Can a birds’ eye view explain the evolution of animal ornamentation and courtship behavior? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“Another great example of Gods handiwork but what do evolutionists attribute this complex feature to: “Morpho butterflies are a brilliant spectacle of nature’s capacity for photonic engineering.” Once again they credit Nature with some mysterious intelligence that surpasses even mans, but what they really mean is that random chance and mindless mutations were responsible but realizing how absurd that sounds they have to cloak it in some flowery language to hopefully fool the gullible.” Admin Where do butterflies get their brilliant colors? It seems that whoever designed the structures that cause the colors had expert knowledge of optics and nanotechnology,
By Creation Moments Everyone has seen pictures of the planet Saturn and its beautiful rings. Well, it is now known that many of our solar system’s outer planets have rings. However, these rings are a problem for those astronomers who think that the universe is billions of years old. You see, the rings, which encircle the outer planets, would not be around today if the universe really was billions of years old. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
A feathered dinosaur? …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Some creatures can see forms of light that are invisible to us; others have built-in binoculars. The rattlesnake has two sets of eyes – one set for light that is visible to us and another set for infrared radiation. But one thing that creatures with vision all have in common is that sight requires some form of light. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
click here to listen. On this episode of ID the Future, Joshua Youngkin interviews Dr. Alastiar Noble, director of the Centre for Intelligent Design, about the debate over ID in the UK. The discussion hones in on Intelligent Design in the science education setting as they contrast the differences and similarities between the ID movements in the U.S. and the UK. Dr. Alastair Noble studied chemistry and did research at the University of Glasgow. He has been a high school chemistry teacher, adviser, schools inspector and educational administrator. He has also worked on educational programmes within the BBC, …read more
By Ken Ham Christians continue to be negatively affected by the homosexual rights movement. Recently, a Christian-owned bakery called Sweet Cakes by Melissa announced that they would be closing their doors because of the backlash they received after refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Fox News reported that the bakery owners refused to bake the cake for a lesbian couple and consequently had a government investigation launched against them for possible discrimination. The news report included an alarming quote from a city official: Commissioner Brad Avakian told The Oregonian that he was committed to a fair and
How significant is the common rejection of evolution that biblical creationists share with old-earth creationists? …read more Read more here:
Family’s desire to educate their children ends in forcible abduction of the children by the state. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
How much do you value your purity? As if it were a worthless paper cup or a precious teacup? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Last week, the compromise happening in many mainstream denominations and among many professing Christians on homosexual behavior was given a very public platform. On September 4, the NALT Christians Project was launched, asking professing Christians to submit videos of themselves voicing their support for practicing homosexuals and transgender people. The Religion News Service reported that “the NALT project aims to be a platform for Christians who post videos in support. . . . Supporters of the project include The Evangelical Network, Auburn Seminary, and the gay Catholic group Dignity USA. The project is spearhead [sic] by Christian
Interview with Dr Dewey Hodges, creationist aerospace engineer …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham During my time in Australia, I’ve asked a number of Answers in Genesis staff members to contribute posts to my blog. Today’s short blog post comes from Steve Ham, our director of outreach. Steve has a heart for the biblical counseling movement, and recently reviewed a book on the subject called Counseling the Hard Cases, edited by Dr. Stuart Scott and Heath Lambert. I’ve included the introductory paragraphs of Steve’s review below. Recently I had the opportunity to read and review the book Counseling the Hard Cases. This book places the biblical counseling movement on display as
Author Steve Ham explores the consistency between the positions of biblical creation and biblical counseling concerning the authority of God’s Word and its sufficiency in the lives of all believers. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Ongoing excavation uncovers a fourth Triceratops in Cretaceous dig. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“Excellent article. How anyone could think that such a super sophisticated visual system could be the product of random chance is beyond me, since its complexity fairly shouts that it had to have been designed. If you would like to see more marvels of design watch the video God Of Wonders Here” Admin The fine nanorod structure of the mantis shrimp eyes allow it to rotate the polarization across the spectrum. This could help DVD players to process much more information. …read more Read more here:
A new angle on why the Gap Theory holds no water-comparing Genesis 1 with Genesis 13. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Two thousand years ago parchment or papyrus pages of written works were all stitched together end to end into a long roll wound around a wooden or metal bar. It was called a scroll. The problem in reading it was that you had to spin through the entire roll if you wanted to read, say, a passage on the last page. Just like the old video or audiotapes. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Noah’s ark has been a popular subject for artists throughout the centuries. However, it is not easy to adequately depict this vessel because the description in Genesis 6 is very brief. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Many of my recent thoughts about AiG’s various outreaches have been revolving around what is happening globally. This is not only because I am out of the country and in Australia to visit family (I also spoke in a Queensland church this past Sunday), but also because of so many AiG creation-gospel outreaches happening abroad. For my blog post today, I am sharing an international report from AiG researcher, writer, and popular speaker Dr. Terry Mortenson. He starts with what recently happened in northern Arizona that eventually helped with the global outreach of AiG: Ken, There have
By Ken Ham As I wrote last week, one of AiG’s major events of the year will take place next month inside our Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum. Open to any Christian leader, the “Answers for Pastors” conference will be held October 8–10. Our theme this year is Steadfast Shepherds, Unshakable Sheep. For churches to have strong flocks, pastors and other church leaders must be steadfast. Shepherds must have their beliefs founded in God’s Word. At Answers for Pastors, we will equip pastors and other Christian leaders to be bold in proclaiming an unshakable faith. This year one of
Siccar Point, a Scottish site revered by evolutionary geologists worldwide as the birthplace of their long-age philosophy, actually gives powerful evidence for the Genesis Flood. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments One of the most important differences between man’s word and God’s Word is that man’s word can sometimes be true, while God’s Word is always true. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham BioLogos, an organization that seeks to teach Christians that evolutionary ideas are supposedly compatible with Scripture, continues to try to influence families toward giving up a historical Genesis. A recent article appeared on the BioLogos website written by Praveen Sethupathy, an assistant professor of genetics at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Titled “Conversing With Our Children about Creation and Evolution,” the article by Sethupathy explains where he believes the church has gone wrong in the origins debate. He writes that he desires to honor God’s Word as the authority when it comes to our origins:
By Creation Moments Several years ago, the Southern Medical Journal reported that prayers can help sick hospital patients, even if they don’t know they are being prayed for. However, some of the scientists involved said they would not accept the findings unless there was a certifiable miracle. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Surely 160 million years of evolutionary history would have produced more “evolutionary also-rans” before developing the “strong, adaptable animals” that fossils actually reveal. Where are all of evolution’s experiments? More… …read more Read more here:
When “he shall return to the days of his youth,” will the redeemed person enjoy a perfect memory more like Adam’s? More… …read more Read more here: