes the World Health Organization the sole decision maker on pandemic matters The WHO may also be planning to seize power over health systems more broadly. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has stated that his “central priority” as director-general of the WHO is to push the world toward universal health coverage In the name of keeping everyone “safe” from infection, the globalist cabal has justified unprecedented attacks on democracy, civil liberties and personal freedoms, including the right
The secretes of the deadly injection and Big Pharma affiliates like Pizer are rapidly unfolding. Expert Dr. Christina Rahm joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to expose the inner workings of Big Pharma’s plandemic, their preparations, cures, and tactics. Dr. Rahm warns about smallpox and rabies outbreaks, the Deep State, and more genetically engineered warfare due to hit the world.
By Joanna Miller For the past two years, more and more people have been learning about food independence. People are cooking from scratch, gardening, and raising their own animals. And that’s great! It’s a big learning curve, but it’s so worth it in terms of food independence, the confidence of new skills mastered, and delicious meals. The internet holds a lot of advice on getting started with various animals. I started raising chickens in 2014, using what I’d learned from books and a fellow farmer to keep my birds alive. Since then, we’ve raised chickens, goats, and lambs for …read
By Daisy Luther By the author of Be Ready for Anything and the course Bloom Where You’re Planted Given the current concerns, you may be adding some emergency supplies that you are unfamiliar with to your pantry and medicine cabinet. This article explains how to use potassium iodide after a nuclear strike and addresses some frequently asked questions. At the end, there’s a link to a downloadable format of this article that you can print out to keep with your emergency supplies. I’m not a doctor – this article is based on research done on the FDA and CDC …read
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE When and what you eat, and how you hydrate, can make a big difference in your athletic performance, and can affect your payoff in terms of the amount of muscle you can build Athletes need about 30 grams of protein four times a day. If you do a whole-body workout, you’ll need about 40 grams of protein to maximize muscle protein synthesis The choice of exercising in a fasted state or not depends on your goal. For a professional athlete, it makes sense to have some carbs and food in your system to
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE One of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies. The reason they’re so frequently used for questionable transactions is because foundations are private entities and not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests and other open records laws The board of directors of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) is heavily populated with Big Pharma players. This raises serious questions about conflicts of interest, as the foundation oversees the distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars — unregulated funds that typically go right
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Moderna announced they were developing three vaccines using mRNA technology for cancer, shingles and herpes. Yet, the current mRNA shot has not proven to be successful, nor are the long-term effects of genetic therapy known Moderna and BioNTech, the two companies that developed mRNA vaccines with emergency use authorization in the U.S., had not produced an approved product before the COVID injection Some authorities believe the shot is successful. Yet, it doesn’t stop recipients from getting the illness or from being hospitalized, and it has a significant risk of adverse side effects, including permanent
By Brian-Admin They confess: they had no virus when they concocted the test for the virus; they “contrived” a model by pretending to find what they wanted to find; it’s called a self-fulfilling prophecy This is the con and the crime that drove millions of lives, and economies, into ruin by Jon Rappoport NoMoreFakeNews Quiz: If an agency of the federal government revealed they had no basis for constructing a diagnostic test that was used on millions of people; but the test was the cornerstone of …read more Source: Health Impact News
No other explanation fits: it’s the vaccine causing these mystery clots in up to 93% of cases. I interviewed Dr. Ryan Cole on the mystery blood clots that are seen in up to 93% of embalmer cases. He received tissue samples from the embalmers. Here’s the interview: Watch here
On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane blasts the CDC and it’s criminal Director, Dr. Rachel Walensky who now says there was no way to know the injections would wane from the 95% efficacy she pushed to Americans and that it is their own fault for taking government recommendations as black and white; she now says that “science is gray” as she scrambles for cover
