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02/19/24 “Like the US invasion the western nations in Europe are being setup for a mass invasion of illegals that will be a recipe for disaster for them.” Admin   The EU has passed a migration pact dubbed “the suicide of Europe” which could lead to the continent being flooded with as many as 75 million new migrants.   The European Parliament’s LIBE committee passed the act on Wednesday, which formalizes the distribution of migrants to member states and punishes those that refuse to take them.   Because cultural enrichment and diversity is “our greatest strength,” countries that try to [More]
02/14/24 “Concerning a serious subject but presented in a humorous way.” Admin It’s been three days since the Super Bowl ended. Silly you. You thought it was over. You actually thought Kansas City, Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift won. You might have even seen them out celebrating at a Las Vegas nightclub until 5 a.m. So, Kansas City had to be the winner of the Super Bowl, right? There were lots of witnesses who saw KC win. Over 120 million watched just on television – the most watching a TV show since the 1969 moon landing. So, there were plenty [More]
02/14/24   Lena Petrova is an American Certified Public Accountant (“CPA”) who provides regular commentaries on finance, economics and tax, “with a dash of everything in between.”  She is the author of a Substack page titled ‘Behind the Numbers with Lena Petrova’.   Just over a week ago, Petrova uploaded a video in which she explained that Agenda 2030 is nothing but a tool to eliminate small farmers by making them go bankrupt.  In it, she explained what Agenda 2030 is and why it will put farmers out of business.  You can watch her video titled ‘Land Grab & Food Supply [More]
02/11/24 “More proof of what the Dems are up to regarding illegals voting.” Admin Well, it looks like Joe Biden’s controversial new voting base is gearing up to make its big mark sooner than anticipated. The idea of having to wait generations to cultivate a loyal “army” of Dem voters just flew out the window—they’re arriving with every intention of voting in the 2024 election for Biden; they’re primed and ready. This eye-opening revelation came from a citizen journalist who, after conversing with illegals, found out they’ve been led to believe (by whom, exactly?) that their (fake) asylum claims grant [More]
02/11/24   “This is going to be a very interesting year to say the least, better get right with God if you are not.” Admin   “It’s not if they are going to attack, it’s just when they are.”   That’s what Ohio’s Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones said after attending the National Sheriffs’ Association Conference in Washington, D.C, held Feb. 3-6, according to the Journal-News. At the conference, FBI officials warned sheriffs from across the country about imminent terrorist attacks on the U.S.   “There are people already here who have come to this country who hate us and want [More]
02/08/24   He conducts in-depth discussion with Russian leader   Watch: WATCH: Tucker Carlson interviews Vladimir Putin
02/08/24   Globalist lawmakers in Canada are pushing a disturbing new piece of legislation that seeks to jail members of the public who question the “Net Zero” agenda of the unelected World Economic Forum (WEF).   The push aims to tackle so-called “climate skepticism” as governments around the world scramble to meet the WEF’s “Net Zero” goals.   The legislation, Bill C-372, was introduced by Canada’s left-wing socialist New Democratic Party (NDP).   Under the bill, the promotion of fossil fuel use will be outlawed with restrictions similar to tobacco advertising applied.   Those who speak in favor of fossil fuels, or [More]
02/06/24 “You can be assured something like this will be coming to the US soon.” Admin Welcome to the UK where it’s now official government policy that you CAN’T publish “misinformation”, but The Guardian, the BBC, Disney and Netflix CAN, say Off Guardian. As we reported in September 2023, the Bill is a piece of legislation that comes under the guise of being predominantly for the safety of children in an attempt to protect them from online grooming and abuse and also to limit the reach of terrorist propaganda.   This is the use of a propaganda technique known as “card-stacking.” The government has presented something [More]
02/06/24 “Since this year is so critical to our future I decided to push this back to the top. It’s more important now than ever to get the truth about what is really going on.” Admin 05/13/20 I recently came across this site which lists the top stories from over 30 well known conservative news sites like Breitbart, WND, Epoch Times, New American, Childrens Health Defense, Natural News, Lifesite, Zero Hedge, Blacklisted News, Rebel News, Climate Depot and many more all on their home page.   Rather than visiting all those sites individually you can now quickly scan them all [More]
02/05/24   “What can you say, the criminal fraud allowing this, crooked Joe,  should be on trial for treason! What happens this year regarding the elections will decide whether we go into complete tyranny or have a chance to turn things around. Let’s pray that God will give us that chance.” Admin   When “60 Minutes” calls the situation at the border “unprecedented,” you know it has to be bad.   A shocking video shot at an unofficial crossing point near San Diego by the CBS show’s crew illustrated how easy it is for migrants to enter the country through [More]
