A new dinosaur discovery in Rio Negro Province in central Argentina resulted in a very peculiar assertion.1 A bipedal dinosaur (walked on two legs) named Jakapil kaniukura was unearthed in upper Zuni megasequence rocks. But what made this new dinosaur so unusual was the category scientists placed it in. Their evolutionary analysis puts this bipedal dinosaur in the Thyreophoran (“shield-bearer”) category with dinosa… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham There’s so much depth and insight found in God’s Word. One wonderful way of gleaning from that depth is through a chronological study of Scripture. Studying the Scriptures in the order the events took place really helps bring the Bible to life, connecting it all together and highlighting God’s beautiful plan of redemption right from the beginning. And one great way to study Scripture this way is with our Answers Bible Curriculum for Churches. With six age groups (Pre-K–Adult), it truly brings the Bible to life for adults, teens, and children. This curriculum teaches through the whole
In a Christian radio interview, Richard Dawkins has the upper-hand in pointing out the inconsistencies of God using evolution to create, whereas Francis Collins fudges on faith. …read more Source: creation.com
Most of us are familiar with the incredible ability of different animal groups to migrate (such as birds).1,2 But what about invertebrates? Recently, scientists discovered that a moth called the death’s-head hawkmoth (as well as the dragonfly3) flies for miles, keeping on a path that’s narrow and straight. For the first time, scientists have continu… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham Our 2023 Answers Vacation Bible School will prepare children to stand strong in today’s battle for truth. This showcase features: Decorating tips Craft and science experiment demonstrations A Bible lesson overview Games and snacks overviews How to host a sensory-friendly VBS Get-togethers with other directors And more! Not only will you gain practical VBS wisdom, but you and your team will have a lot of fun in the process! Register online for this exciting event (a group discount is available). Special Preconference Opportunity And don’t miss our special preconference the day before the showcase. On January 27,
By Michael Behe Today’s ID the Future features three recent Evolution News essays by Lehigh University biology professor and Darwin Devolves author Michael Behe, as read by host Andrew McDiarmid. In the first, nothing shows the feebleness of Darwinism quite so much as breathless stories about new results that turn out to be much ado about nothing. In this case, it’s some recent speculation about the rise of “lactase persistence” in many human adults. Then it’s onto malaria, much beloved of evolutionists, not for its lethality but as a demonstration of evolution in action. But Behe dissects the latest news
Silent mutations do not affect the protein sequence, but new research has shown that they often have strongly negative effects, putting another nail in the coffin of Neo-Darwinism. …read more Source: creation.com
By Stacia McKeever How should pro-life people think about disabled and dying babies? …read more Source: AIG Daily
Attenborough tells the evolutionary story of how life started on Earth, but the fossils at the locations shown are problems for evolution rather than proof thereof. …read more Source: creation.com
Most people say that evolution is true, so why do a growing number of conventional scientists doubt it? These skeptics don’t question evolution’s premise that nature alone is somehow responsible for crafting creatures out of stardust. The debate centers on how nature might have achieved this incredible feat. Where and how did the first complicated structures (like eyes) arise through natural processes? Indiana … More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Troy Lacey Is it idolatry to create images depicting the Lord Jesus? Christians throughout history have debated this question as they seek to honor the second commandment. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Interview with the late Dr Raymond Damadian who helped develop the MRI. …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham We’ve all seen the illustration—a knuckle-dragging ape follows a hunchbacked hairy man-ape who follows a more erect, but still very hairy, man-ape, who eventually follows modern man, dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase to his meeting. This apes-to-man illustration is popularly used to show people the supposed evolutionary transition from ape-like to modern man. But is this “march of progress” accurate, even by evolutionary standards? Well, according to a recent article, this is one of the misconceptions many people have of evolutionary biology (and a reason creationists should not use the argument, “if humans evolved
By Ken Ham Movies are filled with worldview teaching. Whether it’s a subtle encouragement that “who you feel you are is who you really are,” an earnest call to “follow your heart,” or Eastern religious teaching carefully woven into the story, worldview teaching is there. Can you and your children recognize it? We want to help you think about popular media through the lens of a biblical worldview, recognizing error and fallacious thinking and accurately applying God’s Word to what you’re watching. We want to help you think about popular media through the lens of a biblical worldview, recognizing error
By Mark Looy Dr. Raymond Damadian was a gift inventor. What drove this exceptionally gifted medical scientist and devout Christian to invent the MRI scanner? …read more Source: AIG Daily
How was the soft tissue of an ammonite fossilized without its shell attached? …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham School is back in full swing in Kentucky, and that means our fall programs at our attractions are about to begin, including our very popular full-day Explore programs and half-day Explore Jr. programs. During Explore Days at our Northern Kentucky attractions, your children will enjoy hands-on science learning with instruction from experts who not only communicate science but also teach a biblical worldview. Now, where else can you find such a wonderful combination? Many of the programs are already full and registration deadlines are right around the corner, but it’s not too late for your child aged
A World By Design conference attendee submits six questions, on existential type issues of the sort most people ponder at some point in their lives. …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is an internationally famous icon. The colorful corals, variety of creatures, and undulating waves make a massive, jaw-droppingly beautiful environment that can even be viewed from space. Now, environmental activists have been saying for decades that the reef is on the edge of collapse, but—defying their predictions—the reef just had a record growth year. According to reports, Coral cover on two-thirds of the iconic reef, which is seen as a bellwether of ocean health, has reached its highest level since records began 36 years ago. Now this seems like it should be good
By Ken Ham Our very talented design team produces a unique and beautiful calendar every year—and this year is no exception. Our 2023 calendar is themed “Life of Jesus” and features stunning artwork from our Christ, Cross, Consummation and Borderland exhibits at the Creation Museum. This calendar is also unique because each month features a QR code that takes you to a teaching video that will help you dive deeper into the life and ministry of Christ. Our 2022 …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham Four big debates rage in our world today. The foundational answers are in Genesis 1–11. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The story of how humans evolved is continually changing. It seems every new find disrupts what evolutionists expected based on their interpretation of previous evidence and the storytelling they add to it. And a new date for a previous find is no exception. “Mrs. Ples” was discovered in a South African cave in 1947 and is classified as Australopithecus africanus. Previously this fossil was thought to be less than 2.6 million years old. But new dating techniques have now placed the fossil at between 3.4 and 3.7 million years old—a “mere” one million years from the previous
By Ken Ham It seems every day the spiritual battle raging in this nation (which has been raging in this world for 6,000 years) becomes more intense. Lies of the enemy are shouted louder and louder, and the truth is treated as bigotry, hatred, and even evil. It’s an upside-down world we’re living in where good is called evil and evil is called good (Isaiah 5:20). What a confusing time to be a Christian! God’s Word doesn’t leave us confused about truth—we just need to know it, believe it, and defend it so we can stand boldly for truth and
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling In a few rare spots, geologists find fossils of strange eight-foot-tall “mushrooms.” What do they tell us about the mysterious world they came from? …read more Source: AIG Daily
The newly named dinosaurs Paralitherizinosaurus was described as ‘scissorhands’ with long slashing claws, but what were they used to eat? …read more Source: creation.com
Sir David Attenborough and Charles Darwin were both mistaken in their evaluation of the animals of the Galápagos as evidence for evolution. …read more Source: creation.com
An engaging new book featuring Australia’s fantastic fauna. …read more Source: creation.com