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Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger seeks to see ahead and around corners to form a more complete picture of what is in store for us all in these terrifying days of increasing globalist control over humanity.   In our third interview with Dr. Stuckelberger, we explored the advancement of another branch of genetic manipulation—gene editing. We are reminded that a Nobel Prize in 2020 was awarded to developers of the CRISPR technology, which allows scientists to “snip” out segments of DNA. A newer version of CRISPR has now been created. Called CRISPR/Cas9, this technology allows both cutting segments of DNA and the insertion of [More]
Dr. Alexander reposted an incredibly important article by Dr. Makis on the DEATHVAX™-induced turbo cancer phenomenon.   Read More: Testicular ‘TURBO’ aggressive cancer & links to COVID mRNA technology (Pfizer, Moderna) gene vaccine? Yes! Makis below shows mRNA Induced Testicular Turbo Cancer e.g. young age (teens, 20s, 30s),
Click on any link to read/watch the article or video. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny warns of MORE DEATHS from COVID injections The “Air Vaccine” Is Here, No Needle Necessary to Get mRNA Technology Into Humans Video: Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents UN General Assembly Head Approves Declaration to Form a Global Pandemic Authority with Lockdown Enforcement Powers Agenda to Depopulate the Planet Through COVID Vaccination. Revealed by Government Reports and Pfizer Documents Declaration of a Planetary Emergency to Begin “the Long Term Reduction of Global Population” Cutting off the Head of the Snake: [More]
Jeff & Erica – They spend the first 4 min. talking about the new vax rollout and how many are taking it then they bring on Nurse Anne to tell what she is seeing in the hospital she is working at, not good. Lots of stroke, cardiac, cancer cases all jabbed plus much more. Great interview! Listen here
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Sleep impacts your ability to learn and your creative capacity. Deep sleep is also crucial for brain detoxification, and can have a significant impact on your risk for Alzheimer’s disease Around 12 months of age, when the infant is starting to learn to crawl, stand and walk, there’s a tremendous increase in stage 2 sleep, during which the brain is actively editing and making decisions about what information to retain and which to discard Sleep allows your brain to consolidate abstract pieces of information, collating them into cohesive patterns that allow you to make [More]
Tyson Foods is world-renowned for its packages of chicken meat that are ubiquitous in grocery stores.   And it produces other meat for retail sales, too.   And soon, bugs.   Online, it boasts of its “protein-centric” plans.   Read More: Tyson Foods going ‘protein-centric,’ working on bug plant
Another bombshell has dropped about Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” to suggest that it was never actually tested as claimed before receiving emergency use authorization (EUA), then approval, from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).   A closer look at the sleight-of-hand that was used to pretend that Pfizer’s COVID jabs were tested reveals that the company’s BNT162b2 trial was performed using a different compound than was in the actual vials dispensed into people’s arms.   “It was a small batch, high cost process that could not scale to make millions, much less hundreds of millions of doses,” reported the Boriqua Gato Substack page, which added that an entirely different [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE LEDs emit nonanalog light that typically has excessive blue frequencies. Regular exposure, especially after sunset, will contribute to worsening of sleep and an increase in disease When using LEDs, you might end up with increased cellular damage and decreased repair and regeneration You have cells in your retina responsible for producing melatonin, which regenerates the retina during the night. If you use LED lights after sunset, you reduce the regenerative and restoring capacities of your eyes, raising your risk for macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness LED light can exacerbate chronic disease of [More]
A new study shockingly has linked the mRNA shots, the DNA treatments used as vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic that came out of a Chinese lab working on bat viruses, to millions of sudden deaths.   The study by Correlation Research in the Public Interest is titled, “COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere,” and looked at 17 equatorial and Southern-Hemisphere countries including Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand and Uruguay.   They include 9.1% of the world’s population and reported 10.3% of the world’s COVID shots.   [More]
