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06;/27/23 You gotta love Israel. I sure do. And what’s the latest from the Holy Land? It could be the biggest bombshell for biblical archaeologists since the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered in 1949 in Qumran. I’m not exaggerating. It’s the earliest original Hebrew writing found by Israelis outside of the Bible – a 3,200-year-old amulet, a “curse tablet,” on folded-lead carrying the name of “Yahweh,” or the divine name of God. It seems unbelievable – too good to be true. This thing is original – not a copy.   Read More: Bombshell discovery of oldest Hebrew writing in Israel
  06/20/23 “For information on Christian alternatives to the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts click here.” Admin   Girl Scouts as young as kindergarten age can earn a rainbow-striped “fun patch” by celebrating Pride Month through activities such as drawing, creating an LGBTQ+ music playlist, or attending a Gay Pride parade.   According to the Girl Scouts’ website: “The Girl Scout LGBTQ+ Pride Month Celebration Fun Patch is designed for Girl Scouts of all levels and their leaders to honor LGBTQ+ history, to celebrate the diverse cultures and identities of LGBTQ+ people, and to acknowledge the many contributions of the [More]
06/16/23   In the last few months, Congress has held hearings on the implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), ranging from its possible positive use to its already nefarious attributes, such as hackers’ abilities to use AI software to steal the voices of your family members and use them to manipulate you into believing they have been kidnapped. Plus, the almost equally as devastating news that AI has been used to recreate John Lennon on the latest Beatles album.   Even Elon Musk, who tends to champion technological advancements as beneficial to humanity, has warned that AI could have devastating consequences for society. However, not [More]
06/08/23   With a series of photographs showing the life of Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson, the Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded, announced his death on Thursday at the age of 93.   He had started out with a local Virginia station back in the day, and finished with the global CBN   Read More: Pat Robertson, CBN founder, dies at 93
05/26/23   The Biden administration now is lumping Christians, Republicans, conservatives and Nazis all in one category.   A report from the Gateway Pundit explains the scheme follows decisions by the government earlier to infiltrate Catholic parishes to spy on congregations, to dispatch federal agents to the Jan. 6, 2021, protests at the Capitol to stir up emotions, and to censor Americans’ speech.   The report explains a new terrorism program within the Department of Homeland Security now is moving into unprecedented territory with its classifications of those group disliked by the Biden administration.   “This in unprecedented in American history. Not [More]
05/26/23   If you’re not paying attention to how woke banks can outright “cancel” Christian organizations, on very short notice, here’s something else you need to worry about in these strange times.   In an address to the National Religious Broadcasters at their annual meeting in Florida, evangelist Franklin Graham warned of a “coming storm” Christian organizations are facing – from the banking industry. He explained he’s been forced to take steps to avoid being “canceled.” First it was gun owners; now it’s Christian organizations.   Graham is chief of the international relief charity Samaritan’s Purse as well as executive [More]
05/18/23   In the heart of Blackburn, the most recent embodiment of this undeniable conquest takes shape as a 150-year-old church resurrects itself as the Masjid-e-Taqwa.   In a historic shift, the United Kingdom is witnessing the transformation of its Christian identity as Islam emerges as the fastest-growing religion in post-Christian Europe. The latest evidence of this phenomenon can be seen in the proliferation of mosques housed in former churches, a visible reflection of the changing religious landscape.   According to the 2021 census, England and Wales have become minority Christian countries, marking the first time in history that fewer than half [More]
05/16/23   What curriculum does your church use for their children’s and teen ministry? For over 10,000 churches, including, apparently, “49% of the fastest growing churches,” the answer is Orange, a curriculum that claims to impact over one million children and teens per year. But I have concerns about this popular curriculum.   Read More: With Churches Using Curricula Like This, No Wonder We Are Losing The Younger Generations To The World | Harbingers Daily
05/12/23 Stew Peters Show: Christian singer and author Sean Feucht is here to talk about how blatantly evil our culture has become. The satanic enemy always pushes his hardest right before God delivers his people. Sean believes America is on the precipice of a great revival. That is why he is traveling from state to states leading worship services at state capitols. The biggest threat to satan is Christians who know the truth and a Church that faithfully serves God according to the scriptures by understanding the divine authority given to her. As the federal government persecutes Christians more and [More]
