Creatures in different parts of the world show remarkable similarities despite, according to evolution theory, being separated for the same timespan over which humans evolved from ape-like ancestors. …read more Read more here:
Historical records corroborate frozen testimony that unravels the riddle of the Little Ice Age. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
No scientific method can prove the age of the earth and the universe, and that includes the ones we have listed here. Although age indicators are called ‘clocks’ they aren’t, because all ages result from calculations that necessarily involve making assumptions about the past. Always the starting time of the ‘clock’ has to be assumed as well as the way in which the speed of the clock has varied over time. Further, it has to be assumed that the clock was never disturbed. There is no independent natural clock against which those assumptions can be tested. For example, the amount
What’s the difference? …read more Read more here:
A massive volcano in Pakistan has created a new island in the Arabian Sea, consistent with prior results from earthquakes. More… …read more Read more here:
Samples from the stratosphere are said to suggest Perseid meteor shower was reminiscent of a “panspermic” origin of life on earth. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
How significant is the common rejection of evolution that biblical creationists share with old-earth creationists? …read more Read more here:
A recent collaboration of scientists found that forests “have become dramatically more efficient in how they use water,” and the key to that efficiency was an uptick in atmospheric carbon dioxide. More… …read more Read more here:
Part 2: volcanism …read more Read more here:
Do magnetic fields decay exponentially? …read more Read more here:
The marine medals for diving go to animals like elephant seals and sperm whales, which can remain underwater for 90 minutes or more. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Ta Prohm is increasingly famous for its bas-relief of what appears to be a stegosaur, expertly carved into the temple stone many centuries ago—long before paleontological dinosaur reconstructions. More… …read more Read more here:
Our planet, Earth, is the only place in the universe known to have liquid water.1 In fact, astronauts looking at Earth’s surface from outer space see mainly water. The ocean covers 71% of the total area, and contains enough water to cover the whole planet to a depth of 2.7 km (1.7 miles) if the surface were completely flat. Salinity The ocean is essential for life on Earth, and also helps make the climate fairly moderate. However, although the ocean contains 1,370 million cubic kilometres (334 million cubic miles) of water, humans can’t survive by drinking from it—it is too
Scientists are now making claims of a missing continent lurking deep beneath—not the Atlantic, but—the Indian Ocean. More… …read more Read more here:
Is Jesus intrinsically bound in spacetime? …read more Read more here:
Bigger eyes in Neandertals didn’t mean they had less brain. Read more here:
Scientific enquiry and discovery is a wonderful thing, but can it really answer life’s big why? questions? Read more here:
The Genesis 1:31 teaching that God created everything “very good” sharply contradicts billions-of-years dogma, so compromisers try to explain this away. Read more here:
The first few chapters of the Bible describe what I, the author, believe to be the origin and early history of mankind, the earth, and the universe. Read more here: AIG Daily
Don’t Assume Too Much: Not All Assumptions in Science Are Bad by Jeff Miller, Ph.D. It might be tempting to get the wrong impression and think that making assumptions in science is a bad practice, especially upon reading various writings from the Creationist community. Creation scientists, for instance, correctly relate many of the problems inherent in the assumptions of evolutionary geologic dating techniques that tend to yield extremely old ages for the items they test. But do not fall victim to the same fallacy that the evolutionary community makes in assuming too much. As is the case with the fact
The earth is only a few thousand years old. That’s a fact, plainly revealed in God’s Word. Audio file, download or listen online Read More via The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth – Answers in Genesis.
The evolutionary timeline is constantly being revised. The latest revision is a doozy-by half a billion years! Read more here:
Clocking humans, of apes and men, dinosaur embryology, eco-evolutionary rescue, global warming questioned, and more in this week’s News to Note. Read more here: AIG Daily
During the ‘Late Cretaceous’, 80%–90% of the present UK land did not exist and geological maps indicate that 100% of the UK was under water. Plus it was recent, as evidence based on river flows show. Geologist Dr John Matthews sets out this remarkable research in the latest Journal of Creation 27(1). Matthews notes that geology, as currently taught in schools, colleges and universities, knows nothing of (or at any rate does not mention) the Noachian Flood. Yet, the Bible records that the whole world was submerged under water recently (thousands, not millions, of years ago). And Matthews reveals the
Great minds of the past had no difficulty with the concept of a young earth shaped and reshaped by catastrophic forces, especially the upheavals associated with Noah’s Flood. Today, we have been so thoroughly saturated with the ‘slow and gradual’ philosophy that when we look at vast cliffs, landscapes and boulders we tend to immediately associate them with very long ages. The pictures in this article are of Surtsey, an island which was born in only days from a huge undersea volcanic eruption off Iceland in the North Atlantic in 1963. It shows features which most people would think take
Galápagos with David Attenborough by Russell Grigg Published: 4 April 2013 (GMT+10) Galápagos with David Attenborough is the title of a three–part Sky 3D TV series that premiered in the UK in January 2013. The series was shown in Australia in March 2013 with the revised title, David Attenborough’s Galápagos. In the first episode, titled “Origin”, Sir David introduces viewers to this group of 16 major volcanic islands and many smaller ones that straddle the equator some 600 miles (970 km) from the west coast of South America (off Ecuador, which claimed sovereignty in 1832). Charles Darwin developed his theory
Galápagos with David Attenborough is the title of a three–part Sky 3D TV series that was shown in Australia with the revised title David Attenborough’s Galápagos. In this, the second episode,1 Sir David discusses the way animals have adapted to the varying conditions on the Galápagos islands. He labels various islands as ‘old’, ‘middle-aged’, and ‘young’, but the millions of years claimed by evolutionists for all this to have happened are not needed in the creationist model. Read More via Galapagos adaptation.