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What should Christians do when ‘the going gets tough’ in online debating?    lots of great comments following the article to read  as well. Read More
And: how precise are the Genesis genealogies?    Read More
By Ken Ham Recently, a news item reported on a presentation I made at an AiG-sponsored dessert during the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Tennessee last week. The article on this presentation was taken up by many other Christian news sites, and it was even reported on some secular blogs. A number of people have asked if the actual presentation I gave was recorded on video. It was not, but a similar talk I gave late last year was recorded and now is available through AiG. This DVD deals with the many positions of compromise on Genesis and includes many [More]
An intrepid Dutchman builds his second floating ark; this time it’s humungous!    Read More
Gene expression in eukaryotic cells I conservatively counted 24 recently discovered mechanisms that help regulate gene expression in eukaryotic cells, as reviewed by Moore and Proudfoot.1 Here are just a few of them. Figure 1. Figure 1. Widely regarded as the simplest genome, Mycoplasma gene expression is instead far more complicated than expected. It performs functions that had been considered the sole domain of higher eukaryotes. For example, DNA is transcribed in both the sense and antisense directions, indicating that valuable genetic information is double-stacked. RNA transcripts undergo post-translational modifications, single enzymes have more than one application, and when certain [More]
Can beneficial mutations outweigh destructive mutations? Creationist geneticist Dr John Sanford rebuts criticisms and accusations from a theistic evolutionist.    Read More
Attempts have been made recently to rehabilitate Haeckel’s embryos. Such attempts fail miserably.    Read More
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., critiques three alternate explanations for the Resurrection that make little effort, if any, to deal with the texts of Scripture or the “minimal facts.” …read more  
by Jonathan Sarfati We know today that all it takes to have a day-night cycle is a rotating Earth and light coming from one direction. The Bible tells us clearly that God created light on the first day, as well as the Earth. Thus we can deduce that the Earth was already rotating in space relative to this created light. God can, of course, create light without a secondary source. We are told that in the new heavens and Earth there will be no need for sun or moon (Rev 21:23). In Genesis, God even defines a day and a [More]
On this website earlier today, we shared the sad news that famed creationist debater Dr. Duane T. Gish had passed away this morning. This great defender of the Christian faith was a tireless and bold defender of the book of Genesis. …read more  
Skeptics claim that the order of creation in Genesis 2 is different to that in chapter 1. But is it?    Read More
On this episode of ID the Future, Anika Smith interviews CSC fellow Nancy Pearcey, who discusses her recent book, Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning. Listen in as Mrs. Pearcey explains how naturalism filtered down to the public imagination from Darwin to art, literature, and film. Check out a review of the book at Evolution News & Views. …read more  
Many Christian scholars have suggested that Genesis 1–3 was never meant to convey historical truth. …read more  
Many of you likely heard about the recent controversy over football player Tim Tebow’s bowing out of speaking at First Baptist Church in Dallas. Now, I was greatly encouraged by Pastor Robert Jeffress’s stand in defense of the biblical definition of marriage. He has boldly stood in the face of criticism to defend what the Bible says about this contentious issue. And this week, Pastor Jeffress appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, hosted by Bill O’Reilly. (You can watch the full interview on YouTube.) O’Reilly has been on the attack lately against Bible-believing Christians, including …read [More]
Before the traumatic devastation of the Nazi genocides, eugenics theory was widely accepted by both German and American scientists, especially in the pre-World War 1 era. …read more  
On this episode of ID the Future, David Klinghoffer talks about what it means to be a “Friend of Darwin.” In the case of Zack Kopplin, a 2012 recipient of the Friend of Darwin award, it means grossly misleading the public about science and education by equating skepticism of Darwinian evolution with biblical creationism. …read more  
For InSite this month, we’re looking at our upcoming mobile app, examining the public school system, previewing the Creation Museum, and more! …read more  