05/06/23   ‘We need to embrace interreligious dialogue,’ says vice president for Georgetown’s ministry division   Georgetown University, which touts itself as the oldest Catholic Jesuit university in the United States, founded in the 1790s, recently completed a major construction project erecting a large mosque on campus.   “On March 18, Georgetown officially opened the Yarrow Mamout Masjid, the first mosque with ablution stations, a spirituality and formation hall and a halal kitchen on a U.S. college campus,” the university stated in a news release.   Read More: Georgetown, oldest Catholic university in U.S., erects large mosque on campus | The College Fix
05/04/23   Alex Newman Show: The Deep State is trying to erase America’s amazing Christian history and heritage as part of the effort to eventually destroy the United States, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. That effort to erase history begins with the 1607 landing of English settlers on the shores of Virginia, and the prayer and covenant they invoked asking God to use and bless their efforts to spread the Gospel into America and worldwide. Alex also covers some of the other key history including the Pilgrims and [More]
04/27/23   In a recent survey of born-again Christians, less than half claimed to believe that Jesus lived a sinless life while on Earth, or that human life is sacred.   The American Worldview Inventory (AWVI) 2023— a national representative survey of 2,000 adults, including 650 born-again Christians, was conducted in January by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.   The AWVI 2023 found that church attendance has declined by about 6% since the start of the pandemic in 2020. Now, just one out of three adults (33%) currently attend a church service, either in person or online during [More]
04/21/23   Dr. Charles Frazier Stanley, who founded In Touch Ministries and was the senior pastor at Atlanta’s First Baptist Church died Tuesday Apr 18, 2023  at the age of 90. In Touch Ministries tweeted Tuesday morning of Stanley’s founding.   According to FOX 5 Atlanta,First Baptist Atlanta Senior Pastor Anthony Georgia said the former leader of the church died “peacefully” in his home.   Read/Watch: Charles Stanley, Atlanta pastor, televangelist and In Touch Ministries founder, dead at 90 | Fox News
04/21/23   A report from the Family Research Council (FRC), released earlier this month, is highlighting the sharp rise in acts of hostility against the church in the United States.   The report documented a nearly 300% increase in acts of hostility in the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same time frame in 2022. If the trend continues, the report underscored that “2023 will have the highest number of incidents of the six years FRC has tracked.”   The acts of hostility contained in the report include “vandalism, arson, gun-related incidents, bomb threats, and more.”   “January of 2023 was [More]
04/18/23 There are only two genders. Josh Alexander joins Stew to detail how he was suspended and arrested after standing for biblical truth. Josh stood up for the girls at his school who were uncomfortable that biological men were allowed to use the women’s bathroom. He then engaged in an online debate and triggered trans activists by using the Bible to support his belief that there are only two genders. Josh challenged the Catholic school staff to open their Bibles and rectify their pro trans policy. The school had Josh arrested when he attended class to stand up for his [More]
04/16/23   Ben Armstrong Show: Christians in America need to prepare to stand strong. The persecution of Christians has only just begun. What should you do as a Christian?   Watch: Dr. Thomas Williams Says The FBI Has Made It Open Season On Christians – The New American
04/15/23   Now it’s the “civility” of pro-life advocates that is acting as a trigger for radical abortion promoters who cannot tolerate even the idea of a debate on the issue.   It is constitutional expert Jonathan Turley who found an incident at Yale highlighting leftists’ new advocacy for totalitarian speech limits.   “This tirade at Yale against free speech captures many of these elements from the attack on civility to the view of opposing speech as harmful. Given the increasingly anti-free speech culture in our elementary through high schools, it is not surprising to see this rising generation of censors. These [More]
04/15/23 A restraining order has been issued against a street preacher threatening him with jail if over the next five years he offends someone by citing Bible verses that oppose the ideology of same-sex marriage. And that action is being challenged by the Rutherford Institute. It actually is an attempt “by the courts to silence individuals whose religious views may be perceived as intolerant or hateful,” the organization reported. At hand is a five-year restraining order against a street preacher who has been threatened with arrest “after citing Bible verses on social media to express his moral concerns about a [More]
