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We live in a new and frightening era when many religious believers are being told “doing their job” takes priority over their conscience. This has many believers wondering what happened to their First Amendment right to freedom of religion. One thing Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis has heard over and over during her refusal to issue gay marriage licenses is “just do your job.” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Matt Bowman said that’s part of a strategy by progressives to redefine jobs in order to support their agenda. Forcing You to Help “The Left is not content that abortion or [More]
Now it’s becoming clear: A case that erupted in Kentucky because same-sex duos demanded marriage licenses from a Christian county clerk who refused to issue them wasn’t about marriage at all. It was about forcing a homosexual agenda on a Christian. That’s the assertion of Liberty Counsel, whose lawyers are working with Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis. She defied a federal court order to issue licenses to same-sex marriage couples and was jailed for nearly a week. During that time her deputies were ordered to start issuing the licenses. But the same-sex duos who originally brought the case are [More]
“Just more proof that the US/NATO were never really targeting ISIS at all but were just saying so for propaganda purposes to fool the people back home.”  Admin US air strikes in Syria are window-dressing, and have little real effect on the militias of the Islamic state (IS), who are left free to act on the ground. Instead the Russian attacks in recent days have been effective, forcing jihadists to fall back towards the Iraqi desert. This is according to Msgr. Jacques Behnan Hindo, referring to testimonies of people living in areas of conflict theater. “Moscow’s intervention has been positive [More]
Nearly half of atheists, agnostics, and those with no religious preference in the U.S. see evidence in the universe for a creator, according to just-released polling data from a major research organization. LifeWay Research is a Nashville-based polling group that frequently surveys Americans on matters of faith and culture. The group’s latest report, “American Views on Reasons to Believe in a Creator,” shows surprising insights on the number of people who believe in a creator. According to the study, 72% of all Americans think that because the universe has organization, there is a creator who designed it. Over half of [More]
Today marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Korean Workers’ Party in 1945. North Korea has been gearing up for huge celebrations. The party has ruled uninterrupted since then and has established an ideological stranglehold on the country. North Korea is a police state in which dissent is punishable by death. According to the International Coalition to Stop Crimes against Humanity in North Korea (ICNK), it’s not an anniversary which deserves to be marked. “Given the decades of horrific rights abuses committed in the name of Korean Workers’ Party, this 70th anniversary should be mourned, not celebrated,” said [More]
Parents in Tennessee have put their governor, legislature and state education department on notice that they want an investigation into pro-Islam bias in the textbooks and other materials used in public schools there. The curricula violate the state law and constitution, and the U.S. Constitution, the parents contend. Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, noted that concerned citizens have been trying to get the problem addressed for several years. But on Thursday, she asserted enough is enough. She issued a call for Gov. Bill Haslam, the Legislature and the Tennessee Department of Education to launch a “full [More]
This was how the Wichita State University chapel looked like before it was turned into a ‘faith neutral’ area that eventually resembled a Muslim praying area. Right in the American Heartland, in the state of Kansas, a minority group of Muslim students have succeeded in taking over what used to be the Christian chapel of their university to the dismay of the school’s majority Christian population. Ironically, the Muslims gained control of the Christian prayer area with the help of the administrators of Wichita State University (WSU) who, last May, decided to make the university’s chapel “faith neutral” to accommodate [More]
“I posted about this plan last month, I can only assume the government got some “heat” about it and decided to drop it.”  Admin A U.K. government plan, uncovered by the London Telegraph, to ensure that religious teaching conforms to “British values” through a national registry of religious leaders has been dropped abruptly. As part of the government’s “anti-extremism” program, the leaders would have been subject to government-specified training and security checks. “British values” are defined as ideas and actions that are democratic and non-discriminatory. WND reported last month when Ciaran Kelly, a spokesman for the Christian Institute, warned, “If [More]
