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Archer fish exploits two independent hydrodynamic properties to shoot down prey with powerful water jet. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By CMI Our solar system has a nice, neat structure. The planets all have nice, stable, relatively round orbits. This structure protects the Earth from being struck by another large planet. Evolutionary theories about the origin of the solar system have always said that it formed into its current neat structure from a swirling disk of hot gases that once orbited the sun. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Are you a subscriber to our family-friendly Answers magazine? If not, you’ll want to subscribe right away so you don’t miss another apologetics-packed issue that will equip you and strengthen your faith. Answers magazine arrives once every quarter and is packed with faith-building articles on creation and the Bible’s authority and reliability for all of life. And as school has started up again, the magazine makes a great gift to equip your college or high-school students to defend their faith and answer the skeptical questions of this age. You can even give them a digital subscription that [More]
By Taylor Pool Dr. Georgia Purdom’s time at Cedarville matured her faith and paved the way for her position as a research scientist, writer, and speaker at Answers in Genesis. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
The Lake Missoula flood can’t be tamed by spreading it over long periods of time. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
A short protein, or peptide, in wasp toxin may one day treat human cancer in a whole new way. Researchers isolated a particular peptide from the venom of Brazilian Polybia paulista wasps and studied how it seeks and destroys cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed. They uncovered intriguing details that enable this average-looking peptide to become a cell-destroying weapon. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By CMI The Old Testament frequently and disapprovingly mentions the fact that the Israelites often built “high places.” The Bible indicates that high places were worship centers where a pagan religion or a mix of Israelite and Canaanite religion was practiced. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Most people don’t grasp the enormous size of the Ark. This short video taken by a member of our A/V team, using a drone, shows the construction progress of the life-size Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky. You can also see the foundations for the bow and the stern; the sections are being built off site. You can keep up to date at ArkEncounter.com. …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
By Ken Ham The school where you choose to spend your college years will have a major impact on your faith, family, and future. Young people often come home from college (even many Christian colleges) doubting God’s Word and often end up leaving the church and the faith. There are so many options for schools and programs that it can be overwhelming. And if you’re a parent of someone who is heading off to college in the near future, you’re probably concerned about making sure that your child receives a God-honoring education that will build them up in the faith, [More]
A critic asserts that no passage in the New Testament purports to be inspired by God. Is that true? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Jeffrey P. Tomkins Past evolutionary research in comparative DNA analysis between chimps and humans has employed a great deal of preferential and selective data analysis. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By CMI While all living things defy evolution, some do it more clearly than others. The echidna is one example of a creature that obviously challenges evolution. This Australian marvel is often called the spiny anteater. However, it has little resemblance to anteaters in other parts of the world. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Just like you’ll often see behind-the-scenes videos of theme parks like Disney World or Universal Studios, I wanted you to be able to take a behind-the-scenes tour of the Ark Encounter exhibit design studio. In the video below, you can take a walk with me and our VP of Design Attractions (Patrick Marsh) as we go through the design studio, where AiG designers are hard at work fabricating the many exhibits that will go into the 132 exhibit bays inside the life-size Noah’s Ark south of Cincinnati. You will see them designing the various exhibits like Noah’s [More]
By Ken Ham On the surface they appear to be very similar. As we studied the research findings further, we soon found we were dealing with two different types of individuals who were no longer attending church. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
‘Mud cracks’, as they are commonly called, form when muddy sediment is exposed to the air and dries out. This causes the mud to dehydrate, shrink and crack. Some Bible critics claim that mud cracks disprove the global flood, because they are supposedly found throughout the geological record, and therefore imply a series of prolonged periods of drying out, instead of one great watery cataclysm that laid down most sedimentary layers. However, this argument is far from ‘rock solid’, because true mud cracks are easy to confuse with cracks formed by other mechanisms that don’t involve a period of drying [More]
The way in which a cow turns sunshine, water and grass into milk defies evolutionary explanations. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By CMI Researchers searching for new medicines have been scouring the jungles of the world. Many of our new and most powerful drugs have come from Old and New World jungles. Sometimes researchers learn something about these medicines from local healers, who already seem to know how to use them. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham This morning I had the privilege of addressing the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce at its regular breakfast meeting, where I gave an update on the life-size Noah’s Ark construction and the incredible future economic impact this is going to have on the state of Kentucky and especially Northern Kentucky, as well as the neighboring states of Ohio and Indiana. We have already heard of a number of hotels and restaurants that will now be developed in Williamstown, Kentucky, where the Ark is being built. Many people at the breakfast commented that they had not realized the [More]
By Dr. Jason Lisle Many Christians have bought into the idea of extraterrestrial alien life. But is this idea really biblical? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
In 1994 the prestigious journal Science shocked the scientific world by publishing sequence data from DNA retrieved from dinosaur bone said to be 80 million years old. DNA is a fragile molecule, and so it breaks down quickly. Measurements of DNA stability suggest it could last thousands of years, at best, under the likely conditions. But 80 million years was just too incredible for other skeptical scientists. Eventually, these skeptics were vindicated—as it became apparent that the original researchers had sequenced contaminating human DNA, not dinosaur DNA. However, in 2012 a different group of researchers published new results supporting the [More]
By Bill Hoesch Secluded in the canyon country of southern Utah is a beautiful but often overlooked state park called Kodachrome Basin. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Brother Kent has an official Youtube channel now and he’s uploaded a lot of videos dealing with a wide variety of subjects including creation and evolution, current events, Bible prophecy and more. You can check it out  by clicking here.
By CMI The creosote shrub is common in the desert of the American Southwest and northern Mexico. This remarkable plant is not only well designed for life in the desert, but also it protects itself from those who would munch on its leaves. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
Many of the biggest dinosaurs, such as some of the long-necked sauropods like Brachiosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Apatosaurus, would have eaten colossal amounts of vegetation. So why do we find such a conspicuous absence of plants in rocks containing dinosaur fossils? Take for example the Morrison Formation in Montana, USA. Even though this Formation has yielded many dinosaur fossils, there is a startling scarcity of vegetation preserved. This phenomenon of ‘missing vegetation’ doesn’t just apply to dinosaurs. The Coconino Sandstone in the Grand Canyon has many animal track-ways, but it is almost devoid of plants. These rocks tell us something profound [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, listen to the first segment of a recent talk that Casey Luskin gave on ID and law where he unpacks the definition of intelligent design. As Casey points out, intelligent design involves much more than just a critique of Darwinian evolution; it uses reasoning to recognize patterns that show an intelligent origin, similar to methods employed in archaeology and forensic science. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future     
Many people think that Charles Darwin first thought of the idea of natural selection. However, others prior to Darwin described the concept, although they sometimes used slightly different terminology. For instance, Carl Linnaeus, the creationist ‘father of taxonomy’ wrote of a ‘struggle for survival’ in nature. Similarly, James Hutton wrote about the concept of natural selection. Probably the most influential character was Edward Blyth, an English chemist and zoologist who wrote major articles on natural selection two decades before Darwin published the Origin of Species. Darwin differed in trying to use the concept of natural selection to promote the idea [More]
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, David Boze examines the plight of Dr. Daniel Shechtman, recent winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of quasicrystals, who had previously suffered much rejection and ridicule for threatening the consensus of the scientific establishment. Listen in and consider the parallels between Shechtman’s once-heretical science and the modern-day rejection and scorn of the ID movement. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future