By Ken Ham The media has been buzzing lately with headlines like “Origin-of-Life Story May Have Found Its Missing Link” and “Researchers May Have Solved ‘Missing Link’ Mystery in the Origin of Life.” The question of the origin of life has long been a puzzle to evolutionary scientists. After all, one of the laws of nature is the law of biogenesis; life only comes from other life. This law is confirmed no matter where we look on Earth and, despite years of research, life only ever comes from other life—it has never, not even once, been observed to come from
When one looks at all the facts, the case for evolution and millions of years crumbles. …read more Read more here:
Stars have an amazing variety, and pose problems for evolutionary views of their origin. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Over the last 80 years numerous determinations have been made of the 147Sm half-life. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments The long and skinny shrimpfish must surely be one of the strangest sea creatures to come from the hand of a Creator who never ceases to amaze us with His wonders. Of course, evolutionists claim that the shrimpfish is a product of millions of years of evolution. Let’s take a close look at this remarkable creature and see for ourselves which view holds water. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Once again, Answers in Genesis and its Creation Museum have been blessed to receive a “Top Workplaces” award for the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky region. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The headline of a recent article in National Geographic reads, “In Age of Science, Is Religion ‘Harmful Superstition’?” The article includes an interview with atheist author Jerry Coyne. Now, we’ve written about Coyne before. He’s a very outspoken critic of creation and promoter of evolution. Actually, I’ve pointed out that he seems to understand how absolutely incompatible evolution and biblical Christianity are more than even most Christians! This recent interview with Coyne is intended to show how religion is “harmful superstition” with no place in the age of science. He makes specific reference to the doctrine of
After a volcanic eruption, a new landform emerges from the sea within days. …read more Read more here:
Researchers scramble for another explanation after finding-contrary to expectations-that varnish forms quickly on desert rocks. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments What do a butterfly’s shimmering wings, a fish’s opalescent scales, and a peacock’s brilliant feathers have in common? None of the colors come from pigments. As an article at the Gizmodo website rightly points out, “All of their beautifully iridescent colors are produced by the physical interaction of light with sophisticated nanoscale architecture that we are only just beginning to understand.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham How should Christians approach the gay “marriage” controversy? How should we view the US Constitution’s guarantee of the “free exercise of religion”? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham A.D. The Bible Continues, an NBC TV mini-series supposedly based on the book of Acts, moves closer toward the season finale with the latest, episode 10. Each week we’ve been providing you with a detailed review to help you use the program as an opportunity to share the gospel with others and to encourage you to handle the Bible’s text with great care. Researchers and writers Avery Foley and Troy Lacey provide the following helpful review: As with past episodes of this series, this episode was riddled with an overwhelming number of both glaring biblical and historical
By Ken Ham Recently Bill Nye “the Science Guy” appeared in an interview in which he defended his participation in our evolution/creation debate last year. Many secularists were upset that Nye chose to debate me, claiming that debating creationists gives us some sense of credibility. Of course, most secularists ignore the fact that many of the greatest scientists of the past were creationists and many PhD scientists today are also biblical creationists (we have several PhD scientists on our full-time staff). Actually, secularists these days don’t want public debates for a number of reasons, one being they don’t want the
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Evolutionists welcome the new australopithecine jaws to the “hominin” family. But do we learn anything at all about human history from these fossils? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Evolutionists are simple minded. It’s a fact! Charles Darwin thought that the cell was virtually as simple as a blob of gelatin with a nucleus inside, and evolutionists have been simple minded ever since. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham The Lord is so gracious to AiG—allowing us to hear numerous testimonies about how the ministry has been used by God to change lives. While speaking at a homeschool convention in Virginia this weekend, I received many such testimonies, and I have selected these three to share with you so you can praise the Lord with us: A mother introduced me to her 11-year-old daughter. She said her daughter had been going to public school and even though she was brought up in the church, she told her parents she didn’t believe in God now. They took
By Ken Ham While in Richmond, Virginia, to speak at the state homeschool conference, I was talked into going to see the new Jurassic World movie (a sequel to the Jurassic Park series of films) in case I was asked to comment on it by the media and AiG supporters. Also, I assume that people who follow me on Facebook and read my blog will ask me about my thoughts about this new dinosaur movie—I am the author of books on dinosaurs, and our Creation Museum has many dinosaur-related exhibits, so I know people will be asking. Well, here is
Answering multiple challenges to the idea that design implies a Designer. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments It has long been known that electric eels are able to immobilize prey with a jolt of electricity. But new research, reported in the journal Science, has shown that eels also use their electric organs to make fish come out of hiding. A researcher from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, found that the electric discharges from eels caused the muscles of their prey to twitch, making them easier to capture by revealing their whereabouts. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
A bitter harvest from the Darwinian propaganda film about the Scopes trial (1925–;2005). Darwinian advocates have failed to predict the bad consequences of teaching evolution as truth …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham I’m looking forward to our Answers Mega Conference—Answering the Skeptics—in a couple of weeks here in northern Kentucky. Our attendees will hear from great speakers, receive equipping teaching about the common skeptical questions of the age, and they will also tour our Ark Encounter construction site just 20 miles away, and see all the great progress in building a full-size Ark. I wanted to let you know of one more opportunity going on that same week—a special camp program for students going into 7th through 12th grade. We are pleased once again to partner with Camp Infinity
By Troy Lacey The movie hints at dino-to-bird evolution, but we couldn’t help but notice a few aspects of Jurassic World that remind us of the Creation Museum. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Yet another recent discovery supports the history of God’s Word. Researchers working in a London museum have reportedly discovered what looks like red blood cells and collagen fibers in supposedly 75-million-year-old dinosaur fossils! Now, this isn’t the first time that soft tissue has been discovered in dinosaur fossils that are supposedly millions of years old. The first such discovery was made in 2005 and created quite the stir in academic circles—many couldn’t believe what they were reading! But, since then, they’ve discovered even more soft tissue. Although still a rare find, it’s not as unbelievable as once
By Creation Moments Perhaps you’ll remember that it was Arthur Eddington who measured the bending of starlight near the sun during an eclipse in 1919. His work validated details of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and established Eddington as one of the greatest astronomers of all time. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments Have you ever heard the palindrome “Madam, I’m Adam”? With a palindrome, the letters are exactly the same whether you read the sentence from left to right or from right to left. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Erin Benziger The Bible is full of historical accounts, but they leave out fascinating details that we’d love to know more about. Is it okay to look further? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham We recently received a humorous email from a young lady who shared a story about her younger brother—only two years old—who attended a homeschool convention I spoke at. She writes, Dear AIG, The other day I was playing bible trivia with my two year old brother. After a few questions that he didn’t know the answer to, I thought I’d give him an easy one: “Who did God tell to build the ark?” Without any hesitation he responded “Ken Ham!” It made me laugh because he truly answered correctly. I thought you might be blessed to hear