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Have you ever heard that unborn babies have a “tail” early in development? Well, this “tail” isn’t a tail—it develops into the “tailbone” or “coccyx.”
Because we don’t have fur or feathers to fluff up, some evolutionists argue goosebumps are evolutionary leftovers.
Have you ever noticed that when a cat hears a noise, it swivels its ears? But we can’t. Evolutionists say this proves we’ve lost that function due to evolution.
There’s a popular video going around that claims your body is full of parts leftover from our animal ancestors, starting with a specific wrist muscle.
By studying the diversity of animals on Noah’s ship, we can understand how many creatures were destroyed in the flood and how so few animals repopulated the earth with the variety we enjoy today.
Are there any viable evolutionary alternatives to Neo-Darwinism?
Rare Arrival: Marwell Zoo welcomes critically endangered African Wild Ass foal with Zebra-like stripes, a fascinating tale of origins and diversity.
A new virus must pack lots of DNA quickly. It is reeled in by a motor that’s stronger for its size than a car engine, and can even change speed.

The element nitrogen is critical in the living world. It is a basic building block of structural and regulatory proteins, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll in plants. God created the nitrogen metabolic networks found in people and various living organisms.

There is a large group of versatile nitrogen-containing enzymes called aminotransferases (ATs) or transaminases. They are designed to move amino groups (the building blocks of pro... More...

Islands like the Galápagos are actually a wonderful example of diversity within created kinds.

The beautiful sea stars (“starfish”), classified as echinoderms, are one of the most easily identifiable marine invertebrates, with their characteristic radiating arms and stony skin of calcium carbonate. The sea star’s water vascular system is one of the more amazing and complex arrangements in the animal world. The brittle stars and basket stars comprise the largest class of living echinoderms.

Recently, scien... More...

Human designers are inspired by the ultimate Designer, and this results in some neat technological innovations—including a new technology using the antennae of silkworm moths.
Pedigree dogs, far from being the ‘most evolved’, are actually the sickest and most genetically impoverished.
The chameleon is well known for its ability to change colours. Not so well known are its telephoto eyes that can focus clearly on an object only an inch away. And its tongue shoots forward at tremendous g-forces, thanks to an intricate catapult design that is unparalleled in both nature and man-made machines.
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: Namib beetles spend their lives in the dry desert, so how do they stay hydrated?
The existence of venom in so many animals has long challenged creationists. How did it show up in a very good creation?
Scientists have finally worked out how the Venus flytrap snaps shut on insect prey. But they are still baffled about the same thing Darwin was: how did this mechanism evolve?
DNA is a language system that tells your body how to make you. So where did this information come from? Read More
The many similarities we observe among living things is called “homology.” It’s often used as evidence of descent from a common ancestor. Read More

Conventional thinking relegates creationists—folks who believe that God created the world only thousands of years ago—to quack science. After all, are they not brimming with irrational bias? If that’s true, then how did I, a creationist, help get another journal article through the strict peer review process? I did science.

My area of expertise is fossil proteins. It fascinates me because of how strongly it conf... More...

Animals designed to fly are classified into four groups: the extinct flying reptiles (pterosaurs), insects, mammals (bats), and birds. According to the creation model, bats and birds were created on Day 5 as bats and birds.

Recently, a science news article addressed the wings of the two groups in an article entitled, “A Comparison of Bat and Bird Wings Reveals Their Evolutionary Paths Are Vastly Different.”1More...

How should we address claims of bad design in nature? Is the appendix a vestigial organ?
Evolution’s a cinch, right? Wrong

Mollusks consist of a wide range of invertebrates that include the intelligent octopus, pulmonated snails (gastropods), and bivalves (clams). They appear suddenly in the early Cambrian about 514 million years ago according to evolution theory. In 2020, evolutionists said there is “no good record of molluscs before they had shells, and there can be some doubt that certain early fossil shells are really remains of molluscs.”1... More...

When you start with the Bible, the law of biogenesis makes sense. There was never a time when life came from non-life because life is a gift from the Creator. Read More
Unraveling the Feathers vs. Scales Debate: Did a Single Gene Really Spark Evolution? Discover the Surprising Truth in the 2023 Experiment.
How can speciation be explained without evolution? Mendelian speciation holds the answers.