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By Ethan Huff (NaturalNews) (Natural News) Now that most everyone in New Zealand has been “fully vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) per the government’s orders, new “positive cases” of the disease are reportedly on the rise.Up until recently, New Zealand’s “My Vaccine Pass” was required to enter businesses. Non-compliers reportedly faced fines of up … [Read More…] …read more Source: Natural News     
The COVID-19 Vaccine isn’t the only dangerous shot you can receive. Alexa Golden joins The Stew Peters Show to share her experience her horrifying side effects that she is stuck with after receiving the Influenza vaccine at her local grocery store. Alexa is unable to see well, she is covered in needle-like vibrations, pulsing throughout her body, and her head is constantly aching. Pray for Alexa as she is in a time of helplessness, for only Jesus Christ can perform MIRACLES!
A simple survey anyone can do provides convincing evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed over 500,000 Americans. They should be halted. Now.   Executive summary   A simple survey of my readers provided some extremely compelling evidence that 1) the US government has killed over 500,000 previously healthy Americans and 2) that the vaccine actually caused the deaths.   It took me around 30 minutes to create the survey and 11 hours to wait for highly statistically significant results.   I was able to accomplish something in less than 12 hours that the CDC has been unable to accomplish in 18 months: prove [More]
? The Global Covid Summit, comprising over 17,000 physicians and scientists, holds a press conference on May 11, 2022 highlighting the Summit’s declaration to “Restore Scientific Integrity.” Speakers include Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, Harvey Risch, MD, PhD, Dr. Lynn Fynn, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Dr. Richard Urso and more.
By Michael By Keean Bexte Member states will vote on whether to amend the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Health Regulations and sign away their national health sovereignty between May 22-28…. …read more Source: Natural Blaze     
Analysis by Dr. Meryl Nass The New York Times provides daily updates from the CDC on the numbers vaccinated. While nothing that comes out of CDC’s mouth is necessarily reliable, I am presenting the official numbers below. But it is certainly possible that the numbers of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated are even higher than presented here. Pay close attention to the numbers. 257.6 million (of a total 334 million Americans) got at least one dose of vaccine. That is 77% of the country. If you remove the 0 through 4 year olds, it is 82% of those eligible by age for vaccine. It seems like [More]
Yup. Yours truly. I am truly honored. Thank you all for your support. Together we are making a difference. I am truly humbled. I thank you all for your support. I am very proud of this accomplishment and I couldn’t have done it without the support of all of you! Now that my status is officially elevated, I hope people who have evaded my requests to be interviewed will reconsider. But somehow I doubt it will make any difference at all.   Read More: Guess who is the #1 “misinformation spreader” on Substack?
Read the full study: https://ept.ms/37A2kKT A new bombshell study that was just published by researchers in Sweden found that, within a Petri dish, the synthetic mRNA from the Pfizer vaccine is able to enter human liver cells, and then be reverse-transcribed into spike DNA. The reason that this is such a big deal is because this scenario was something that both health experts as well as the fact-checkers have said—for over a year now—couldn’t possibly happen. In fact, to this very day, the CDC’s official website claims the exact opposite is true. In order to figure out what’s real, one of [More]
The nurse described witnessing a multitude of adverse reactions in colleagues and patients purportedly stemming from the Covid-19 vaccines and government-induced lockdowns.   In Part Two of nurse Jaana’s interview, she discussed the devastating reactions and injuries purportedly stemming from the mandated COVID-19 vaccinations that she witnessed in her patients and colleagues. She first noticed the reactions in her coworkers, with some reporting fevers of upwards of 39.5°C. Another colleague reported blindness in one eye after their Covid-19 vaccination, and one dealt with back pain so severe that they were unable to feel their legs.   As nurse Jaana explained “My colleagues [More]
The nurse described her personal experiences on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic and detailed the ridicule she faced for speaking out against the prevailing medical narrative.   After months of not being able to say anything about COVID-19 and considering how hospitals were operating, Nurse Jaana couldn’t keep quiet anymore. She received a letter from AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) in early March 2021 saying that if she spoke to her colleagues or put anything on social media about the vaccine rollout she would be deregistered. So when October 1st came around and she was due to have [More]
In an in-depth interview with The New American, Dr. Robert Malone shared details of his intellectual journey from questioning the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines to recognizing the intense efforts of the globalist forces aimed at establishing a totalitarian regime that would supersede national political structures.   Dr. Malone said that the driving force behind the effort is the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose members dominate supranational organizations, national governments and political parties, corporations, the media, and academia.   The goal of the policies that were implemented as a part of the Covid pandemic response was to accelerate the [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to one survey, 50% of children spend less than one hour outside daily The disconnect from the natural environment may be leading to a host of physical and mental problems in children and adolescents, leading to a phenomenon known as nature deficit disorder Nature deficits are on the rise due to increasingly urbanized lifestyles, which generally include access to fewer natural spaces, lots of screen time and increased pressure from work and school, which leads to more time spent indoors Less exposure to nature in youth has paralleled an increase in mental health [More]
Are swimming pools safe to swim in with the jabbed? If we needed a blood transfusion & the only option was contaminated blood by the jabbed, what would happen? What is causing Hepatitis in children? Dr. Jane Ruby joins The Stew Peters Show to answer these important question and MORE!
“This is absolutely horrifying folks!” Admin What are in these DEADLY injections?! Dr. Ariyana Love joins The Stew Peters show to discuss a patient of hers who is infested with parasitical clots that resulted from COVID jab! Watch this CHILLING segment now at StewPeters.com & if you feel compelled to help Dr. Love’s patient pay for her medical expenses, visit https://givesendgo.com/G33U5?utm_source=sharelink&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=G33U5 to donate!