By Lori Alton, staff writer (NaturalHealth365) With coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic dominating the media for close to two years, news of developments in scientific research appears to have been somewhat eclipsed. For example, a report from the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics contained exciting findings about the ability of capsaicin in chili peppers to fight deadly diseases and reduce the odds of premature death. One would think that the reveal of a potentially lifesaving dietary intervention would have made more of a “splash” in the mainstream scientific community … but, unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry controls the media. According
By Michael Greger M.D. FACLM How do barukas, also known as baru almonds, compare with other nuts? …read more Source: nutritionfacts.org
By everybodysfit The gel from aloe vera has been used for thousands of years for its healing purposes. It is a type of succulent plant with many medicinal purposes. The gel inside the plant is gooey and thick, and it is most commonly used to alleviate sun burns and is consumed in juice form for its health benefits. The gel also makes the skin soft so many lotions have this ingredient. Aloe vera must be consumed as a supplement or as a gel; it is not found in food. Many people add it to their smoothies or shakes since by
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE I wasn’t always a holistically-minded physician. For the first five years of my private medical practice as a family physician, my focus was on prescribing drugs and administering vaccines My transition began in the early 1990s, when I started educating myself about nutrition and alternative health strategies The failures of the conventional paradigm have been unmasked over the past two years. Both prevention and treatment of COVID-19 were shrugged off as “impossible,” but those who listened to better judgment, used early treatment protocols and recovered, know this to be an absolute lie and
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Natural killer (NK) cells are a specific type of white blood cell. They’re an important component of your cell-mediated (innate) immune system and are involved in both viral diseases and cancer NK cells are cytotoxic; they induce apoptosis (programmed cell death), which destroys the virus along with the infected cell NK cells — which are not antigen-specific — contain the infection while your adaptive, humoral immune response generates T cells containing antigen-specific cytotoxins to clear the infection KLRD1 is a receptor gene found on the surface of NK cells, and the level of KLRD1
By Michael By Ryan Cristián Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to discuss his recent article on Mexico’s use of ivermectin, and how it exposed a very clear effort to control the flow of information around… …read more Source: Natural Blaze
In this video portfolio manager Edward Dowd uses the CDC’s own data to show that excess mortalities are occurring in the 25- to 44-year-old age group, to the tune of an 84% increase. The acceleration in deaths correlates with the mandates and boosters of the COVID-19 shots in the fall, he points out. The news is “shocking,” Dowd says. “It’s the worst excess mortality, I think, in history. Basically, the millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021.” …read more Source: Sott health news feed
More stories about those injured by Covid vaccines plus news from the blog of Dr. Mercola. Woman Got the Pfizer Vaccine — This Is What Happened After Shocking Findings on Increased Deaths in 25- to 44-Year-Olds British Company Set to Release Billions of GE Mosquitoes in 2 States Why Are Healthy People Experiencing Vaccine Adverse Effects? Deleted Web Pages Show US Was Involved in Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine New York’s Fire Department Wants to Investigate Rash of ‘Sudden’ Deaths Mother of Four Gets Heart Inflammation From COVID-19 Jab Pfizer’s Released Documents Show 158,000+ Side Effects Hospital Worker Developed Body Spasms
By Stephanie Woods (NaturalHealth365) Everyone ages, and certain things happen in the body as a result. One of the most hated signs of aging is sagging, dull skin with lines and wrinkles. Every year, people spend billions of dollars trying to find the magic bullet to help them retain their youthful appearance. They buy expensive creams and lotions, spend thousands on invasive treatments, and even go under the knife just so they can “beat” the aging process. The thing is, science says all that isn’t necessary. So here are five natural remedies that have …read more Source: Natural Health 365
By Jayne.Rising A new year has been birthed, and as we’ve pointed out in previous articles, there has been a huge influx of preppers over the past two years. With an interest in prepping comes an interest in food, and food production goes hand-in-hand with that. So if we have a garden, big or small, urban or rural, but it’s not producing as much as we’d like, how can we go about changing that? What can we do to boost production in 2022? In a word: lots! Production boosts are divided into four basic categories: efficient use of space, soil
By Brian-Admin by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Here at the beginning of March, 2022, official government health statistics in Europe and the United States are reporting that 65,615 people have now died following COVID-19 injections. These are “passive” reporting systems, so the true lives lost is much higher. One study estimates that the unreported factor for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths is 41X, which would put these totals at closer to 2.8 MILLION deaths, and that is just in the U.S. and certain countries …read more Source: Health Impact News