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02/22/24   Actor and producer Kirk Cameron has announced he’s teaming up with his book publisher to produce a crowdfunded live-action children’s television series to bring wholesome entertainment to families.   The series titled Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk will combine “the timeless moral teachings of ‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’ with modern energy, hilarious dialogue, animated stories, and surprise guest stars” — for “a captivating experience for children and parents alike,” according to a press release.   Cameron and his book publisher BRAVE Books are partners in the new venture. They are currently in the process of crowdfunding two seasons (20 episodes) [More]
02/14/24   This fun-filled, and family friendly event will commemorate the Great American Solar Eclipse of 2024, which takes place the following Monday. There will be something for all ages, with featured presentations from NASA Astronauts, ICR scientists, amateur astronomers, and other guest speakers. The event will also include STEM based, hands-on activities and games for kids. Bring your whole family, and join us for this memorable day learning about the marvels of our solar system and the Lord Jesus who intricately engineered it all!   LOCATION First Baptist Church of Forney 1003 College Street, Forney, TX 75126   DATE [More]
02/14/24   In recent decades, the quality of American education has plummeted.   When you scan the headlines related to education, you realize how far we have fallen:   A “non-binary” activist teacher promotes the woke agenda for kindergarteners and claims that the U.S. and Israel have “no right to exist.” Harvard, America’s oldest and most prestigious college (historically), now teaches a class on the pop singer Taylor Swift. Harvard’s tuition is $75,000 a year. A Seattle high school teacher, who praised Hamas in class, failed a student on a quiz. Why? The student said men can’t get pregnant. When the student’s mom complained, the school [More]
02/10/24   “I’m glad to see an awakening as to what the Dems are doing and how important these upcoming elections are to our future.” Admin   Famed evangelist Franklin Graham has delivered a stunning verdict about the Democrats’ agenda, pushed by Joe Biden ever since he took office, to keep America’s southern border open for illegal aliens.   Graham, on social media, cited a comment from Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., who stated his party chooses illegal aliens to “care about most.”   Charged Graham, who serves as chief of the worldwide ministry Samaritan’s Purse, “Senator Chris Murphy, a Democrat [More]
02/06/24   Over the past week I finally took some time off. It’s been four years since I’ve done that, and suffice it to say, the break was much needed. But the Eastern European surname “Bobinski” is often transliterated as “one who is always busy,” and I can relate. I still did a few interviews and I still recorded my radio show, but during this past week I had more bandwidth to ponder what’s coming. And, following the wisdom found in Proverbs, I had a few conversations with informed friends whom I respect.   The result has been choosing to [More]
02/06/24 “If you’ll be sending your kid(s) off to camp later this year be sure to find out what the housing policy is before sending them.” Admin A YMCA camp’s full throttle acceleration into “wokeness” has prompted a warning from a local publication to parents.   “Heads up, parents!” suggests the Connecticut Sentinal regarding the Camp Hazen facility in Chester, after its announcement it is adding “all gender” cabins.   “Sleep-away camp is diving even deeper into the culture wars this summer, so you better make sure you read all of the fine print before you sign up your children for overnight [More]
02/06/24   Just when you think things can’t get any wackier, things get … well, wackier.   An article came out this week entitled “Policymakers blame homeschools for the mass exodus from public schools.” Yes, educrats are distressed that parents aren’t pleased with public schools. Therefore, in the twisted logic of the district bureaucrats, it’s the fault of homeschooling parents that public schools are failing so badly. If those awful parents didn’t yank their kids out in droves … why, those schools would be flourishing! Thriving! Booming!   Instead, districts are floundering. “If you were to drill down into the individual school [More]
  01/26/24   Despite the efforts of The Satanic Temple (TST) to force the removal of Christian clubs from public elementary schools in the name of diversity, one of the leaders of the largest child evangelism ministry in the world says Christian clubs are thriving throughout the country and around the world.   “Although even the very presence of After School Satan Clubs shows how far America has sunk into moral relativism, these so-called clubs are not succeeding in their goal, which is to scare school authorities into banning all after-school groups so as to oust Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF)’s Good News [More]
