Our response to David Attenborough’s TV programmes ‘Conquest of the Skies’. The evidence shows beetles, birds, and other fliers were created; they did not evolve. …read more Source: creation.com
Richard Dawkins and Francis Collins discuss design arguments for God’s existence; whether God would use evolution; the origins of altruism, morality, and concepts of beauty. …read more Source: creation.com
By Rob Stadler Origin-of-life specialist Rob Stadler joins today’s ID the Future to discuss a new Long Story Short science video short. The video investigates a special problem that faces all naturalistic origin-of-life scenarios: To be viable, a cell must have sophisticated machinery, including ATP synthase, to turn raw energy into constructive energy. But how could prebiotic chemicals harness raw energy on the way to evolving into a viable self-reproducing cell without first having the sophisticated machinery to harness raw energy and convert it to useful work? Are the energy sources that have been proposed for chemical evolution realistic? In
By Ken Ham If you asked me, “How do I make the Bible come alive for the people at my church?” my answer would be by teaching apologetics, emphasizing biblical authority, and presenting the Scriptures in chronological order. Why? Well, because that’s what we’ve done with our unique Answers Bible Curriculum. I’ve heard from so many pastors that it’s revolutionized their Bible programs at their churches! Here’s why each of these elements matters: Apologetics: Every day, children, young people, and adults are faced with arguments that the Bible can’t be trusted or that it’s not relevant to the world around
Evolution is so flexible! It can be fast1 or slow.2 It can go forward or backward.3 It can add or eliminate structures—such as the alleged loss of parts of our voice box (larynx). Apparently, it can do anything that secular researchers need it to do. Indeed, when it comes to the amazing gift of speech, mankind stands alone. “When did speech evolve? Many animals, including chimpanzees, ca… More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Dr. Kaia Kloster Do the scales on bird feet prove they evolved from dinosaurs? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Answers in Genesis has always been an unashamedly pro-life ministry. And a huge part of that stand now is daily proclaiming the message of the sanctity of life, and the hope of the gospel, to our thousands of guests at the Here’s what one pastor shared with us about this wall display. (As an aside, I am so thankful for pastors like this one who teach their congregations how vital Genesis is to Christian theology and doctrine, including marriage, gender, race, and more—these pastors are rare but so needed!): Our church recently purchased the Fearfully & Wonderfully
Is the palmar grasp reflex a vestigial remnant of evolution? …read more Source: creation.com
By Ruth Carter A couple married for over 50 years shares what has made their marriage last and what are their important responsibilities to other believers. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A curious reader asks about dark matter, and a connection to the spirit realm. …read more Source: creation.com
Evolution would require new genetic information, but only loss of genetic information is observed …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham If you have a pond, stream, piece of lakefront, or even a puddle or birdbath in your backyard, you probably have a safari full of creatures you’ve completely overlooked as you’ve enjoyed God’s creation. But don’t blame yourself—these incredible creatures are only visible under a microscope. From beautiful to bizarre, these microscopic monsters are a sight to behold. Just as the elephants, rhinos, and zebras of the African safari should inspire awe of the Creator, so should the rotifers, paramecia, and amoebas of your backyard pond. If you own a microscope and splash a drop of pondwater
By Troy Lacey Hybrids fit well into the biblical history of our world, and they glorify the design of our amazing Creator! …read more Source: AIG Daily
We appreciate the beautiful butterfly, but not so much the pesky moth. However, the wing structure of both creatures is amazing, “The wings of moths and butterflies are densely covered in scales that exhibit intricate shapes and sculptured nanostructures.”1 In addition, much research has been conducted regarding the remarkable abilities of the bat to navigate and hunt in the dark for tasty moths. More… …read more Source: icr.org
By Ken Ham Will Canada owe those with disabilities an apology in the future? That’s the question featured in an opinion piece by Charles Lane published in The Washington Post regarding Canada’s euthanasia policy, which from 2016–2021, resulted in the deaths of 31,000 people. The majority of those physician-inflicted deaths were of cancer patients, but some were people suffering from “chronic disabling conditions.” Euthanasia Targets the Disabled The column highlights three stories of individuals who chose (or almost chose) “medical assistance in dying”: 61-year-old Alan Nichols . . . requested — and received — euthanasia less than a month after
A sneak peek of the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Source: creation.com
How plausible is evolution as an explanation of the tRNA subsystem? …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham Yelp is a website well-known for its online reviews of restaurants, hotels, and other businesses. Well, the company recently announced it is adding a new feature to listings of pregnancy care centers: flags that say this center “typically provide[s] limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals onsite.” It’s obvious such a flag is intended to denigrate these centers and make them seem unprofessional—and it ignores that many of these centers have licensed medical professionals on site! They claim this flag is to “protect users seeking abortions from being misled about anti-abortion pregnancy centers listed
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner The Bible reveals that creation was about 6,000 years ago, so how can we see stars that are millions of light-years away? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe that this year is the 10-year anniversary of our annual outreach, Día Latino! This outreach just keeps growing as Spanish-speaking Americans and those from other countries come to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum to learn from God’s Word in their own language. And this year, in honor of our ten-year anniversary, we’re hosting a special preconference on the Sanctity of Life. Día Latino features Spanish signage and captions, along with Spanish interpreters, so Spanish speakers can hear the truth from God’s Word and the gospel in their first language. Día Latino is
By Ken Ham The idea that the universe began with a big bang is firmly entrenched in the minds of millions of Americans. But the so-called “science” isn’t nearly as settled as most people are led to believe. Many scientists—even atheistic, naturalistic ones—know there are big problems with the idea. And the new images from the James Webb Space Telescope haven’t helped those who cling to the big bang. According to a news report quoting one physicist (who does not believe the big bang happened), To everyone who sees them, the new James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) images of the
By Troy Lacey How creationists can interpret unique plesiosaur fossil evidence in a flood context …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Angela Carlisle Biblical reflections on secular holidays …read more Source: AIG Daily
Gavin Cox interviews Creation Geologist John Matthews about his career and experiences in the oil industry and his conversion to Christ and creationist …read more Source: creation.com
Sir David tells the evolutionary story of how life proliferated on Earth, but the evidence he offers comfortably supports creation. …read more Source: creation.com
By Ken Ham This year we hosted our first-ever homeschool experience at the We are in a war (a spiritual battle that’s been raging for 6,000 years), and families need to be equipped to stand firm on truth and disciple their children to boldly fight for the King of kings and his kingdom. Next year’s homeschool experience is Equipping Generations for the King (which ties in with our January conference, Stand Firm, and our 2023 Vacation Bible School program, Keepers of the Kingdom). We are in a war (a spiritual battle that’s been raging for 6,000 years), and families need
By Ken Ham All the way through this article, I ask you to be thinking this: “It only takes one generation.” This article is going to be a bit different. I’m going to start by quoting two US presidents, an atheist, a dictator, and a Christian researcher! And of course, I will be quoting God’s Word. Prior to his presidency, in his gubernatorial inaugural address in 1967, Ronald Reagan stated: Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. In responding to mob violence in the country in 1838, President Abraham Lincoln stated: How,