The Bell Tomb Engraving by Dave Miller, Ph.D. Carlisle Cathedral The worldwide evidence that man and dinosaurs cohabited is prolific and indisputable (see Lyons and Butt, 2008). Yet, the evolutionary community stubbornly continues to deny that such evidence exists. The extreme bias manifested by such denials is self-evident—what logicians label “cavalier dismissal” (Carson, 1984, p. 120). Rather than allowing the evidence to speak for itself, evolutionists are so committed to their theory that they simply dismiss any proof presented that contradicts their views—since they have already pre-decided that the evolutionary framework is true. They seem to be incapable of allowing [More]
Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part II] by Eric Lyons, M.Min. Kyle Butt, M.A. [EDITOR’S NOTE: Part I of this two-part series appeared in the March issue. Part II follows below, and continues, without introductory comments, where the first article ended.] THE JULSRUD COLLECTION The small, obscure town of Acambaro in the state of Guanajuato in Mexico houses one of the most unique antiquities collections in the world. In 1945, a German hardware merchant named Waldemar Julsrud happened across a half-buried clay figurine at the bottom of a mountain known as el Toro (the Bull). Julsrud [More]
Physical Evidence for the Coexistence of Dinosaurs and Humans [Part I] by Eric Lyons, M.Min. Kyle Butt, M.A. People generally enjoy showing pictures of places they have visited and things they have seen. Simply telling someone about a trip, say, to Sequoia National Park, is one thing; showing that person a picture of you standing next to the largest tree in Sequoia National Park, named General Sherman (which also is the largest tree on the planet), is entirely different. As the old adage goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” People constantly take pictures of things they want to [More]
Marco Polo’s Dragons by Kyle Butt, M.A. Marco Polo lived during the 13th and 14th centuries A.D. He was originally from Venice, but he, his father, and his uncle travelled extensively to the Far East. His book, The Travels of Marco Polo, document much of his exploration into the regions of China, Persia, Tibet, and Burma (Polo, 1961, preface). Polo spent much of his book detailing the interesting customs of different ethnic groups he encountered. He also focused on the different animals and plants associated with these tribes. In chapter 49, Polo related items of interest found in a province [More]
Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms? by Jerry Bergman The evolution of the eye has always been a dilemma for evolutionists from Darwin’s time to the present. Although Darwin, Richard Dawkins and other evolutionists have tried to explain how an eye could evolve, their solutions are clearly unsatisfactory. Many kinds of eyes exist, but no progression of eye designs from simple to complex can be produced in the natural or fossil world. Furthermore, the simplest ‘eye’, the eyespot, is not an eye but pigmented cells used for phototaxis; yet even it requires an enormously complex mechanism in order to function [More]
By Ken Ham During a recent conference in Mobile, Alabama, I was interviewed by Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor. Now, Eric Hovind is the president of Creation Today, based in Pensacola, Florida. Paul Taylor is a speaker with Creation Today. Eric also speaks on biblical creation and has a heart for creation ministry. He has spoken in front of the Answers in Genesis and Creation Museum staff members, and this year Eric will be one of our speakers at the Answers Mega Conference in Sevierville, Tennessee, in July. For more information on how to register for the Mega Conference, which [More]
Monkey do, birdsong and bird brains, story of an ancient chromosome, being “Berean” with The Bible, “Gay” animals again, and more in this week’s News to Note. …read more  
On the question of purposes, we encounter a very important point of difference between biblical and evolutionary thought. …read more  
  Yes, you read that title correctly: the British Broadcasting Company will be airing a radio Easter message that compares the treatment of practicing homosexuals to the Crucifixion of Christ. (Read more about the announcement at this link.) The host of the program will be Benjamin Cohen, the founder of the gay UK publisher PinkNews. Now, Cohen has written an article titled “Like Jesus on the cross, the gay community know what it is to be abandoned.” He explains his view of the Crucifixion and how he believes it relates to the gay agenda. As you’ll see, his …read more   [More]
Every so often, another story comes up in the news about animals that are supposedly demonstrating a more human intelligence because of their ability to use tools. On the Answers in Genesis website alone, we’ve collected and commented on a variety of reports about animals using tools. From spear-making chimpanzees to crows that can use tools to their advantage, evolutionists love to use these as alleged proof that animals are closer to human intelligence than we think. For example, in 2005, we wrote about widely circulated stories of gorillas in the wild using tools in an article titled Gorillas …read [More]