By Multimedia On this third episode of ID the Future, Nate Herbst of The God Solution and Casey Luskin discuss the commitment of intelligent design to “follow the evidence wherever it leads.” While evolutionists have pointed to so-called junk DNA as evidence against intelligent design, Luskin shares about recent findings that it plays critical roles in the cell. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Ken Ham I have been amazed to read many wrong or misleading comments on TV programs, in newspapers, and on the web discussing the topic of “race” as it relates to the horrible South Carolina church shooting last week. I have also been shocked to read many uninformed comments on my Facebook page as people responded to information I posted on the South Carolina tragedy and the “race” issue in America. So many people just do not understand things like the genetics of skin shade (I don’t like the words “skin color,” by the way), issues pertaining to so-called
By Ken Ham Many AiG supporters are homeschool families who find our Bible-upholding resources extremely helpful as they teach their children. We recently received an email from a homeschool mom who appreciates the thousands of free articles and other resources available on our website. She uses these resources to combat the heavy evolutionary teaching that is present everywhere. She writes, I just wanted to say thank you for all the great articles posted on your website. We homeschool using many different books and of course we run into evolutionary presumptions all the time. The amount of false information, even after
By Dr. Gordon Wilson You don’t have to travel to Paris to see one of the world’s greatest cathedrals. If you look carefully, one may be walking around in your own backyard. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments You can thank roving pieces of DNA that you were born rather than hatched from an egg. At least, that’s what evolutionary biologist Vincent Lynch and his team at the University of Chicago tell us. Science News magazine brings us the story about roving pieces of DNA that helped early mammals replace egg-laying in favor of giving birth to live young. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham We have the most important message in the universe, and yet it seems to me that many Christians think it’s wrong to “market” things. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Did you know that in the 1920s in America, a major biology textbook used in public schools was A Civic Biology by Hunter, and it stated the following? At the present time there exist upon the earth five races . . . the highest type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America. No wonder the late Stephen Jay Gould (famed evolutionist at Harvard University) stated in 1977: Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory.
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Evolutionists have come to largely accept the fact that soft tissues can be preserved in fossils for an extraordinarily long time. But millions of years . . . ? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham A verse for fathers to ponder this morning: A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children. (Proverbs 13:22) My father (who went to be with the Lord 20 years ago this month) provided for his wife and children with material needs. And they used whatever they could to enable people to hear the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. Even though my parents never had much in the way of material resources, the “inheritance” I praise and thank the Lord that my father passed on to his children something priceless—that “spiritual inheritance” that is
By Creation Moments It’s a sunny, sweltering summer day, and you’re looking for a place to park your car. Since you know you’ll be gone for several hours, you look for a nice shaded spot so your car will be more comfortable when you return. Or it’s a blustery winter day with sub-zero temperatures. This time you park your car where there’s as much sunlight as possible so that the sunlight streaming through your windows will heat your car’s interior while you’re gone. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
British humanists claim that they are being left out in public dialogue about the question of existence, so they are campaigning for more exposure. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham We invited the media to a special news coverage day at the Ark Encounter construction site. The reporters had a unique opportunity to walk on top of the concrete measures platform, which will support the timber structure. Answers in Genesis cofounder Mark Looy and I were able to share with the media the vision behind the life-size Noah’s Ark project—I believe it will be one of the greatest evangelistic Christian outreaches of our day. Drs Nathaniel Jeanson (AiG’s newest research staff member) and Andrew Snelling stood on the platform with us to be introduced to the media—they
By Ken Ham We are always encouraged when we read testimonies from people who find AiG resources helpful. Well, we recently received the following testimony from a teacher who uses our resources to help teach his students the truth of God’s Word from the very beginning. Dear AiG, I am a teacher in both a high school and in college. I teach physics, chemistry, and biology. I attended the University of Cincinnati [near the Creation Museum]. My professors made it a point to downgrade Christianity and laugh at the idea of creationism. I was troubled by this, so I decided
