Why dating the earth is not science. Biography of Arthur Holmes shows it’s subjective, arbitrary and erratic.
A recently discovered “toe” was part of a nearly three-foot-wide footprint from an Iguanodon, a dinosaur that could reach lengths of 36 feet.
The Heart Mountain Slide, Earth's largest mountain cataclysm, has defied explanation for 100 years. See how Noah's Flood solves this geological mystery.
In a new study, researchers used advanced mass spectrometry and protein sequencing to detect bone collagen in a well-preserved hip bone from an Edmontosaurus. Read More
WWII fighter planes abandoned on a Greenland glacier were found 50 years later, already under 75 metres of ice.
What this little-known globe feature teaches us about the shape of the earth.
Uncovering animal tracks and trackways in sedimentary rocks is a testament to the Genesis Flood.1–4 Fascinating discoveries continue to be made with the latest trackway (200 footprints) being unearthed in Oxfordshire, England.5 The longest trackway is estimated to be 492 ft (150 m) in length and is probably longer. And therein lies the problem.
Many who are involved with uncovering these incredibly old... More...
Many people claim the Earth can’t be just thousands of years old like the Bible teaches, because carbon-14 dating gives such old ages. Read More
By examining fossils from 19 archaeological sites in Jordan’s Azraq Basin, researchers have concluded that gazelles, hares, and foxes shrank in size at the end of the Ice Age.1 This news, published in an open-access journal article,2 should be of interest to creationists for two reasons.
First, the paper mentions in passing that fossils in the Azraq Basin show a “typical steppic faunal spectrum.&... More...
Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make a fossil—but it doesn’t! It just takes the right conditions. Read More
Research has confirmed convincingly that the Grand Canyon’s layers were deposited violently during the yearlong global flood cataclysm only about 4,350 years ago. Read More
In one layer of the Grand Canyon there are over 10,000 square miles of squid-like fossils. This means that billions of these creatures were buried all at once! Read More
The flood ripped up miles of sediment and redeposited it in layers. This would’ve trapped and rapidly buried organisms, which became fossils. Read More
How could a tree remain upright and intact while coal slowly formed around it? It couldn’t! Read More
Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures and the fossils they’ve left behind inspire awe and wonder. Many scientists claim that the existence of these fossils definitively proves that these mighty reptiles lived millions of years ago. Is this true? What can we actually learn from fossil remains? Hosts Trey and Michael are joined by Tommy Lohman of the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum and Dr. Timothy Clarey to discuss this topic in episode 32 of Creation.Live.
When did the basement Archean Belts form? Was it during Creation Week or Noah’s Flood?
Scientists have successfully drilled a fourth long ice core in East Antarctica.1 This new core, which reached to bedrock, has bottom ice that is believed to be, by uniformitarian reckoning, at least 1.2 million years old. This is a huge technical achievement that required years of work in bitterly frigid temperatures. But it is also great news for creation science, since this new ice core could greatly strengthen already strong a... More...
A team of conventional paleontologists claims to have found the oldest dinosaur in North America, rivaling the oldest dinosaur remains found anywhere.1 Discovered in Fremont County, Wyoming, about 50 miles from Yellowstone National Park, the dinosaur was named Ahvaytum bahndooiveche, or “long ago dinosaur” in the native Shoshone language.1
“It was basically the size of a chicken bu... More...
Implicit evidence for catastrophic deposition and short time frame.
‘Apeman’ fossils: an encouraging ‘big picture’ emerges
A recently discovered crocodile-like fossil has been dated at 185 million years. But the biology of similar crocodiles and geology of the fossil site says otherwise.
Legends of a flood show that people groups carried with them the memory of a global flood. Yes, it really happened. Read More
Amazingly, hippopotamus bones have been found in Ice Age sediments in North-West Europe, and particularly in England.
The recent discovery of the first dinosaur fossils in Hong Kong came as a surprise to evolutionary paleontologists. It was totally unexpected since most of the rocks in Hong Kong are volcanic in origin.1 And volcanic rocks usually destroy bones, not preserve them.
“It’s shocking, because I never thought there would be dinosaur fossils in Hong Kong,” said Chong Got while looking at the new dinosaur bon... More...
A review of Dr Carl Werner’s 2 volume critique of human evolution. You won’t believe what evolutionists do to fossils to claim ape ancestry.
In chapter 10 of his Origin of Species, Charles Darwin made a prediction: “No organism wholly soft can be preserved.” He’s
been proven wrong—big time.
Many people think that radiometric dating is infallible. In reality, evolutionists reject radiometric ‘dates’ if they don’t conform to evolutionary fossil ‘dates’, and find reasons to reject them.