The Focus on the Family-sponsored “Bring Your Bible to School Day” kicked off Thursday, 10/08/15, with the level of expected participants figured at around 100,000. Last year, the event drew in 8,000, the Blaze reported. The initiative is billed to “encourage public school students from kindergarten to college to express their faith freely,” the nonprofit said, the Blaze reported. And so far, Twitter has exploded with pictures and testimonies of participants. Read More: 100,000 students bring Bibles to classrooms
 A Colorado university is prohibiting a donor from putting Bible references on his nameplate despite his generous donation. Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, constructed a new campus athletic facility where sponsors could have a personalized nameplate placed on a locker in the football locker room. Former student and football player Michael Lucas wanted Colossians 3:23 and Micah 5:9 engraved on a nameplate for his $25,000 donation. The school denied his request to inscribe the Bible reference although prior to Lucas’ request no restrictions had been named other than length of the text. Read More: $25K donor told Bible [More]
“If you look at the picture above the answer to one of the basic beliefs statements is Muslims worship the same God as Jews and Christians, which of course is a blatant falsehood. They are just trying to brainwash the kids into thinking Muslims, Jews and Christians are just one big happy family all worshiping the same God.”  Admin Public schools in Georgia have been teaching young children about the basic beliefs of Islam, and their parents are furious about it. Hundreds of parents plan to confront the Board of Education of the Walton County school district on Oct. 10 [More]
An experienced archaeologist who has spent a decade searching for the ancient ruins of Sodom is now confident that his team has located the ill-fated biblical city and evidence of its sudden destruction. Dr. Steven Collins is a distinguished professor of Archaeology at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque and is also dean of the school’s College of Archaeology & Biblical History. In addition to writing dozens of scholarly books and journal articles, Collins frequently visits the Middle East, where he participates in ongoing archaeological research. Since 2005, Collins has led excavations in the southern Jordan Valley in an attempt to [More]
Officials in Oregon have moved to take the home and/or other assets of a Christian couple as they are refusing to pay $135,000 in emotional damages to two lesbian women that filed a complaint after the couple declined to make a cake at their bakery for their “wedding” ceremony. As previously reported, in February, a judge with the Oregon BOLI declared Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa guilty of discrimination for declining to make the cake because of their Christian convictions, thus moving the matter into the sentencing phase. Read More: Officials Move to Take Christian Bakers’ [More]
 The Secretary General proclaimed this even though he is reportedly fully aware that championing the radical agenda will continue to stir internal tension and division between member nations. However, Ban conceded that his mission to advance LGBT rights on a global scale has been met with opposition, but pledged that his “personal diplomacy” of promoting homosexual behavior in numerous nations will not abate.“ Mostly I have not been successful,” the Secretary General regretfully announced at a special event Tuesday on the sideline of the General Assembly in front of cheering advocates and delegates at the U.N. headquarters, according to C-Fam. [More]
Shemitah 2015 has come to a close, and author Jonathan Cahn shares updates on its impact on America and the state of world affairs
President Obama, who has been trying to reframe the Constitution’s protection of religious rights to the narrower “freedom to worship” rather than “freedom of religion” went a step further over the weekend in an address to a homosexual festival. He said at the Democratic National Committee’s LGBT Gala in New York that the Constitution’s protections for “gay” rights trump the protection for religious rights. Read More: Obama: ‘Gay’ trumps religion in Constitution
Is Noah’s Ark still hiding somewhere today, waiting to be discovered? A documentary coming to theaters nationwide next week explores the ongoing search for the world’s most famous vessel and documents the dangers involved in the centuries-old quest. According to the Bible, Noah constructed an enormous wooden ark to house his family and representatives of the different animal kinds during the Great Flood. After the floodwaters subsided, the ark came to rest “upon the mountains of Ararat,” according to Genesis 8:4. Today, Mount Ararat is the tallest mountain in Turkey, with a towering, snow-capped summit and an elevation of nearly [More]
I believe it is important to give an update. I have given warning concerning judgment. I have said that I believe America is rapidly advancing toward calamity—that we have crossed the line in our apostasy and defiance of God. I’ve warned that if America continues in its present course, if there’s no return to God, its crown as head of nations will be removed and that I believe a great shaking is coming to this nation and the world. As for when these things are to take place, I have from the beginning always issued a strong caution, in spoken [More]