A further response to Reasonable Faith Adelaide. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments When Creation Moments posted a story with the headline “Dawkins Becomes a Creationist,” many evolutionists reacted in disbelief, saying that one of their own – namely, Richard Dawkins – could never become a creationist. And yet, a scientist and veterinarian by the name of Karen Dawkins was also an evolutionist … until God changed her way of thinking. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Because of the horrible church shooting in South Carolina, there has been a lot of discussion on TV, in news articles, blogs, and so on about the issue of race and racism. Answers in Genesis has a great short animated video that explains that there is only one race, and there are no black people or white people—we are all varying shades of the same basic color (primarily based on a pigment called melanin). This brief animated feature explains all of this in an easy-to-understand way, showing how observational science confirms the Bible’s history that we are
News reports around the world tell of red-blood-cell-like and collagen-like structures found in 75 million year-old dinosaur bones long stored in the British Museum. This news coincides with the release of the film Jurassic World, in which fictional scientists resurrect dinosaurs using dino DNA that “iron chelators” somehow preserved for millions of years. Though the movie is fiction, it does refer to a real study involving blood and bone. However, a closer look at the relevant chemistry shows that the iron-as-preservative story may be just as fictional as Jurassic World. More… …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham We live in era when children and teens are increasingly being taught to question God’s Word. These kids are also being told that there is no absolute truth—that man decides truth and morality. And, sadly, many Christian parents and churches are not combating this onslaught of secular teaching, and two-thirds of our young people are leaving the church, and even the faith. And they’re not just departing once they get to college—they’re “already gone” in middle and high school! It’s not enough for us to equip high school and college students with the answers they need to
By Creation Moments Though evolutionists would have you believe there’s a war between science and faith, the very idea of a conflict is preposterous. Creation Moments board member Dr. Donald Clark points out that many of the early modern scientists were Christians – like Galileo, Copernicus and Newton. Because of their faith, they believed in a God of order, and this drove them to look for the order in the universe in the first place. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Join us Monday 13 July–Friday 17 July 2015 for 5 days facts, fellowship, food and fun on the beach at Springmaid Beach Resort, Myrtle Beach, SC. An event the whole family will enjoy Fantastic children’s program 22 must see presentations Fellowship and fun on the beach on 27 acres Spacious rooms all with balconies and sea views 3 meals per day (buffet style) Many onsite activities to choose from Read More Home | Creation Super Conference 2015.
Christians should show love to their gay friends by refusing to attend events that celebrate their sinful lifestyle. …read more Read more here:
“To see it look towards the West at about 8:26 PM” Admin Tonight an illusion will make it appear as if the planets Jupiter and Venus have merged in the Western horizon, giving off the appearance of a “superstar”. The sight will be visible in North America in that direction just after sunset. Every night this month, the two planets have appeared to get closer to one another. Tonight they will be just one third of a degree apart and appear to merge into one big bright shining object in the sky. Jupiter will appear circular, and Venus will form
Old-earth creationists should face the reality that their position more aligns them with a worldview that opposes Christianity. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Danny Faulkner At the end of the day on June 30, 2015, there will be a leap second. There is a fascinating connection to creation in this story. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham In addition to the opening of our life-size Ark in Northern Kentucky sometime in 2016 (keep up to date at, we wanted to announce another major outreach occurring around the same time: an intense evangelistic effort during the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in Brazil in August 2016. Since 1996, AiG has partnered with other ministries to conduct street evangelism in many Olympics cities, both Summer Games and Winter Games. I have had the wonderful opportunity to participate in our evangelistic efforts at the Games in Vancouver, Canada (2010), and London, England (2012). Our former international
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig, a retired geneticist from the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, sits down with Casey Luskin to discuss a topic that he has published widely on: the law of recurrent variation. Tune in as Dr. Lönnig gives a background of the law of recurrent variation and explains how efforts in mutation breeding have failed to bring about the expected revolution in plant and animal breeding. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read
By Ken Ham Film and television producers have increasingly been turning to the Bible for ideas for new plots and scripts. Unfortunately, these producers, like those behind the blasphemous Noah movie and the highly disappointing A.D. The Bible Continues TV series, usually butcher what the biblical text actually says. As a result, such programs can often make a mockery of the character of the biblical figures. Well, a new show reportedly coming to ABC TV this fall only appears to further this trend. Of Kings and Prophets is described on the ABC website as “An epic Biblical saga of faith,