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Why the isotopic dates cannot be trusted.
Ice sheets don’t form just one layer per year. And in the past, after Noah’s flood, layers formed very quickly. Read More
The continents cannot be billions of years old because they would have eroded away long ago; there should be nothing left.
The ice cores need to be interpreted, and our starting point determines how we interpret the evidence. Read More
The ice age, which came after the flood, provided the perfect conditions for mankind to spread around the Earth. Read More
There was only one ice age, and it came after the global flood. As the fountains of the great deep burst open, underwater volcanoes warmed the oceans. Read More
For a few years now, we have been documenting the on-going progress of one of the most powerful scientific evidences of a young Earth.1 Since evolutionist Mary Schweitzer began bringing to light soft tissue in dinosaur fossils in the early 2000s, the list of dinosaur species in which soft, stretchy tissue, collagen, blood vessels, cells, or proteins have been found has grown significantly, reaching ever deeper into the geologic column. Obviously, her research has been controversial and dismissed by many from the beginning, since all dinosaur fossils allegedly are at least 65-66 million years old—according to the evolutionary paradigm.   Read [More]
The idea of an icy world inhabited by mammoths and saber-toothed tigers fascinates people. But where does this fit into biblical history? Read More
You can learn more about flood geology, fossils, and more in the Flood Geology playlist on our Answers in Genesis YouTube channel. Read More
A recent paper suggests that enormous volcanic eruptions in India caused climatic cooling that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. 1,2 Most main stream scientists think an asteroid struck Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula 66 million years ago, forming the famous Chicxulub crater, and that this impact was the primary cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. 3  However, this new paper suggests there may be other fact…  Read More

Tyrannosaurs were large terrestrial predators after the Fall.1 Juvenile or not, they conjure visions of terrible, fearsome creatures of the pre-Flood world when the earth was “filled with violence.”2,3 Like all dinosaurs, their origin and evolution are an enigma to evolutionists.4

Recently, Dinosaur Park Formation in Alberta, Canada, revealed a juvenile tyrannosaurid skeleton allegedly... More...

There was more than enough vegetation before the flood to produce all the coal we have today. Read More
Many think it took millions of years of slow processes to produce coal. But when scientists copy these natural processes in a lab, it only takes a few months! Read More
The Bible provides the true age for coal. Most deposits were initially formed during the year-long, catastrophic global flood just thousands of years ago. Read More
How has our understanding of Homo floresiensis changed since its discovery was first announced in 2004?
The Bible’s account of the flood explains what we see in the world around us—millions of years doesn’t! The evidence confirms God’s Word—beginning in Genesis. Read More
Were the parallel roads of Glen Roy, Scotland, made by the same Fingal who constructed the Giant’s Causeway for fear of getting wet feet? Or was it the Ice Age?

Most of us have heard about the steady increase in CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, sometimes called the Keeling Curve.1 Many have tied this current upswing to climate change, and many have blamed the burning of fossil fuels for this increase. But is it that simple?

A new study published in Nature has found that the weathering of certain rocks can be a major contributor to atmospheric CO2More...

Many think it took millions of years to get the billions of fossils we have today. But the fossil record shows evidence of having been laid down very quickly. Read More
Around the world we find fossil graveyards. These are massive deposits of billions of fossils buried together. Read More
According to secular geologists, the layers of coal we find around the world were laid down over millions of years. But there are big problems with this idea. Read More
Many rock layers show evidence of little time between them. This is evidence for a Global Flood that quickly laid down many layers.
What assumptions and challenges call into question long-age attempts to assess the height of the land in the past?
Southwestern Wyoming contains one of the most unique fossil sites in the world—Fossil Butte National Monument. Located about 11 miles west of Kemmerer, it was established as a national monument on October 23, 1972.1 The park encompasses about 13 square miles and contains several buttes, or flat-topped hills.   These landforms expose a rock layer known as the Green River Formation (GRF) and its diverse fossil assemblage, often called a Lagerstätte.2 The GRF is best known for its fish fossils, but it includes many other fossil types as well. Most of these fossils are found in the Fossil Butte Member, a section [More]
Beavers shouldn’t talk to humans. That obvious fact was highlighted in the movie adaptation of C. S. Lewis’ classic fantasy The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.1 Fairly early in the film, the four Pevensie siblings meet a beaver that talks to them. Oldest brother Peter says the beaver claims to know a certain faun. Oldest sister Susan replies, “He’s a beaver! He shouldn’t be saying anything!”   If something doesn’t make sense—like a talking beaver—that might indicate that a story is just fiction. And when the tale told is an evolutionary story, it doesn’t make sense because it’s just science fiction. [More]
No other mineral has provoked so much wonder and strife. Read More