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By Ken Ham The International Conference on Creationism (ICC) meets this year, and our staff at Answers in Genesis is looking forward to it! Now, the ICC is held every four or five years and is a ministry of the Creation Science Fellowship of Pittsburgh. I encourage you to read the history of how the ICC came about on its website. The conference is meeting from August 4–8 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, this year. Many of our researchers on staff attend the ICC, and some of them, such as Dr. Andrew Snelling and Dr. Georgia Purdom, present peer-reviewed research papers. You [More]
 The Second Law of Thermodynamics is the best verified law that we have in science, and yet it is also a law that is often misused and misunderstood. It has been confusing physics students for many years, not to mention laymen. It is also frequently misused, by both sides, in the creation/evolution debate. So CMI has even had longstanding cautions against its use. But in the process, creationists have been missing out on some powerful ammunition when this law is used appropriately. World Winding Down is Carl Wieland’s response. It reflects his well-known passion to explain things in everyday terms—but [More]
By Ken Ham I’m very happy to share with you that my newest book Six Days: The Age of the Earth and the Decline of the Church is now in stock and available for purchase through our web store. Now, this is a book that’s been described as unique and remarkable since there’s no other book available that covers creation and apologetics the way that this book does. Six Days reveals how many evangelical leaders wittingly or unwittingly undermine the authority of God’s Word. They do this by compromising the clear meaning of the Bible in Genesis—particularly in regard to [More]
Since moving to America in 1987, Australian Ken Ham-president and founder of Answers in Genesis AnswersinGenesis.org and the highly acclaimed Creation Museum-has become one of the most in-demand Christian conference speakers and talk show guests. Each year, Ken gives numerous faith-building talks to tens of thousands of people with the purpose of upholding the authority of the Bible from the very first verse. Ken’s emphasis is on the relevance and authority of the book of Genesis to the life of the average Christian, and how compromise on Genesis has opened a dangerous door regarding how the culture and church view [More]
By Creation Moments Domesticated honeybees in China are preyed upon by a native wasp. A single wasp can wipe out a nest of 6,000 bees before carrying off the larvae to feed its own young. The wasp does this by stationing itself at the entrance to the nest and killing the guards one by one as they come out to defend the hive. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Listen Now. Part 2 On this episode of ID the Future, Senior Fellow Dr. David Berlinski and Casey Luskin discuss Steven Pinker’s argument from his recent book The Better Angels of Our Nature that human nature is improving. Tune in to this first segment as Dr. Berlinski examines statistical evidence used in support of Pinker’s argument and explains why he has doubts about Pinker’s claim that violence is on the decline.       
By Creation Moments About 10 percent of the 35,000 known species of spiders spin the familiar orb-shaped web. These amazing sticky silk constructions may be a few inches or even a yard across. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Why are Adam and Eve some of the last people to visit our churches? After all, Genesis is the starting point and foundation of God’s revelation about redemption! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Incredible video showing that life could not have arisen by chance. Superb animation of the nucleus of a cell and how complex and magnificent it is. Great video.
Is evolution churning out smarter cockroaches skilled at evading and escaping your exterminator’s best tricks? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily   
By Creation Moments 145 The glass knifefish, popular in home aquariums, has been the subject of study by two University of California researchers. They have concluded that this unusual looking fish has such a complex nervous system that it is basically a computer with fins. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments   
By Ken Ham Recently the Cincinnati Enquirer published an article about the Creation Museum and the new features including a world-class insect exhibit, a spectacular Dragon Legends exhibit and the new zip line course, which is by far the best in mid-America. You can view the article on the Cincinnati.com website. In the comments section for this article, Kurt Percy, who states he is an assistant manager at the Cincinnati Museum Center (which is not necessarily a position that has any input or influence on museum content), posted the following: This is not a museum, and this is further proof [More]
In Noah’s case, God had told him exactly what to prepare for: nothing less than an end-of-the-world-as-he-knew-it Flood! Read more here: AIG Daily   
How many Christians are willing to stand their ground even as they are accused by secularists of being intolerant or unloving? Read more here: AIG Daily   
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: A second century Chinese instrument was able to accurately measure earthquakes from hundreds of miles away incorporating the design of dragons
The January 2013 ARJ paper “Is There a Dominion Mandate?” generated a response from Thomas Hennigan, Andrew Kulikovsky, and Joel McDurmon with a reply by the author, linked below. Read more here: AIG Daily   
A farmer plants a seed. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how … Read more here: creation.com   
Lita Cosner interviews Dr Emir Caner of Truett–;McConnell College. Read more here: creation.com   
By Creation Moments A recent study involved sticking little numbered tags on the backs of seven thousand living honeybees. The purpose was the age-old question of what determines our behavior: nature or nurture? genes or environment? The honeybees were used to see if their occupation in the hive was based upon what their father did. That is, was it genetic inheritance? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Better explained in the context of Noah’s Flood. …read more Source: creation.com