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By Ken Ham This week is celebrated by the ecumenical World Council of Churches as “the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,” based on Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21 where he prayed, “that they may all be one.” Now, Christian unity is wonderful, and we should follow Christ’s example and pray for it—but unity around what? Based on its website, the World Council of Churches wants unity in the sense of everyone just getting along with each other. But is that really biblical unity? Is that what Jesus prayed for? You see, while unity is important, what we’re unified around [More]
By Bodie Hodge Like the city of Enoch, Babel was ultimately destroyed and left in ruins. But unlike Enoch, there are archaeological remains of Babel that can be studied today. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Theistic evolutionists undermine faith at ‘Bible’ Colleges; can your church people defend what they believe? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The Creation Museum hosts an incredibly powerful sanctity of life exhibit, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made. This beautiful, unique pro-life exhibit features lifelike sculpted baby models in sequential stages from fertilization through birth, a developmental timeline, biblical and scientific teaching, and touching personal testimonies. Families love this exhibit, and it is having such a phenomenal impact on guests of all ages. So we wanted a resource for children that parents could take home to continue the pro-life conversation—but we couldn’t find one! We looked for a children’s book that celebrated how fearfully and wonderfully created (Psalm 139:14) each [More]
By Harry F. Sanders, III There is a group within young-earth creationism that has subtly been trying to push models based on Genesis to be more like evolution in a number of ways. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham What is a biblical worldview? Well, simply put, it’s a set of beliefs based on God’s Word through which you view and interpret the world (and that, of course, impacts your actions). Research indicates that, sadly, only 6% of US adults have a truly biblical worldview (and only 2% of parents of young children have one!)—and yet a biblical worldview is vital! So how can pastors, Christian leaders, and parents contend for a biblical worldview to pass it along to others? Well, we want to equip you to do just that with practical answers at our Answers [More]
By Ken Ham According to a recent article, some researchers now believe that aging is a reversible process (in mice it is, at least; human studies have not yet been done). …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Evidence of human habitation underwater—evidence of a lower sea level during the immediate post-Flood era? …read more Source: creation.com     
Newly discovered stele of Egyptian Pharaoh Hophra witnesses to the existence of the biblical king and corroborates important Israelite history …read more Source: creation.com     
One of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by atheists and humanists is that the theory of evolution is somehow “science.” Dr. Houts demonstrates that, in reality, evolution is merely a tenet of the false religion of atheism.   Watch: EIR6: “The Age of the Universe: Evidence and Assumption” – Apologetics Press
By Ken Ham You may have been to a homeschool conference before—but have you ever taken the family to a homeschool experience? Well, let 2023 be the year that you do! You see, our second Our 2023 speakers include popular speaker/author Heidi St. John, well-known filmmaker Alex Kendrick, Captain Barry E. Wilmore (he’s an astronaut!), author Israel Wayne, and me, with many more AiG experts conducting science and Bible programs throughout the week. Registration for this exciting experience, sponsored by Bob Jones Press and Master Books, just opened last month, and we already have hundreds of people registered to attend. [More]
By Kyle Morris A beautiful film presents evolutionary propaganda. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By John G. West On this ID the Future from the vault, hear a segment from Discovery Institute Vice President John West’s talk given at the Dallas Conference on Science and Faith, on how Darwinism has corroded Western culture. Here he examines the morally poisonous effects of Darwinism on marriage, sexual ethics, and religion, such that virtually anything can be defended as OK, and no particular culture’s ethic is to be preferred over another. Humankind’s spiritual purpose has likewise been eroded. Yet West closes with hope by pointing to moving examples of science in our generation uncovering more and more [More]