01/28/24 “This is great news but we’ll have to wait and see what changes come from it, if any.” Admin For years now, the name Mike Lindell has been synonymous with the term ‘conspiracy theory’ for many on the left. Just another election denier, nothing to see here. But despite feverish backlash, the My Pillow CEO has remained vigilant in his quest for the truth. And after years of being on the receiving end of mockery from liberals, Mike Lindell may be experiencing some form of redemption by way of recent testimony indicating he may have been right all along. [More]
01/26/24 Who can forget Election Night 2020? Some of you went to sleep, thinking Trump was the sure winner, and woke up to discover Joe Biden was the bumbler in chief. So, how did it happen? There are many theories, from hacking election machines to China being in control, but most people are overthinking it, and that’s perfectly okay with Dems; they’d prefer you did that because what they did was relatively simple and not at all “sophisticated,” according to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who the uni-party regime tried to impeach. Now you can see why, right?   Ken [More]
Alternative News Feeds – Most Current Stories listed for these sites in the order shown. “05/07/24 Added the news feed of thecollegefix.com” Admin “03/05/24 Added the news feed of thefederalist.com” Admin Feeds courtesy of  Global Research,  breitbart.com,  westernjournal,com  gellerreport.com   slaynews.com  conservativebrief.com thecollegefix.com  100percentfedup  thefederalist.com Please note that we do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in every news story. Admin
01/16/24   With every passing year, we learn more horrific details about J6 supporting the claim that the violence that erupted was plotted by people within the highest level of government. Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) and his office have investigated the incident extensively, and he believes the chaos was the result of a 10-month conspiracy designed to destroy the MAGA movement. In this episode, TNA senior editor Rebecca Terrell discusses her interview with J6’er Kelly Meggs, whom she visited in federal prison. Other topics covered: @ 11:28 | The Deep State — the “government within the government” — had more than 200 [More]
01/16/24   There are eerie parallels between the behavior of the U.S. government today and the tactics used by the mass-murdering Soviet regime to keep its victims in check, explains author, Russia expert and former missionary to Russia Julie Behling in this interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. From the use of infiltration into Christian movements to outright terror against certain sects, there is a method to the madness. “They are sending a message: this is what happens if you defy the government,”   Watch/Listen: Parallels Between Soviet Tyranny & US Government’s Behavior: Julie Behling – The New [More]
01/13/24 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Documents received by investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger, Alex Gutentag and Matt Taibbi from an anonymous but “highly credible” whistleblower reveals new details on how the U.S. censorship-industrial complex — a network of more than 100 government agencies, private firms, academia and nonprofits — seeks to police and criminalize “wrong-think” The documents describe how the modern digital censorship programs were created, and the various roles of the military, U.S. intelligence agencies, civil society organizations and commercial media They also describe the methods and techniques used, such as the creation and use of sock puppet [More]
01/12/24 “This is going to be a wild year alright. It’s about time some serious action is being taken to get control over the border disaster brought to us by the corrupt, fraudulent Biden regime” Admin The sovereign people of Texas have had enough of the federal government and its refusal to secure the southern border.   In a series of social media posts on Thursday evening, Fox News’ Bill Melugin reported that the Texas National Guard had taken control of Shelby Park in the border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, and was prohibiting federal officials from accessing the park. [More]
01/12/24 With the FBI calling its J6 investigations “bigger than 9/11,” Jan. 6, 2021 has marked a turning point in American history. In the three years since Jan 6, a historic criminal investigation into the incident has played out in a dramatic fashion across the country. As of now, J6 prosecutions have reached beyond the 1,000-case milestone, while the DOJ warned of more to come. In “The Real Story of Jan. 6 Part 2: The Long Road Home,” Epoch Times journalist Joseph Hanneman reveals shocking evidence of how the wide-ranging prosecutions of Jan. 6 defendants have been handled with injustice. [More]
01/09/24   As a result of the Biden administration’s reckless open border policies the federal agency charged with enforcing immigration laws inside the United States is getting slammed and discloses in its latest annual report that enforcement arrests nearly doubled in a year in which thousands of criminals were apprehended including dozens of known or suspected terrorists.   In fiscal year 2023, which ended in September, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested 170,590 illegal immigrants inside the country, almost half of them with criminal records. The criminal aliens had an average of four charges and convictions each, including more than 33,209 charges [More]
01/07/24 “Lots of great info – watch.” Admin This the smartest, best informed account of what actually happened on January 6th. Tucker Carlson interviews Congressman Clay Higgins.
