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Listen Now. Part 2 Part 3 On this episode of ID the Future, hear from Frank Tipler, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Tulane University and author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Dr. Tipler compares the perspectives of Einstein and Darwin and explains how the difference in their views applies to the debate over origins, Darwinian evolution, and intelligent design.     
Listen Now On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Cecil Phillips, who tells the story of how he was expelled from Americans United for Separation of Church and State because he was a scientific skeptic of Darwinian evolution. Listen in as they discuss how the Darwin lobby seeks to marginalize Darwin skeptics by branding them with inaccurate labels and shutting down free speech.   
Are you committing a form of “child abuse”? If you are teaching your child that God’s Word in Genesis is true, then Dr. Lawrence Krauss believes you are indeed committing child abuse. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Listen Now Part 1 Part 2 On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin and Dr. Frank Tipler continue their discussion of fine-tuning, the multiverse, and the cosmological evidence for design. Dr. Tipler argues that the initial conditions of the universe must have been “fine-tuned,” explaining that our universe was at its minimum entropy at its beginning. The probability of this condition occurring randomly is 1 in 1010^123 -staggeringly unlikely. Could the universe be “self-creating,” as Stephen Hawking has argued? Listen in as Tipler says the answer is “No.”
By Ken Ham Parents, we have to rescue our kids from a culture that has abandoned the authority of God’s Word. The secularists and those who aggressively promote a secular worldview are after our children—and it doesn’t seem to matter how young they are. Last year, a new children’s “board book” was released, titled A is for Activist. Now, board books are often geared toward toddlers (ages 1–3) and contain rhymes and simple stories. A is for Activist has all those elements, but it teaches children a secular worldview! The author, Innosanto Nagara, has not shared his religious views to [More]
An atheistic mom from Texas explains why she doesn’t raise her children with God and attacks God by pushing her religion on CNN. Her verbal attacks on God and Christianity warranted a response. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Listen Now On this episode of ID The Future: If human engineers in the lab get molecular machines to imitate cellular machines, it’s intelligent design. What does this imply about the cellular machines?     
By Ken Ham Religious freedoms, at least for Christians, took a blow in the United Kingdom not long ago. A recent article from BBC News declared, “British Airways Christian Employee Nadia Eweida Wins Case.” In 2006, Eweida was asked by her employer, British Airways, to remove a cross she wore around her neck. She refused, and her case was taken through various court systems until it was heard by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). (British Airways has since changed its policy, allowing people to wear “symbols of faith.”) And while this may seem like a victory for UK [More]
Listen Now On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer discusses Colorado’s House Bill 13-1089, which proposes a law, based on Discovery Institute academic freedom policy, that would protect scientific instruction in the classroom. Darwin activists such as the National Center for Scientific Education are aggressively pushing gross misinformation in an attempt to keep the bill from being passed into law.   
Pigeon evolution, another forensic fantasy, “crater of doom,” Pope resigns, a tale of two Davids, and more in this week’s News to Note. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Listen Now On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin shows how the film The Revisionaries revises history. Coming soon to PBS, The Revisionaries falsely suggests that intelligent design and creationism were required in the 2009 Texas Science Standards (TEKS) and pushed for by ignorant fundamentalist board members who ignored the advice of all qualified experts. Tune in as Casey exposes this misinformation and reviews the hard facts.   
By Ken Ham Dr. Deborah Haarsma (previously a professor at Calvin College, a Christian college in Michigan) is the newest president of BioLogos (an  organization attempting to get the church to reject a literal Genesis). She recently contributed to a series of articles on whether there really was an historical Adam. Her article, “Historical Adam: Embracing the Questions,” does just that—it embraces questions and provides no answers. In fact, it sows more doubt and confusion than anything. Haarsma accepts evolutionary ideas and mixes them with Scripture, a view that is known as theistic evolution or evolutionary creation. After listing a [More]
Listen Now On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Dr. Robert J. Marks, who has published two papers with William Dembski and another paper with Dr. Dembski and graduate student Winston Ewert. This was Dr. Marks’ first IDTF interview since Baylor University shut down his pro-ID Evolutionary Informatics Lab, now available at a third-party website, EvoInfo.org. Listen in as Dr. Marks discusses his research on probability and the problems it poses for Darwin‘s theory.  
Since creation, water striders have been skipping effortlessly across lakes and ponds. The secret is an ingenious design that only the Great Designer could have invented. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Listen Now Part 1 On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin once again sits down with geneticist Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, continuing their discussion of whether dogs could have evolved by Darwinian evolution. Read Dr. Lönnig’s article on the topic at http://www.weloennig.de.   
Listen Now Part 2 On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin talks with geneticist Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig about his recent article on the evolution of dogs. Casey and Dr. Lönnig evaluate the claim that dogs somehow demonstrate macroevolution. Find Dr. Lönnig’s article on his website at http://www.weloennig.de.   
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., opens a new web series on the Resurrection by examining the importance of this miraculous event. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Listen Now On this episode of ID the Future, host David Boze speaks with Dr. Ben Carson, renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and Darwin doubter. Dr. Carson was invited to deliver the 2012 commencement speech at Emory University. Unfortunately, upon uncovering his non-allegiance to Darwinian ideology, 500 faculty members and students alike signed a letter in protest of his welcome. Listen in to hear Dr. Carson discuss this ill treatment and why his acute knowledge of the brain has led him to reject Darwinism. Dr. Ben Carson is the Director of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins. An internationally renowned [More]
DNA is all around us. It is found in every plant and animal. You literally eat it at every meal. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
By Ken Ham It’s time to share one of the many positive testimonies we receive on a regular basis. AiG speaker and writer Dr. Tommy Mitchell shares with us today: Several months ago, I met a wonderful couple at a conference in Mississippi. They told me that their wedding anniversary was coming up soon and they were considering a visit to our Creation Museum as part of their anniversary celebration. I told them that if they decided to come, I would be happy to be their host and provide them with passes to the museum. As it happens, they did [More]
By Ken Ham Secularists try to make out that creationists can’t be real scientists! Not only does AiG employ a number of highly qualified scientists with PhD degrees in many fields, but works with many other scientists outside of AiG. Here is just one of many such examples. Our long-time ministry friend Dr. Stewart Turner—he has a PhD in aeronautical engineering from the University of Arizona—comes by from time to time to visit us and walk through the Creation Museum. As a museum member, Dr. Turner is always interested to see what’s new at the museum. On a recent visit, [More]
Listen Now On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Jay Richards talks with John Lennox about his book God and Stephen Hawking: Whose Design Is It Anyway?. In this book, Prof. Lennox counters Stephen Hawking‘s argument in The Grand Design that “the universe can and will create itself from nothing.” Is philosophy dead, as Hawking claims? Is the so-called M-theory the “only viable candidate” for a complete ‘theory of everything’? Tune in and find out!   
Christians need to rescue children and teens from the destructive teaching of shepherds who compromise God’s Word and lead our children astray. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
In the battle for truth, we need the strength of the Lord to stand firm, so we are very grateful to those of you who faithfully lift us up in prayer. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., describes a few of the “many infallible proofs” of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
According to Romans 1:20, the Creator is clearly seen in all that He made. One creature in particular seems to show a side of God’s creativity and provision like no other—a tiny animal known as a water bear. …read more Source: AIG Daily  
Queries about the little feathery “whatsit,” Neander-dates, a sudsy pond, “evolutionary” solar cell, name-calling, and more in this week’s News to Note. …read more Source: AIG Daily