How can speciation be explained without evolution? Mendelian speciation holds the answers.
Many seminaries compromise on Genesis to appease secular academia and undermine the Gospel. Creation magazine undermines compromise and strengthens faith.
Does Genesis imply a gap between verses 1 and 2 of chapter 1 into which Christians can fit long ages?
By examining fossils from 19 archaeological sites in Jordan’s Azraq Basin, researchers have concluded that gazelles, hares, and foxes shrank in size at the end of the Ice Age.1 This news, published in an open-access journal article,2 should be of interest to creationists for two reasons.
First, the paper mentions in passing that fossils in the Azraq Basin show a “typical steppic faunal spectrum.&... More...
We praise God for the way he’s working through the men and women he’s placed in power (in government, for instance) to bring about good and necessary change! Read More
One was a self-made American politico who freed the slaves; the other was a silver-spooned British naturalist who observed finches. So what’s the connection? Read More
Astronomers have discovered a disintegrating rocky planet in another solar system.1,2 This extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, has been given the designation BD+05 4868 Ab. It orbits so close to its host star that the intense heat is literally vaporizing its solid, rocky material! The astronomers making the discovery explained,
Small, rocky planets orbiting their host stars too closely can vapor... More...
Longtime supporters Ellen and Roger Bauer have brought over 1,400 people to the attractions on 29 separate trips—and each trip is 600 miles one way! Read More
Today is Valentine’s Day (hopefully you remembered!). For this special day, I thought I’d give you some of my dating tips. Read More
How to understand Groundhog Day and similar weather predictions in light of the biblical record. Read More
Evolutionary teaching has indoctrinated us to think it takes millions of years to make a fossil—but it doesn’t! It just takes the right conditions. Read More
There are companies willing to take your money in exchange for a “large language model” trained to communicate with you just like your loved one did in life. Read More
Research has confirmed convincingly that the Grand Canyon’s layers were deposited violently during the yearlong global flood cataclysm only about 4,350 years ago. Read More
In one layer of the Grand Canyon there are over 10,000 square miles of squid-like fossils. This means that billions of these creatures were buried all at once! Read More
“What is that square on Mars?” This question has the internet buzzing as pictures of a mysterious square shape have come back from the Mars Global Surveyor. Read More
The flood ripped up miles of sediment and redeposited it in layers. This would’ve trapped and rapidly buried organisms, which became fossils. Read More
This year is the 20th anniversary of our biblical-worldview magazine, Answers! And we need your help to celebrate. Read More
I thought I’d share answers to 10 common misconceptions I hear about creation, what we teach as biblical creationists, or what Genesis teaches. Read More
How could a tree remain upright and intact while coal slowly formed around it? It couldn’t! Read More
I thank the Lord for what he’s done in and through Answers in Genesis. Here are a few recent testimonies others have shared with me about the impact the ministry has had on their lives. Read More
Joshua destroyed and cursed Jericho, but did the ancient city lay in ruins forever? No. Archaeology and the Bible agree on the events that occurred at Jericho.
For the first time, scientists made a hybrid cell by combining yeast and E. coli bacteria. Read More
Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures and the fossils they’ve left behind inspire awe and wonder. Many scientists claim that the existence of these fossils definitively proves that these mighty reptiles lived millions of years ago. Is this true? What can we actually learn from fossil remains? Hosts Trey and Michael are joined by Tommy Lohman of the Glendive Dinosaur and Fossil Museum and Dr. Timothy Clarey to discuss this topic in episode 32 of Creation.Live.
Something very special for men is coming to the Ark Encounter. Read More
Hundreds of thousands of ‘true believers’ celebrate the famous ‘Roswell
aliens incident’ every year. But what really happened?
These aquatic aviators defy convention, with aerodynamic fins, pyramid-shaped eyes, and a design that baffles evolution. Discover their extraordinary abilities that didn’t occur by accident.
We moved Answers Academy into its new space a year ago, and the renovation of the rest of our headquarters, where we’ll move our offices to, is almost complete. Read More