11/3/24 “You may not agree with everything he says but he does make some important points in this article.” Admin Paul Craig Roberts The Democrats are set to steal the election. They have everything in place except enough votes to hide their theft. Watch the video of the Trump Grand Finale, listen to the speeches by Robert Kennedy and Tucker Carlson. Marvel at the massive audience. It appears that Americans have cast off their insouciance and are going to take back their country from the two corrupt political parties, both of which have unleashed evil on America and the world. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/11/no_author/grand-finale-with-president-donald-trump-in-glendale-az/ The
11/1/24 “It now remains to be seen if this law will be used to silence speech that the government considers as ‘hate’. Since there is no clear definition of what ‘hate’ means in the law it gives the government free rein to make it mean whatever they want. This does not bode well for free speech in Ireland.” Admin The Criminal Justice (Hate Offences) Act, enacted by Ireland on October 29, marks a significant shift in the country’s approach to hate crime legislation. Signed by President Michael D. Higgins, the Act followed intense parliamentary sessions and passed with a 78-52
11/1/24 “Copied this from an email I received from a group in North Carolina. Dems up to their dirty tricks there.” Admin Just like we suspected. Roy Cooper isn’t an idiot. He knows how important Western NC votes are to Republicans. He also knows he’s not welcome there. That’s why he’s slow-walked any rescue or recovery efforts from the state, for that affected area. Now, he’s turned his focus to making it hard for citizens in the affected areas to vote. This is what I thought would happen. Because Cooper, a Democrat, is the Governor, he gets to pick the
11/1/24 This is wild! Mr. Trump makes an unforgettable entrance to a rally in Michigan using the same somber music that the wrestling legend The Undertaker used before his important matches. The title of this music is Rest In Peace. Is he telling his opponents that they will soon RIP (rest in peace)?
10/31/24 Just found this great channel on Rumble. It’s a conservative alternative news channel giving the latest news on vote fraud, corruption in government and many other areas of concern to all of us. Their latest video is below. You can skip ahead to 16:00 mark if desired which is where the news program starts. Highly recommended.
10/31/24 More evidence of vote fraud/suppression in Pennsylvania. This is undoubtedly going on in many Dem controlled states.
10/31/24 “How brazen can you get! In your face vote fraud in Michigan. Their line of thought must be ‘Who is going to stop us!’. With such blatant criminality going on I can see why many are predicting violence after this fraud ridden election is over.” Admin How is that 114,545 voters cast 279,113 ballots from multiple addresses across the state? The Democrats are stealing it right before our very eyes and no one can or will do anything about it. Matthew DePeron is reporting, “after reviewing the Qualified Voter File (QVF) of votes actually cast as of yesterday, Oct
10/29/24 “It certainly looks like a serious attempt is being made to dump the dollar in international trade. If that ever happens watch out below for the value of the dollar.” Admin On February 26th, 2022, the U.S., EU, UK and Canada, agreed to ban a select group of Russian banks from the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, aka… SWIFT. The move was originally intended to cripple Russia’s financial system in an effort to pressure Putin into ending his military operations in Ukraine. Seven Russian banks were denied access to SWIFT, initially causing somewhat of a negative impact on
10/29/24 LOGANSPORT, IN- Thousands of Haitians have relocated to a tiny town in Indiana surging the population by 30% Locals share that they’re being attracted by the Tyson plant that is potentially getting a federal tax credit for hiring migrants. Watch the video for reactions from local residents on how they feel about this and what is going on. Watch video on X
10/29/24 “For those who haven’t seen his video ‘Silenced’ as mentioned in the article you can watch it on Rumble here.” Admin Robinson, 41, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, admitted to breaching a 2021 High Court injunction barring him from making claims about a Syrian refugee student, Jamal Hijazi – whose lawyers successfully sued Robonson for libel and ordered to pay 100,000 pounds ($129,000) in damages. On Friday, police confirmed that Robinson had been arrested on “one count of failing to provide the PIN to his mobile phone” Under UK law, police have the right to stop anyone passing
10/24/24 “We’ll find out soon whether “The Pause” to install Trump as president is real or not.” Admin Expose from The People’s Voice on vote fraud plans by the globalists to steal the 2024 election here.
