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Meet the fastest animal digger in the world. It can throw dirt 5 ft into the air, and has even been known to tunnel down through asphalt. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments The shark seems to have been designed for one purpose and one purpose only – to eat! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Despite our best efforts to dispel many myths currently swirling about our future full-size Noah’s Ark, we continue to reply to misinformed critics. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Jewish scientists have discovered an amazing species of rhubarb that “irrigates itself” through the advanced irrigation system on its broad leaves. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Fungus grows in the dirt virtually all over the world. After millions of dollars of research on the fungus, looking for a usable drug, medical researchers were ordered to stop their research. But one scientist disobeyed orders. And the result is the most important miracle drug since the discovery of antibiotics! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
A physicist and an astrobiologist team up to explain to medical doctors how knowledge of evolution holds the key to curing cancer. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham Pope Francis is not the first religious leader who has endorsed evolution and the big bang, but he is certainly one of the most influential. Following in the tradition of other recent popes, Pope Francis has compromised biblical authority in favor of man’s ideas in the area of origins. He said, “The Big Bang, that today is considered to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative intervention of God; on the contrary, it requires it. Evolution in nature is not in contrast with the notion of [divine] creation because evolution requires the creation [More]
Some Christians accuse creationists of being too argumentative. Is the criticism justified? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By radio@answersingenesis.org (Steve Ham) …read more Read more here: Answers Conversation     
Zircons may hint at a story about the early earth, but only with the help of God’s Word. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Metal ores and their enclosing sediments could have been deposited in less than 20 days! …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham I expect that an anti-biblical American TV series will soon be used in public schools across the country, and I want parents to be prepared to counter the series’ evolutionary arguments from a biblical standpoint. Early this year, the 13-episode TV miniseries Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey, hosted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson,aired in the United States. This series was marketed as an effort to encourage scientific literacy, but most of its time was spent presenting an atheistic, anti-biblical belief system. As this series will no doubt be used in many science classes, the evolutionary indoctrination will be [More]
By Creation Moments A new revolutionary design in metal-cutting blades has been added to the metal-working industry. In use, the new blade is fixed in one position while the metal to be shaped spins on a lathe. This new blade stays sharp six times longer than the old blade design. When cutting titanium, the old-style cutting blades become dull almost the second they are used, but the new blades last up to 30 minutes. This wonderful new blade was developed by two engineers who got the original idea from a rat. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments [More]
By Ken Ham This year, our Vacation Bible School (VBS) students and their churches were a part of an amazing project—raising money to provide meals for hungry children living in needy areas. The project was a huge success! We are excited to announce that more than 500,000 meals were provided by VBS students and churches! What’s more, very important gospel tracts were distributed with each meal! This means that through this outreach, kids who may have never heard about Christ will see a wonderful example of Christ’s love and then learn about His offer of salvation. My brother, Steve, wrote [More]
During an October 28 meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences held in the Vatican, Pope Francis claimed that evolution and the Big Bang do not contradict the Bible. If the Pope says it’s okay for Catholics to embrace naturalistic explanations, does that settle the controversy? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear the next segment of a recent “Science and Human Origins” conference that took place in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho on September 20. Listen in as Dr. John West discusses the social implications of Darwinism and the impact of Darwin’s theory on our culture’s understanding of human beings. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
The “worlds most powerful computer” testifies to the reality of God.  
By Creation Moments When a flower lives in harmony with and is dependent upon, say, an insect for fertilization, this is known as symbiosis. Creation Moments programs have given many examples of this, and each one defies the notion that these relationships could have developed by chance over very long times. We have another example today. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham These are exciting times at AiG. The life-size Noah’s Ark project is moving ahead in leaps and bounds. This past week, the board of directors met at Answers in Genesis. They were given a detailed update on the Ark Encounter project, to be built off I-75 (between Cincinnati and Lexington, Kentucky). Because of the intense construction activity on the Ark site, the board members were taken on a helicopter tour of the Ark property to see the progress. I have included a video below, as the chairman of the board and his wife accompanied me and our [More]
Sometime after the Fall, several animals became omnivorous, carnivorous, parasitic, and/or insectivorous, then started incorporating blood into their diet. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
In the past, outbreaks have remained geographically confined to the regions where the organism that harbors them lives. Why is this one different? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Ken Ham With millions watching this live debate on February 4, 2014, Bill Nye “the Science Guy” squared off with Answers in Genesis founder and president Ken Ham in a historic debate. Go behind the scenes and beyond the event with this book to get even more details on the topics discussed! Earlier this month, Bill Nye (TV’s famous “Science Guy”) appeared on Global News’s The Morning Show on October 1, 2014 and, speaking about people who believe in biblical creation, boldly predicted that “In another 20 years those guys will be just about out of business.” Other secularists [More]
Carpenter ant colonies evade zombie apocalypse because only the climbing dead become weapons of mass dispersion. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Up to the mid-19th century, a myth was just that—a myth. The Greek stories of gods and African spirit folk tales were regarded as untrue, whereas the findings of historians who compared documentary records were generally regarded as true. So was Genesis 1 to 11. But during the 19th century, ideas about what constituted a myth underwent rapid evolution. Myths were no longer regarded as stories devoid of truth, while truth was regarded as acceptable even if intertwined with myth. In the 20th century, Freud,1 a number of other writers, and people such as Velikovsky,2 came to regard myth as [More]
How ‘lies’ confounded an evangelist by Dean R. Marshall Published: 16 October 2014 (GMT+10) Doubt can be a severe problem and was something that both Billy Graham and Charles Templeton faced.1,2 They were good friends, both famous evangelists, and they discussed those doubts. Those same doubts eventually caused Charles Templeton to say goodbye to God.1–3 And the basis for Templeton saying farewell to God stems from the ideas of Charles Lyell. Lyell’s motive and method Lyell wrote in a letter4 to one of his friends: “I had conceived the idea, five or six years ago, that if ever the Mosaic [More]
If God created everything in 6 days when exactly were ‘bad things’ created? One of the most common questions asked of Christians is some version of: “If God is so loving, why are there bad things in the world?” The implication being that if God created this world in the state it is in, He can’t be ‘very good’ Himself. This is sometimes used as a reason to reject belief in God. Exodus 20:11 states God created everything in 6 literal days. But that then means that claws and poison must also have been created within those 6 days … [More]
“A man scattered seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how.” Though he does not know how. Those words of Jesus (Mark 4:26b–27) are still true today. As a trained PhD plant scientist myself, I can vouch that, despite the many thousands of man-hours of ongoing research devoted to studying seeds, seed germination and seedling growth, we still don’t really know in detail how it is possible—certainly no-one has been able to build anything that can do what a seed does! The scientific journals [More]