01/24/24   LifeSiteNews co-founder John-Henry Westen and his on the ground activist team, LifeSite League, joined tens of thousands of pro-lifers to witness for life at the March for Life 2024 in Washington, D.C. The 2024 March for Life featured key pro-life leaders, including “America’s Bishop” Joseph Strickland, U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, the Sisters of Life, and many others who are working on the frontlines to build a culture of life. LifeSiteNews continues bringing breaking coverage of all pro-life and pro-family initiatives across the world.   Watch: SPECIAL: Biggest pro-life moments from the 2024 March for Life
01/21/24   Open Doors US, working under its worldwide name, Open Doors International, to provide food, medicine, trauma care, legal help, safe housing and spiritual support for Christians, has released its newest World Watch List of persecution of Christians.   And it stunningly reveals that some five million Christians were added to the list of those facing “high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith” in just the last year.   A year ago that total was 360 million; now it’s 365 million.   “This means that 1 in 7 Christians experience pressure or violence because of their faith [More]
01/20/24   “The trailer is in the article and it shows the Creation account in the Bible being turned upside down! A sad commentary on the type of entertainment now being produced.” Admin   Multiple story lines, movies, TV programs and such in recent years have portrayed Satan as a bit of a rogue, a little outlandish, but really not a bad guy.   Of course, that’s in direct conflict with the Bible, which warns in Isaiah, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for [More]
01/16/24 Legendary pro wrestler Hulk Hogan was seen rushing to the scene of a car accident in Florida Sunday to help a victim climb out of her overturned car. Witnesses say that Hogan was riding in a car on the highway in Clearwater, Florida, when a woman swerved her car, made a somersault, turned over, and then ground to a halt right ahead of them, TMZ reported on Jan. 15. Apparently, the mighty Hulk jumped out of his car, and he and his pal Jake rushed over to see if they could assist the driver. Hogan, 70, and Jake, a U.S. Marine, [More]
01/13/24   More than half a century ago, Time magazine famously asked, “Is God Dead?” The black and red cover, the magazine’s first to include only text, sparked countless angry sermons and thousands of letters from readers accusing Time of engaging in tasteless nihilism, Marxist pandering, and outright blasphemy.   The question, which typified the counter-culture movement and the intellectual radicalism of the 1960s, was far off the mark both then and now. The United States has always been and remains a very religious nation despite steep declines in attendance at churches, synagogues, and mosques – trends that have captured [More]
12/29/23 “God willing we will vote out this out of control criminal, fraudulent regime next year.” Admin The Biden administration pushed Attorney General Merrick Garland to issue a controversial memo to “intimidate parents” against speaking out against leftist policies in schools, a legal advocacy group says. In October 2021, Mr. Garland issued a memo asking the FBI to investigate parents who spoke out at public school board meetings. America First Legal (AFL) has obtained records from the Department of Justice (DOJ) confirming that the memo was part of “the Biden Administration’s ‘all of government’ assault on parents speaking up against [More]
12/21/23 There’s nothing that says Christmas — the commemoration of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ — like a perverted drag show with a checkered history. And yet it could be coming to a theater near you! “A Drag Queen Christmas 2023” is pretty much self-descriptive; in case you needed to know, it basically involves the cast members from “RuPaul’s Drag Race” traipsing around America to spread a message endorsed absolutely nowhere in the Bible. According to a description on the site BroadwaySF, it’s “the longest running drag tour in America.”   Read More: ‘Drag Queen Christmas’ Spreads [More]
12/20/23 The parental rights group Moms for America has faced public attacks, the deletion of its accounts, and threats after the far-left smear factory known as the Southern Poverty Law Center put the group on its “hate map” earlier this year. “I definitely attribute hateful messages, shadow-banning, and outright threats to Moms for America being on the SPLC’s ‘hate map,’” Kimberly Fletcher, founder and president of Moms for America, told The Daily Signal. “Big Tech platforms list SPLC as a major factor in determining whether someone should be blocked or even banned from their platforms,” Fletcher noted. “Media articles have referenced the fact [More]
12/17/23   “This is evil how the Dems are turning federal law enforcement into a tyrannical arm of the government against Christians, conservatives and anyone they paint as a “domestic threat”. The 2024 elections will determine whether we remain a free country or sink into the pit overt tyranny. Please be in prayer for our nation, we really need it.” Admin   FBI agent Kyle Seraphin couldn’t take it anymore.   Between 2016 to 2023, he had lived through working at a once-revered agency that now interfered with elections and worked to jail everyday Americans whom the bureau surveilled and [More]