04/13/23   King Charles is in a row with Church of England leaders “over the role of non-Christian faiths” in his upcoming May 6th coronation ceremony. Charles is insisting on a ceremony “to better reflect the modern monarchy,” as opposed to celebrating the history of Britain. So he has insisted on the participation of representatives of the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and other faith traditions. “This has prompted a deadlock with church officials, who warn that the move would clash with centuries­-old canon law,” but Charles is getting support from woke circles.   Read More: UK: King Charles clashes with Church of England [More]
04/12/23 FBI’s investigation on Catholics is an excuse to persecute the ‘political enemies’ of the left: Evita Duffy University of Chicago student and The Chicago Thinker managing editor Evita Duffy discusses the FBI’s internal memo warning against ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology.’ The FBI recently sought to develop sources inside Christian churches and Catholic dioceses as part of an effort to combat domestic terrorism, according to internal documents released by House Judiciary Committee on Monday. The internal documents — obtained last month by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., who are also members of the [More]
04/11/23 By Ken Ham Yes, this is a real headline: “Bible College Fires Professor for Tweeting Against Homosexuality, Threatens to Report Him as a ‘Terrorist.’” A Methodist Bible college located in the UK fired one of its professors, Dr. Aaron Edwards—and then threatened to report him as a “terrorist”—for a simple tweet warning evangelicals about the invasion of homosexual behavior into the church and saying that this is severe. Dr. Edwards tweeted, Homosexuality is invading the Church. Evangelicals no longer see the severity of this [because] they’re busy apologising for their apparently barbaric homophobia, whether or not it’s true. He [More]
04/3/23 Should we be surprised?  As our society comes apart at the seams all around us, Satan and Satanism are becoming extremely popular. Videos featuring Satan are getting millions of views on TikTok and YouTube, millions of Americans are watching shows that feature Satan as a main character on Netflix and other streaming services, and the Satanic Temple has become one of the fastest growing religious organizations that the United States has ever seen. As you will see below, traditional American values are declining at a very rapid pace, and it was inevitable that something would fill that void.  In [More]
03/29/23   “This is not surprising, as the nation drifts farther away from God evil thoughts and deeds will manifest themselves more and more.” Admin All of a sudden it appears to be acceptable for personalities, whether in education, politics or entertainment, to call for violence against Christians. The issue is the outright enthusiastic support for transgenderism that that ideology is demanding from everyone. If one is a Christian, and by faith cannot endorse that unscientific agenda that claims people can change sexes, it’s common to be labeled a “transphobe.” And those suggestions of violence never are far behind.   [More]
03/20/23   The Dobbs decision by the U.S. Supreme Court last year will be in news reports for years. It’s because the 6-3 decision struck down the faulty 1973 ruling in Roe that created a national right to abortion.  Now people, through their state governments, are allowed to regulate the lucrative abortion industry.   However, a new analysis from PJMedia explains there’s another decision, this one unanimous, that is “more important.”   It explained, “As important as Dobbs surely is, Shurtleff restored the right of every American to practice and express their religious beliefs, as guaranteed by the First Amendment.”   [More]
03/16/23   “I applaud them for taking a costly stand against this “woke” insanity that’s working its way through society like a plague. Confused men who think their women should not be allowed to participate in womens sports. If this continues it will disenfranchise real women from having a fair chance at winning in many events. Sadly, it’s gaining traction and looks like it’s not going away any time soon.”  Admin   Their crime. Reason and truth. They forfeited a match against an opposing team that includes a male player. And for this, they were severely punished. Martyrs.   The [More]
03/15/23 “Some good news in the UK for freedom of speech.” Admin   A judge has overturned the conviction of a Christian street preacher who was arrested and reported to Prevent for ‘misgendering’ a member of the public.   Supported by the Christian Legal Centre, Dave McConnell, 42, from Wakefield, was appealing a conviction today at Leeds Crown Court after he was arrested under section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986 for ‘insulting’ a member of the public in Leeds City Centre on 8 June 2021. Convicted for ‘misgendering’ The arrest was made after he ‘misgendered’ a biological male who [More]
03/11/23   Members of Parliament have approved the introduction of censorship zones (also known as “buffer zones”) outside of abortion facilities across England and Wales.   Clause 10 (formerly Clause 9) of the Public Order Bill will criminalise any form of “influence” outside of abortion facilities – including in the form of silent prayer.   An amendment to permit silent prayer and consensual conversations within the censorship zones was proposed by Andrew Lewer MP, but failed to pass after a vote of 116 to 299.   Read More: ‘Watershed Moment’: UK Parliament Approves Censorship Zones, Rejects Amendments To Protect Silent [More]