10/21/24 “I copied this from a recent post made by UK funeral director John O’Looney on X (formerly Twitter) giving his rather dire assessment of Britain today. You can read more of his posts on X by visiting his account here.” Admin I’m actually now at the stage I personally consider the British government the enemy of the British people. They are self serving and actively attacking this country. Ive watched them poison everyone by lethal injection as they partied and got rich off it, then deny it. I’ve placed the victims of these poisons into coffins, pulled white fibrous
10/21/24 “This is a follow up to the post I did on 10/14 about the ‘Pause’ with some new indicators that something unusual is going on behind the scenes, at least it sure seems that way. Check it out and see what you think. In a few weeks we’ll know if this is real or not.” Admin I’m going to start this article off with a big, giant disclaimer: I’m simply going to present to you President Trump’s own words and let you decide what you think of them. Sound fair? Nothing more, nothing less. But I have become fascinated
10/14/24 “I just finished reading this article and to say the least it’s very thought provoking! Check it out and make your own decision whether this is true or not. With the election so near we won’t have to wait long to find out whether this is really true or not.” Admin President Trump has once again confirmed that “The Pause” is real….twice in one day! Do you know about “The Pause”? It’s the dash in 45-47.It’s the 4-year period where Biden was allowed to play President. Just like in the Tribulation where God temporarily allows the
10/14/24 I want to share with you a FANTASTIC new documentary video that just went live…. It’s from Troy Black who we’ve covered here from time-to-time. He has over half a million followers on YouTube and he says God told him to pause all his other work to make this video. If that’s true, then I want to do my part to make sure as many people see it as possible! I just got finished watching it and it’s fantastic. If you’ve been a die-hard Trump supporter since 2015, there might not be a lot new in
10/13/24 “So the military has now been given the authority to use lethal force against US citizens in certain situations. The next month or so should be very interesting to say the least. Please pray for our country, things are looking quite grim.” Admin Imagine waking up to discover that the U.S. military has quietly been granted the authority to assist in domestic law enforcement activities—including the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens in certain circumstances. Now consider that this change was enacted just weeks before an election, already surrounded by concerns about unrest, civil liberties, and potential government
“Since this election is one of the most important of our lives it’s necessary to get as much information as possible to decide who to vote for so this video on Harris will shine a light on her background and who she really is.” Admin Harmeet Dhillon is a San Francisco lawyer who’s known Kamala Harris for more than 20 years. Her verdict: Kamala Harris is a criminal. Here are the details. Chapters: 0:00 Become a Member at TuckerCarlson.com 0:43 Who Really Is Kamala Harris? 2:41 Kamala and Willie Brown 22:17 How Does Kamala Pronounce Her Name? 32:23 Kamala’s Crimes
10/05/24 Some fun facts about the Democrat plan to steal elections using “overseas” ballots: – Through the UOCAVA/overseas program, you can register to vote online without providing ID, SSN, or proof of citizenship/address. Read More
10/04/24 “Totally disgraceful! All the more reason to vote Republican in November. Pleasse pray that this vital aid wil get though.” Admin It’s hard enough to prepare for the catastrophic results of something like Hurricane Helene, which destroyed towns, homes, bridges, roads – and lives and families. But that task turns into, literally, the impossible when there’s corruption, gross mismanagement, and politics present. And it’s becoming more and more evident that the help for southeastern states, specifically the hardest-hit regions of North Carolina, is being corrupted by near-insurmountable failings. Already, WND has reported that the