12/12/23 “Audio player below article.” Admin The president of the American Library Association, Emily Drabinski, is a self-proclaimed “Marxist lesbian” who desires to use the “collective power” of the library system to advance her views. While Ms. Drabinski and her friends at ALA see themselves as fierce defenders of liberty (i.e., the ability of any child of any age to see/read anything…appropriateness be damned), the kind and tolerant folks at the ALA also decry the “Christo Fascists” (i.e., conservative Christians…were you aware you/we had that name??) while also working hard to keep Kirk Cameron’s pro-faith and positive messages out of [More]
12/08/23 Hollywood leftist Rob Reiner is promoting his new movie that trashes Christian nationalism. Reiner’s movie, called “God & Country,” attempts to convince the American people that Christian nationalism is “a danger to our country.” The actor and director was met with an immediate backlash when he announced the new film on Twitter/X. He shared the trailer for the movie, which “explores right-wing religious extremism and the danger it poses to both the United States and Christianity itself,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.   Read More: Rob Reiner’s New Movie Trashes Christian Nationalism: ‘A Danger to Our Country’ – Slay News
12/01/23   There’s a new freedom for Americans to celebrate Christmas this year with religious symbols, from Nativities to stars to red and green decorations and more, according to a prominent legal team that has fought for years for those rights.   It’s because the so-called “Lemon test” now is gone from American jurisprudence.   Read More: Christmas to be celebrated free of ‘Lemon test’
11/30/23 Hate against Christians is exploding across Europe, up by 44% in a single year, according to a new report. The documentation comes from the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, and was cited in a report at the Washington Stand. Up were acts of “social hostility,” “violent attacks,” as well as vandalism and desecration at churches, the report said.   Read More: Violence against Christians, ‘social hostility’ rockets huge amount in a year
11/30/23 “Lots of great news and commentary on current events and what’s going on in society, check it out, you’ll like it.” Admin Every Monday and Thursday, we will be offering commentary on hot topics in the news. We will give a biblical interpretation and point people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of our lives. Watch here
11/29/23   Joseph Backholm, senior fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement at the Family Research Council, is sounding the alarm about conservatives voting for abortion rights at the polls, especially in states that have long been considered safe havens for the unborn.   Backholm contends that — despite recognizing the immorality and tragedy of abortion — conservatives are voting for abortion access in order to keep the “hookup culture” alive.   LifeSiteNews senior correspondent Jim Hale unpacks this disturbing dynamic, what it means for the pro-life message in the ballot box, and how the culture of life must take [More]
11/28/23 Democrat President Joe Biden’s new foster case plan effectively bans Christian families from fostering children, according to a group of Republican attorneys general who are raising the alarm over the scheme.   The group of AGs is pushing the Biden administration to back down on the new anti-Christian rule they say will jeopardize the foster care system nationwide.   The pushback is being led by Alabama’s Republican Attorney General Steve Marshall, along with18 of his GOP colleagues.   Read More: Republican AGs Slam Biden’s Anti-Christian Foster Care Plan – Slay News
11/26/23   When we say the word “Thanks-giving,” it presumes the giving of thanks.   But to whom is that thanks given?   Since the first Thanksgiving on Plymouth Rock and its subsequent establishment as a day of thanks on Oct. 3, 1789, the recipient of that thanks on behalf of the United States of America has always been God.   But in keeping with the destruction of everything good and virtuous in this nation, this year, God has been removed as the recipient of thanks on Thanksgiving.   Read More: Biden Officially Attempts to Remove God from Thanksgiving with [More]
11/24/23 More than 200 Muslim men in Gaza have converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing Jesus in their dreams, said Christian professor Michael Licona.   Licona teaches New Testament studies at Houston Christian University and has also written a number of books, including “The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus” and “Paul Meets Muhammad.”   In a recent Facebook post, Licona said he received a report from “underground Christian ministries” in the Middle East that detailed the miraculous conversions.   “God is working in the midst of war!” his post began.   Read More: ‘Miracle’: Muslim Men in Gaza Seek Christ After Over 200 Dream [More]
11/20/23 “It appears they fully intend to follow their plan of getting this “abortion agenda” in state constitutions.” Admin   Planned Parenthood, the ACLU of Nebraska, the Women’s Fund, and I Be Black Girl banded together to file a petition proposal that seeks to enshrine unlimited abortion through all nine months of pregnancy in the Nebraska state constitution.   The proposed petition comes mere weeks after an ALCU-penned abortion amendment passed in Ohio and is part of a coordinated effort by national abortion activists to infiltrate red states, bypass Republican legislators, and taint constitutions with abortion and radical gender ideology [More]