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The best-known dwarf planet is Pluto, sometimes known as 134340. The solar system also contains other tiny bodies such as asteroids and comets. They all point to a Creator and young age.

Before discovering thousands of planets in other solar systems, scientists tended to assume that other solar systems would be very similar to our own. Yet this is turning out not to be the case. Indeed, NASA science writer Pat Brennan said about our solar system that “after a quarter century of discovery revealing thousands of exoplanets in our galaxy, things look very different. In a word, we are ‘weird’—at least am... More...

On Monday, April 8th, the moon will move directly between the earth and the sun, resulting in a total solar eclipse visible in northern Mexico, much of the United States, and far-eastern Canada. Over the course of about one hour and 15 minutes, the moon will slowly move in front of the solar disk until it completely blocks it out. The complete covering of the solar disk marks totality, when darkness covers the part of the earth that happens... More...

“You alone are the LORD; You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them, and You preserve them all. The host of heaven worships You.”1

A total solar eclipse is an incredible celestial event!

God has designed our solar system such that our moon sometimes moves between Earth and the sun in an incredible display call... More...

Explore Uranus and Neptune, two chilly, windy planets with strange features and biblical lessons, on your journey to the Ice Giants. Uncover their mysteries in a heavenly story.
The earth is a systems engineering masterpiece

Scientists have analyzed data obtained from the Cassini spacecraft and concluded that irregularities in the orbit of Saturn’s moon Mimas indicate that it contains a hidden ocean of liquid water beneath its surface.1 Similar arguments have already been published,2–4 but the fact that this result has now been published in the prestigious journal Nature suggests the evidence for this claim is stronger t... More...

Multiple lines of evidence support the Bible’s age of the solar system.
Genesis 8:22 = “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” I’m sure you remember the fairytale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Goldilocks tries to eat papa bear’s porridge but finds it too hot. So she turns to a second bowl, and it’s too cold. Finally she discovers a third bowl of porridge and finds it to be just right, so she eats it all up. Since the 1970s, astronomers have described our own planet as being situated in what they call a cosmic Goldilocks [More]
Creationists have more in their armoury now to deal with that question than ever before—while the problems for long-age evolutionists just get worse.
On today’s Creation Moments Minute, see what really causes lightning. School children are taught that as a cloud moves through the air it picks up electrical charge because of turbulence, eventually causing lightning. But thunderclouds are able to generate only one?tenth of the electrical field necessary to create a lightning bolt. Without something else, there would be no lightning on Earth. That something else turns out to be cosmic rays, which penetrate the cloud and detach additional electrons from the oxygen and nitrogen in the cloud. These extra electrons are then accelerated in the cloud’s electric fields, producing small avalanches [More]
Evolutionists can’t explain where space, matter, and energy came from. You might think, “Yes they can—the big bang!” Read More
How many stars are there? The Bible got it right!
Witness the wonders of the cosmos! Journey to Jupiter and Saturn: Explore colossal gas giants, molten storms, and stunning rings in our celestial backyard.
How could Ganymede’s magnetic field continue to exist after over 4 billion years of solar system history?
What does CMI think about an alternative solution to the distant starlight problem?
Explore the captivating worlds of Mercury, Venus, and Mars—where scorching heat, crushing pressure, and frigid desolation reveal the unique splendor of our Earth as the perfect cradle of life.
What makes our sun different from most stars in the universe? Today we take a look at the star God uniquely created to support life on Earth. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
For 15 centuries before Copernicus, the geocentric model had been the dominant cosmology. So what then was Copernicus’ contribution? Read More
The Bible calls the moon “the lesser light”. See how it defies evolutionary explanation, how phases, tides, and eclipses occur. Over 50 years ago, 12 men walked on it.
Many creationists argue that evolution requires order to come about from disorder—complexity to come about naturally from simplicity—in defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (cf. Miller, 2013). The evolutionist retorts that the Earth is not a closed system—localized pockets of order can come from disorder, as long as energy is added to those pockets (e.g., an orderly room can come from a disorderly room if work or energy is applied to the room). The evolutionist argues that the Earth is a system that is, in fact, receiving useful external energy (e.g., from the Sun). So, it is presumed that evolution [More]
Star Trek is an iconic science fiction series. But fiction it is, as shown by the physics of one of their acclaimed flights.
Stars have an amazing variety, and pose problems for evolutionary views of their origin.
Ancient astronomers believed that everything in the heavens revolved around the earth. But planets occasionally seemed to go backwards briefly (retrograde motion), before going on their forward path again. How come?
God created a great variety of stars—many sizes and colours—which could not have formed naturally.
God, not the big bang, created the vast universe in six 24-hour days about 6,000 Earth years ago. Earth is an ideal home for us, and a great observatory of the universe.