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Barring cloud cover, about 75% of the country saw the total lunar eclipse, aka the “Blood Worm Moon.” Texas had good weather conditions for last night’s display, as did the lower Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, and a portion of the Central Plains.

In a lunar eclipse, the shadow of Earth blocks most of the light that illuminates the surface of our moon. This eclipse began at 11:26 p.m. (PST) on Thursday, March 13,... More...

NASA’s Juno spacecraft recently unveiled breathtaking images of Jupiter during its 66th flyby of the colossal planet. Juno has been exploring Jupiter and its surroundings, including its rings and numerous moons, to uncover the planet’s secrets. According to a NASA statement, understanding Jupiter could provide valuable insights into understanding the entire solar system.1

Did you know... More...

Directly observing the 24-hour sun in the Antarctic convinced some, but not all, that the earth is a globe.
 might that help us understand how distant starlight could reach us in a young universe? Read More

Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically active body in our solar system, and NASA’s Juno spacecraft recently detected the largest volcanic event ever observed on that body.1 During a flyby on December 27, 2024, Juno detected the infrared radiation from a gargantuan volcanic hot spot larger than Lake Superior near Io’s south pole (see figure). The volcanism caused a subtle but noticeable change in the appearan... More...

Flat-earthers use globe earth assumptions when they navigate by the stars

Astronomers have discovered a disintegrating rocky planet in another solar system.1,2 This extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, has been given the designation BD+05 4868 Ab. It orbits so close to its host star that the intense heat is literally vaporizing its solid, rocky material! The astronomers making the discovery explained,

Small, rocky planets orbiting their host stars too closely can vapor... More...

“What is that square on Mars?” This question has the internet buzzing as pictures of a mysterious square shape have come back from the Mars Global Surveyor. Read More

Astronomers have detected a likely binary star pair, designated as D9, orbiting the supermassive black hole Sag A* at the center of our Milky Way galaxy.1,2 As the name implies, a binary consists of two stars bound by gravity orbiting around their common center of mass. Based on uniformitarian assumptions and the presence of gas and dust around the binary pair, astronomers concluded the binary has an age of “just” 2.7... More...

A huge problem for evolutionists, but not for creationists

Astronomers have inferred the presence of a fourth exoplanet in the Kepler-51 star system.1,2 They made the discovery when the third exoplanet in the system passed in front of its host star two hours sooner than their models predicted. The astronomers were able to account for this error by the existence of a fourth, previously unknown exoplanet. However, the most interesting aspect of this story for biblical creationists is that ... More...

Cassini spacecraft’s shocking discovery overturns the age of Saturn’s rings.
Sadly, many Christians get sucked into this false, flat-earth idea and usually become evangelists, not for Christ, but for a flat earth. Read More
Messenger space probe reports from Mercury confirm biblical models of formation of planetary magnetic fields.
Why were scientists surprised and why it means it is young.
Cryovolcanoes on Pluto show that Pluto is not billions of years old, otherwise it would have lost its internal heat.
Can the Hydroplate theory account for the origin of asteroids, comets, and trans-Neptunian?
Naturalistic theories for the origin of the moon are plagued by irresolvable difficulties. See why.
Many years ago the media excitedly announced that scientists had proved the big bang. Many Christians were troubled as the big bang contradicts God’s Word. Read More
Uranus and its moons pose big problems for evolutionary theories of planet formation.
ET isn’t a mystery if you’re willing to examine the data from 60 years of research and take it to its logical conclusion. Read More
Is this 'comet of the decade' a key to unraveling the mysteries of our young cosmos? Unveiling Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas: A Celestial Enigma Challenges the age of our Solar System.

Tiny volcanic glass beads suggest “surprisingly recent” lava flows on the moon that are “difficult to reconcile with the accepted history of lunar volcanism.”1,2 These tiny glass beads were retrieved by the Chinese Chang’e 5 spacecraft, a replica of which is shown in the above photo. The spacecraft returned to Earth in 2020. Subsequent chemical analysis of the beads suggested they were volcani... More...

Neptune’s discovery was a triumph of operational science. Read More
The evolutionary agenda behind looking for water on other planets. Read More
Low amount of helium in the atmosphere, and high amount in zircons, is strong evidence against billions of years.
The word Mars conjures up an image of a red, dusty planet surrounded by the blackness of space. But many researchers believe Mars was once a watery world. Read More