01/04/24   “If anyone asks where’s the evidence for election fraud in 2020 just refer them to this article in which Trump lays out the evidence in detail on a state by state basis. If this is repeated in 2024 then our republic is dead so make it an object of prayer that this will not happen.” Admin   People love comfortable lies, the type of lie that makes them feel warm and safe.   Absolutely no one wants to hear that their country has become a banana republic ruled by a shadowy cabal. No one wants to hear that the [More]
12/30/23 “This is just the first step in eventually giving all these illegals voting rights. Biden makes Benedict Arnold look like a super patriot. This is just an act of lawlessness and treason.” Admin Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is taking aim at President Joe Biden’s administration for promoting migration as a historically unprecedented mass of illegal immigrants storms the border. The White House and the government of Mexico released a Thursday joint announcement calling for illegal aliens to receive amnesty privileges, drawing the ire of Johnson. Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas led a delegation to develop [More]
12/30/23   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The Great Taking is described by former hedge fund manager David Webb as a system put in place by central bankers to take everything, from everyone This planned confiscation of global securities assets deserves the title of “greatest crime ever contemplated” Although the plan is decades in the making, Webb details signs that indicate it may be coming to fruition soon — if nothing is done to stop it The Great Taking is a carefully orchestrated construct, but one that has legal underpinnings and support from the CIA and upper echelons of [More]
12/29/23 “The latest Big Brother move by the illegitimate Biden regime to censor opposing views. This will be decided by the Supreme Court so we need to pray they will rule in the favor of free speech.” Admin There now is a definitive list of states where officials want to be able to censor their residents, controlling what they claim is “misleading information.” And all 23 are led by Democrats. The list comes courtesy of constitutional expert and popular legal commentator Jonathan Turley, a renowned law professor at George Washington University who not only has testified as an expert before Congress but [More]
12/28/23   KGB. Gestapo. Stasi. Every totalitarian regime has its enforcement arm, its dreaded police apparatus. These evil outfits exist only to strike horror into the hearts of citizens, and to turn them into fearful, compliant drones who won’t challenge the regime’s power.   In America, we’ve been uniquely blessed to not have a national police force that answers to the despots in power — and for the most part, we’ve been blessed to not have despots. But America’s uniqueness — including its freedom from national police — is changing.   Millions of Americans have awakened to the reality that our country is [More]
12/28/23 Corrupt Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney is preventing evidence from being examined from the 2020 Election.  His efforts go against Georgia law and prevent the world from knowing the truth about the 2020 Election. The Georgia election results in the 2020 Election never should have been certified and because they were, the election was stolen from President Trump. Not only were the systems and processes in Georgia messed up in 2020, but the ballots were messed up as well.   Read More: Corrupt Georgia Judge Robert McBurney Breaks the Law – Blocking Review of 140,000 Reportedly Fraudulent Ballots Counted in [More]
12/20/23 The U.S. southern border recorded a record number of migrant encounters during a single day Monday. Customs and Border Protection told Fox News there were over 12,600 migrant encounters on Monday. Eagle Pass, Texas, was flooded with over 4,000 migrant crossings in the area in a single day. “That does not include the thousands still waiting for processing in the Del Rio Sector on Monday evening after a surge of migrants into Eagle Pass,” Fox News wrote. “Government numbers obtained from Border Patrol show yesterday had the most-ever immigrants encountered at the southern border: 14,509,” Anna Giaritelli reports.   Read/Watch: Record High Of [More]