The damage from mRNA shots, mandated for millions during the COVID pandemic, may never be fully documented.   It’s now known that side effects in some victims were fatal heart ailments and more.   WND reported, in fact, when immunology expert Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St. George’s Hospital Medical School in London, called for them to be banned.   They never were “vaccines,” as promoted during COVID. Instead, they are “genetic technology,” intended to modify a person’s body by triggering cells to generate a protein that is used against COVID.   Read More: Trial to continue for detective [More]
Jeff & Erica – This show is devoted to clips from an interview of Dr. William Makis on his observations of the explosion of turbo cancers even in young people plus much more. Good show. Listen here
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Many symptoms of long COVID and injuries from COVID-19 shots may be due to microclots throughout the body Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson speaks with Jordan Vaughn, founder and president of the Microvascular Research Foundation (MVRF), in Birmingham, Alabama, about the issue, revealing a triple anticoagulant therapy — aspirin, fibrinolytic enzymes and ivermectin may help Vaughn and colleagues have treated more than 1,500 such patients, with close to 80% experiencing a significant reduction in symptoms Typical diagnostic scans can’t detect microclots, and many people suffering are told by their doctors that symptoms are all in [More]
Frailty is a state of health often experienced by older adults. It is generally characterized by health problems such as loss of muscle mass and strength and constant fatigue. Older people who are frail are vulnerable to sudden changes in their health, which can be triggered by small events such as a change in their environment or medications, or a minor infection.   Frail people are also the most likely to sustain injuries due to a fall, develop disabilities, be admitted to a hospital or require long-term care. They tend to have weak muscles and suffer from various conditions, such as arthritis, deafness, poor eyesight [More]
Here are some important tips on how to store tap water for long-term use. This guide also explains the science behind keeping your tap water safe.   Read More: Does water expire? A basic guide to storing tap water for survival
In this interview with The New American, Cole shares the latest updates on his legal proceedings with the Washington Medical Commission for his medical license. Shockingly, the board has charged the doctor for alleged violations of the standards of care, despite the absence of any patient complaints. Unfortunately, the medical boards have been politicized and weaponized to target and penalize physicians who seek to protect their patients through education and sharing impartial research on the risks associated with novel therapeutics and injections, said the doctor.   Dr. Cole also provides his perspective on the latest news, including the Noble Prize [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Exposure to e-cigarette vapor essentially froze neutrophils in place, leaving then unable to protect the body; neutrophils are white blood cells that your immune system uses as a first line of defense Even occasional e-cigarette users may be at risk, as the effect was seen with short, low-level exposure Neutrophils exposed to vapor from e-cigarettes had high concentrations of the microfilament F-actin, which resulted in the cells being less able to move and function The findings suggest e-cigarette users could be at increased risk of respiratory disease The long-term effects of vaping are unknown, [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Research presented at the 2023 American Heart Association’s Hypertension Scientific Sessions in Boston revealed that taking blood pressure while lying down was a better predictor of high blood pressure risk than when it was taken while sitting or standing High blood pressure increases your risk for stroke and heart disease, which are the two leading causes of death in the U.S. An accurate blood pressure reading allows you to take strategic steps to lower your risk A 2019 study published in Hypertension showed nearly 46% of American adults could benefit from taking their blood [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Quercetin is a natural antihistamine with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties This natural flavonoid is useful for boosting heart health, relieving allergy symptoms, supporting liver health and more Quercetin acts as a zinc ionophore, helping to shuttle zinc through the cellular membrane and into the cell, which is crucial for stopping virus replication Rich sources of quercetin include apples — especially the skins — onions, broccoli, cherries, berries and green tea I recommend keeping quercetin in your medicine chest for times when you feel you’re coming down with something, such as a cold or [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE An estimated 99% of the components making up whole food are a complete mystery. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference details 188 nutritional components of food, including 38 flavonoids, yet scientists estimate there are more than 26,000 different biochemicals in our food We know even less about the constituents of processed foods and synthetic foods, which falsely claim to be “equivalents” to whole foods, such as “animal-free meats” or “animal-free milk” Scientists cannot create equivalence when they don’t even know what 85% or more of the whole food they’re [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In early April 2023, microbiologist Kevin McKernan detailed finding massive DNA contamination in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s bivalent COVID booster shots. The highest level of DNA contamination found was 30%, meaning nearly one-third of the content of the shot was plasmid DNA, the presence of which dramatically increases the likelihood of DNA integration and cancer An in vitro experiment found that the modified RNA in the Pfizer jab has the ability to enter human liver cells and reverse transcribe into DNA in as little as six hours post-exposure The lipid nanoparticles that the mRNA and [More]
Click any link to read/watch any article or video. In Case You Missed This – Dr. Arne Burkhardt Shows How The Spike Protein Is Actually Replacing Sperm – ‘Vaxed’ Men Are Sterile Dr. Michael Yeadon: Are the mRNA injections toxic by mistake or by design? WATCH as Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger exposes secret global health DICTATORSHIP agenda of UN and WHO Now that HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE is gaining national attention, the Mayo Clinic has decided to PURGE its informational page about the COVID-fighting generic drug Want to know whats REALLY in COVID jabs? WATCH as Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger explains COVID Vaccines Damage ALL [More]
Ben Armstrong Show: People do not want to admit they were tricked and harmed. But, the evidence is everywhere and the deaths of young people at extreme levels is hard to ignore.   Watch: As Young People Drop Dead, Others Open Their Eyes Concerning the Vax – The New American
“If someone asks “where’s the proof the jabs are dangerous and ineffective” send them to the link at the bottom.” Admin Here is an organized library of more than one thousand peer reviewed articles which show that Covid-19 “vaccines” are harmful. Here is an ultimate and organized library to empower research, back up law suits, support criminal charges, or effect political change. It’s also abundant proof for anyone who is still buying the “safe and effective” claim, but is willing to look at the evidence. Please bookmark and share this page for ongoing reference.   Thanks to the community at CovidVaccineInjuries.com for [More]
“You can read in detail about the articles that deal with the use of mRNA tech in vaccines for animals or skip down to the Summary section to get a brief summary of these articles. Then go further on to the My Take section to get his opinion of all this. SUMMARY… There are currently no mRNA vaccines being used in livestock in North America.   Shrimp – An Israeli company is developing an oral mRNA feed supplement to vaccinate shrimp and will begin production in India in 2024.   Cattle – There are no mRNA vaccines approved in US or Canada.   Australia has launched [More]
“How long this video will be available to watch for free I don’t know so, if interested, check it out at your earliest convivence.” Admin “No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?” is an Epoch Original documentary exposing the hidden agenda behind global “Green Policies,” the untold stories of farmers forced out of business, the disruption this will have on our food supply, and why edible bugs are suddenly being pushed to the fore as a “Global Green Solution.” EpochTV program “Facts Matter” host Roman Balmakov investigates the rapidly changing landscape of our global food source—the farming industry—through [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to recent research, nicotinamide, also known as niacinamide (a form of niacin or vitamin B3), enhances natural killer (NK) cells’ ability to defeat blood cancers Pretreating NK cells with an unspecified amount of niacinamide upregulated a lymphocyte homing molecule called CD26L, which improved the antitumor functions of the NK cells in several ways The combination of niacinamide-enhanced NK cells and monoclonal antibody treatment resulted in complete remission in 11 of 19 patients within 28 days, and three had partial response Niacinamide also protects your skin against ultraviolet radiation damage from the sun, thereby [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Researchers from Korea compared lavender oil’s effects as a hair growth stimulant to the drug minoxidil (Rogaine) Lavender oil worked as well as minoxidil to significantly increase the number of hair follicles, deepen hair follicle depth and thicken the dermal layer In another study, massaging a mixture of essential oils, including lavender, into the scalp daily led to improvements in 44% of alopecia areata patients, compared to 15% of those in the control group Traditionally, lavender oil is used for stress relief and fatigue, and evidence suggests it may be effective for cellular growth, [More]