10/03/24 “Think these glasses will interest the government? I am sure they will. Another step to an Orwellian future.” Admin Two Harvard students are using Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses linked to an artificial intelligence (AI) large language model (LLM) to collect people’s personal information just by looking at them. AnhPhu Nguyen and Caine Ardayfio’s modified glasses, dubbed I-XRAY, use facial recognition technology to find pictures of the people the wearer looks at online, cross-referencing them to build a profile including their address, contact details, and partial or even complete social security numbers in real-time. “What makes I-XRAY unique is that
10/01/24 A statewide “error” validated by the Arizona Supreme Court has resulted in almost a quarter million illegal aliens being given clearance to vote in the elections in November. Making matters worse, the Supreme Court has acknowledged the mistake but will not reverse the error until after the November election. This means that 218,000 illegal aliens residing in Arizona will able to vote in the swing state which was allegedly won by Democrat Joe Biden in 2020 with 49% of the vote. Read More: Arizona Supreme Court ‘Error’ Makes Nearly Quarter Million Illegal Aliens Eligible to Vote in
09/30/24 “The same independent reporter who investigated the immigrant invasion in Springfiled, OH now covers the same situation now occurring in Charleroi, Pennsylvania.” Admin You’re not going to believe what’s happening in ANOTHER small town in America. Another migrant surge has overtaken a small town. This time, it’s Charleroi, Pennsylvania. I spoke with many people in this small town and they all expressed their frustrations with the number of migrants that have overwhelmed their small Pennsylvania town.
09/29/24 “Sadly this is not surprising, the Dems have become totally power mad and corrupt. They will do anything to win: lie, steal or cheat it makes no difference to them. Please pray earnestly that God will bring to nothing their evil doings.” Admin The alarm is being sounded about large numbers of illegal aliens being allowed to vote in the upcoming presidential election, with former President Donald Trump’s son warning of “forces that are not looking to do the right thing.” Appearing on “Sunday Morning Futures” on the Fox News Channel, Donald Trump Jr. said, “We’re
09/28/24 “The best thing to do is to pray and ask God what he wants you to do in preparation for the tulmultous times ahead. If you are not a Christian here is how to become one.” Admin A former FBI agent persecuted for his concerns about the government’s weaponization against conservatives has warned the nation now to be prepared. “Arm yourself and know how to defend yourself,” explained Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff operations specialist, during a hearing held by the Judiciary Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government. He continued, “Make three to
09/28/24 “The Dems know their lunatic policies are rejected by most thinking US citizens so their answer is to bring in millions of illegals and by hook or crook get them registered to vote. We need to be in earnest prayer that Trump wins or this country will be lost either to perpetual Dem tyranny or a raging civil war.” Admin Hundreds of immigrants are being fast-tracked to become U.S. citizens as authorities process citizenship applications at breakneck speed ahead of the 2024 election. Tech billionaire Elon Musk reiterated fears that Democrats are allowing illegal immigration to ensure a “permanent one-party rule,”
09/24/24 “This article exposes the questionable ‘police organization’, created in June 2024 obviously for political purposes, as just another gaslighting of the American people by this shameless fraud Harris regarding her record on crime. For all our sakes please pray that Trump wins in Nov.” Admin Let’s set the record straight, Fox News: “Police Leaders for Community Safety” is a far cry from a “leading law enforcement group” or “nonpartisan,” despite the headline. The group’s recent endorsement of Kamala Harris for president is a stark contradiction to their name and a clear departure from the sentiments of rank-and-file police officers.
090/24/24 “Excellent series of interviews, there are others below the first one in the article, detailing what a disaster for America it would be if Harris became president. The future of our country does ride on this election so vote and pray that Trump wins.” Admin “I am not alone in believing this election is, really, the last shot we have in saving our country,” says Elizabeth Farah, co-founder of WND, now in its 28th year. The wife of veteran journalist and WND founder Joseph Farah, Elizabeth is laser-focused on helping inform and awaken as many Americans as