It’s not just evangelical Christians, messianic Jews and Hebrew roots believers touting something big, something significant in the tetrad of blood moons set for a grand finale “supermoon” show Sept. 28 in a week. Increasingly, Orthodox Jewish leaders and teachers are saying the event is significant historically and for the future of Israel and the Jewish people. Bob O’Dell and Gidon Ariel, founders of Root Source, an educational program in which Orthodox Israelis teach Christians about the Bible and Judaism, say the closing blood moon on the first day of Sukkot, or the Feast of Tabernacles, should not be ignored [More]
A dedicated Christian steel worker in Ohio has been fired after he shared his faith and the faith-based movie “Audacity” with two lesbian co-workers, leaving a him, his wife and two kids without any income. The employment of Precision Strip metal processing worker Chris Routson, who worked on the floor of Precision Strip’s plant in Middletown, Ohio, for the last 13 years, came to an abrupt end on Aug. 27 when he was terminated, without severance pay or unemployment, because his lesbian co-workers were uncomfortable with how he indiscriminately shared his faith with them. Routson explained in an interview with [More]
“If anyone still considers Mr. O a Christian this story should put that absurdity to rest. Any real Christian would have granted these brethren asylum.”  Admin The fate of those Iraqi Christians who had fled from the Islamic State only to be incarcerated in the United States has finally been decided by the Obama administration: they are to be thrown back to the lions, where they will likely be persecuted, if not slaughtered, like so many Iraqi Christians before them. Fifteen of the 27 Iraqi Christians that have been held at a detention center in Otay Mesa, California, for approximately [More]
A Massachusetts urologist has been expelled by a Boston hospital for making statements on an internal online portal expressing concern about the health dangers of same-sex sexual activity. Dr. Paul Church serves as a urology professor at Harvard University and also has admitting privileges at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, where he has seen patients for nearly the past 30 years. He also has participated in medical missions outreaches in Mexico and Africa. For over the past decade, Church has expressed concern to his colleagues about the hospital’s promotion of homosexual events. He has commented both via email and on [More]
“This pope would make a great NWO religious leader. He contradicts Jesus as to who a Christians brothers and sisters are. Read Matthew: 12:48 – 12:50.  Mat. 12:50 “For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.” What is the will of the Father, read John 6:40: “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.” Non Christians are fellow human beings but are not [More]
“Please remember to keep him in your prayers as I’m sure his life is a living nightmare. Too bad our pretend “Christian” prez, Mr. O, didn’t press for his release during negotiations with Iran regarding this recent nuclear deal, the pastor could have been home by now.”  Admin An American pastor imprisoned in Iran was interrogated, abused and threatened with new criminal charges on Wednesday, according to a new report. The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which has been fighting for the release of Saeed Abedini, states that Iranian intelligence officers questioned the pastor yesterday and were both [More]
As business owners suffer penalties in the United Kingdom and the United States for refusing to endorse or promote “same-sex marriage,” a “values monitor” for the British government’s counter-terrorism program is acknowledging it might be illegal simply to criticize the behavior. The U.K. charity Christian Institute is raising the alarm after the values monitor was asked whether or not it would be acceptable for a Muslim to believe homosexuality is wrong. “If that’s what you think, and that’s what you believe, and you want to hold that in your head, that is your business and your right, but bear in [More]
Abortion, a highly publicized debate topic recently, affects hundreds of thousands. America’s Middle East policy, another debate topic, affects millions. Those strange questions about one candidate’s comment about another candidate’s appearance affect almost no one, but still get attention. But a debate shaping up for Friday night about the end times will affect, in one way or another, well, everyone. That’s when Thomas Ice of the Pre-Trib Research Center will be debating Alan Kurschner of Eschatos Ministries on the question of whether the Christian church will face the Antichrist. The event will be at The Hope Center in Plano, Texas, [More]
  “Does this portend something momentous happening this year or next, we’ll just have to wait and see.”  Admin A rare event is set for Tuesday that some end times watchers will be looking at closely. The astrological event, known as a blood moon will occur around 7 p.m. ET on September 27 in the U.S. and end a just after midnight on September 28. Although blood moon occurs a few times a year in various parts of the world, a tetrad is rare. A blood moon occurs when the earth casts its shadow on a full moon, causing a [More]