By Ken Ham It might be the middle of winter, but that doesn’t mean families aren’t thinking about spring break or summer vacation. And if you’d like a trip that will encourage you in your faith and equip you with answers to the questions of our day, while you also make incredible family memories, plan your trip to the world’s two leading Christian themed attractions, the . Our website has a handy hotel search feature that allows you to easily see hotels in the area—including partner hotels that offer special discounted rates for Ark Encounter and Creation Museum visitors! This [More]
During World War II, fighter planes often returned from battle riddled with bullet holes. The Allies analyzed the litany of data and mapped the areas that were most commonly struck by enemy fire. In an effort to bolster resiliency for flying combat missions, engineers sought to reinforce the most commonly damaged areas of the planes to reduce the number that were shot down. Dr. Abraham Wald (1902–1950)—a mathematician… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
A correspondent writes into CMI thanking Gavin Cox for his article on Premier’s Unbelievable but challenges the idea that the scientific method has anything to do with faith. …read more Source: creation.com     
A recent Ph.D. graduate encourages good students to pursue advanced degrees, and has four pieces of advice. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Cultures as diverse as the Chinese, Babylonians, Peruvians, Swedes, and North Africans all have ancient legends of dragons. Where did these legends come from? And how did such different and geographically diverse peoples come up with the same stories? Well, that’s a question we’ve been asking for years—and we don’t often see attempts to answer it! But recently I saw an article titled “The Mysterious Origin of Dragons.” This article explored why and how “these magnificent creatures squirm[ed] and soar[ed] their way into our imaginations and mythology” and concluded that “ancient” people in the past must have [More]
Ph.D. astrophysicist and expert in black-hole–containing galaxies explains why he believes in biblical creation. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham We are living in a time where we see an increasingly aggressive war on children and the family. The devil knows that if he can capture the hearts and minds of the younger generations, he can capture the culture. The devil knows that if he can capture the hearts and minds of the younger generations, he can capture the culture. Sadly, he has been very successful by using many means, such as the secular education system, lukewarm and compromising churches, lack of training in the home, the anti-God media, and so on. As a result, we’ve seen [More]
By Steve Laufmann On today’s ID the Future, neurosurgeon Michael Egnor hosts systems engineer Steve Laufmann, author with physician Howard Glicksman of the new book Your Designed Body. Egnor makes the surprising confession that his medical library is full of engineering texts because at some point he discovered that engineering texts, and engineering principles, often shed more light on human physiology than did his physiology books. Egnor, then, is extraordinarily well prepared to interview Laufmann about the amazing engineering of the human body. Tune in for Part 1, and stay tuned for Parts 2 and 3. Source …read more Source: [More]
How has subsequent research changed how we look at various fossils associated with human evolution? …read more Source: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The Ark Encounter is more than the world’s largest freestanding timber-frame structure—an architectural and engineering marvel in and of itself. The massive 510-foot-long ship is filled with three decks of stunning exhibits. These exhibits are incredibly intricate, with tiny and fascinating details. So, I thought you’d enjoy a special “hidden secrets” tour of some of them. The YouTube video below is a special behind-the-scenes tour I recently recorded with our content manager, Tim Chaffey. You’ll really enjoy the “insider” look at the exhibits, and you may find you missed some of the details during your Ark visit [More]
[I often hear the claim that creationists don’t believe in climate change. But that’s not true! Read More
By Patricia Engler Examining biotechnology—from medical therapies to radical modifications …read more Source: AIG Daily     
Color patterns in animals, whether vertebrates or invertebrates, are designed by the Creator for camouflage, warning, courtship, or, simply, for the aesthetic value. Evolutionists have recently conducted investigation of anuran color patterns, “A team of researchers from NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) has discovered new insights into the evolution of color patterns in frogs and toads—collectively known as anurans.”1… More… …read more Source: icr.org     
Seahorses are as baffling to the theory of evolution as are duck-billed platypuses. The unusual, extraordinary seahorse cries out for a creative Creator Who cannot be contained in the naturalistic box of evolution. Join Eric Lyons as he looks at this wonder of Creation.   Watch: Wonders of Creation: Seahorses – Apologetics Press