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane brings back Board Certified Embalmer, Richard Hirschman for a stunning 2 part interview – he is busier than ever pulling out more mystery white fibrous clots, this time exploding out of the arteries as he reaches for them! He has the receipts, the pictures and a new shocking video demonstration – are the dead trying to warn us from the grave?
A group of military doctors said they no longer trust the Defense Department’s medical database and accused top officials of downplaying injuries sustained from mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, according to Just The News.   Lt. Col. Peter Chambers said miscarriages, myocarditis and cancer cases have increased among service members over the past year, starting when the Biden administration mandated that all active duty members be vaccinated against COVID-19.   But when he came forward to testify about these spikes, the DOD took down and edited its medical database. One whistleblower lawyer, Tom Renz, said the result was that the military underreported cases of vaccine injuries by about 20 [More]
America’s mass Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programs are poor and unscientific policy decisions that will lead to surges in cancer rates among the vaccinated.   This is according to Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified and expert pathologist trained at the Mayo Clinic. Cole was among the first physicians in the United States to openly warn about how the COVID-19 vaccines may be associated with serious health risks, such as an elevated risk of developing cancer, which he observed in his patients. (Related: COVID-19 mass vaccination programs violate bioethics principles.)   During an interview with journalist Veronika Kyrylenko of the New American, Cole said the mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines suppresses [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Ivermectin has notable antitumor effects, which include inhibiting proliferation, metastasis and angiogenic activity in cancer cells Ivermectin may target cancer in multiple ways, including inducing apoptosis and autophagy while also inhibiting tumor stem cells and reversing multidrug resistance Along with direct cytotoxic effects, it’s believed that ivermectin regulates the tumor microenvironment, mediating immunogenic cell death The development of an injectable form of ivermectin, or liposomal ivermectin, could help overcome some of its limitations regarding solubility, and open its use to a broader range of cancers Considering that the “war against cancer” has been ongoing [More]
“And the world continues to descend to new levels of spiritual darkness.” Admin   The Canadian government has devised a devilish new solution to solve inflation, homelessness, skyrocketing crime, and food shortages – euthanasia for the poor.   The Trudeau regime say they are now offering to pay to euthanise people who are “too poor to continue living with dignity.”   What this means is anyone who feels like their quality of life is bad as a result of radical liberal policies can now ask the state to foot the bill for their suicide. Read More: Trudeau’s Canada To Begin [More]
Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker STORY AT-A-GLANCE When you become concerned that something seems not quite right about the way your dog looks or is behaving, it can be difficult to decide whether to take a wait-and-see approach, call your veterinarian, or immediately head to the nearest animal hospital The decision can be even more difficult if the symptoms you’re seeing in your dog are known to occur in both “nothing to worry about” illnesses as well as potentially life-threatening conditions For these reasons, it’s important to know what symptoms you should never ignore — symptoms that make waiting things [More]
Around 18% of US parents with children under five years old intend to have them vaccinated “right away” once regulators authorize the use of Covid-19 shots for the age group, a new survey released on Wednesday shows. Children under five remain the only age group still not eligible for vaccination in the US. The survey was conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), a San Francisco-headquartered non-profit, in April. Of those surveyed, 27% said they would “definitely not” have their child vaccinated, while another 11% said they would do so only if legally required. Around 38% said they plan to [More]
“Just another example of the Swamp that needs to be drained. There’s another pandemic, a pandemic of corruption that’s just as deadly to this nation as any disease.” Admin   An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.   “We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020,” Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to UB-311, a vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease made by biotechnology company Vaxxinity Aside from the potential problems that can arise when a vaccine is rushed to market, the vaccine may be problematic from the get-go because amyloid beta may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s, not the cause Researchers have even suggested that amyloid beta is a response to neuronal stress, one that functions as a protective adaptation to the disease Fast-tracking a vaccine that’s targeting an isolated element of Alzheimer’s disease that is not the [More]
By Dr. Mercola This article was previously published September 9, 2019, and has been updated with new information. Your immune system is your first-line defense against bacterial and viral infections, so the most effective way to prevent infectious illness is maintaining robust immune function. Your diet and other lifestyle factors are foundational for this, but certain supplements can also be helpful. One such supplement is quercetin,1 an antioxidant flavonol found naturally in apples, plums, red grapes, green tea, elder flower and onions, just to name a few.2 Quercetin is one of those compounds with a wide range of benefits, making [More]
A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado confirms the vast majority of humanity have had absolutely no choice in the matter of whether they wish to get the Covid-19 injection or not because the vaccinated have been transmitting antibodies generated by the injections through aerosols.   The findings should however come as no surprise, because a confidential Pfizer document had already confirmed exposure to the mRNA injections was perfectly possible by skin-to-skin contact and breathing the same air as someone who had been given the Covid-19 jab.   Read More: New Study & Confidential Pfizer Docs. [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE So far, all of the drugs developed against COVID-19 have been disastrous in one way or another. Remdesivir, which to this day is the primary COVID drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death Despite that, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved remdesivir for in-hospital and outpatient use in children as young as 1 month old Another COVID drug, Paxlovid, will in some cases cause the infection to rebound when the medication is withdrawn Molnupiravir (sold under the brand name Lagevrio) also has serious safety [More]
By Michael By Sara Tipton Foraging for your own food or medicine may become a necessity in the coming months unless you want to fork over massive amounts of money for a limited amount of food. With soaring… …read more Source: Natural Blaze