By CMI A few years ago, a news release revealed the result of a poll on what Americans prefer to have taught in public schools about origins. The poll was done for an organization that favors a dogmatic teaching of evolution. The news release stated only that a huge majority of Americans, 83 percent, favor the teaching of evolution in the public schools. We at Creation Moments were led to investigate this poll more closely since this poll result runs contrary to other recent polls. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Mark Looy Whether it’s atheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and so on, all make man god, instead of trusting in the Creator God of the Bible. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Many Christians are finding it harder than ever to share the Gospel. Why is it that some seem immune to it? And how can we share more effectively? …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Dawkins particularly disparaged Dr. Ben Carson, running for US President. In this interview, Dawkins made the false claim (that he’s made many times) that “evolution is the bedrock of biology and biology is the bedrock of medicine.” He went on to say this about Dr. Carson: “He clearly doesn’t understand the fundamental theorem of his own subject. That is a terrible indictment.” Actually, by making such an ignorant and nonsensical statement, Dawkins is disproving his own accusation! Obviously, Dr. Carson didn’t need to believe in evolution to become a world-renowned pediatric neurosurgeon with sophisticated skills at age
By CMI According to evolutionary naturalism, the solar system began as a disk of hot, rotating gas. The sun began to form first. At the same time, the planets began to form as they collected material out of the gaseous disk. This process generated more heat, with the largest planets collecting more of the heat than smaller planets. The amount of heat collected by the large, heavy planets like Jupiter compared with a planet like the Earth accounts for the different elemental composition of the planets. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Matthew’s and Luke’s genealogies have differences that are apparent at even a cursory glance. Even some Bible scholars have given up on a satisfactory solution. For instance, Nolland says in his Matthew commentary:Adoptive relationships were just as real and legally binding as biological relationships, and inheritance was one important reason why someone might be adopted as an heir. Various attempts have been made at harmonisation, none of which is better than speculative. Given the contradictions in OT and other ancient genealogies and the varied functions of genealogies, it is probably best to let each genealogy make its own contribution to
A New Scientist article1 ponders a baffling enigma to evolutionists—‘living fossils’. These are creatures alive today which are identical to fossilised forms, believed to have lived ‘millions of years ago.’ Examples include the coelacanth fish (fossil coelacanths are believed by evolutionists to be 340 million years old2), Gingko trees (125 million years), crocodiles (140 million years), horseshoe crabs (200 million years), the Lingula lamp shell (450 million years), Neopilina molluscs (500 million years), and the tuatara lizard (200 million years). This poses a conundrum for evolution: ‘Why have these life-forms stayed the same for all that time?’This poses a conundrum
Ever had someone tell you, ‘You’re missing the whole point! The purpose of Genesis is to teach that God is our Creator. We should not be divisive over the small details. Genesis teaches the theological truth of “Who?” and “Why?” not about the “How?” and “When?”’ Or else they say that the Bible is a book for faith and morality, not history. An obvious answer is, why should we trust Genesis when it says God created if we can’t trust it on the details? After all, Jesus told Nicodemus, ‘I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do
By Multimedia In this episode of ID the Future, hear about electricity and bioluminescence, as highlighted in Dr. Geoffrey Simmons’ book, Billions of Missing Links. Listen in to learn about how a knee jerk reaction, eels, and the knife fish all use electrical impulses. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Avery Foley Instead of fairly presenting what creationists teach, the senior editor of BioLogos chose to ignore actual creationist arguments. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Researchers in Trinidad relocated guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from a waterfall pool teeming with predators to previously guppy-free pools above the falls where there was only one known possible predator (of small guppies only, therefore large guppies would be safe).1 The descendants of the transplanted guppies adjusted to their new circumstances by growing bigger, maturing later, and having fewer and bigger offspring. The speed of these changes bewildered evolutionists, because their standard millions-of-years view is that the guppies would require long periods of time to adapt. One evolutionist said, ‘The guppies adapted to their new environment in a mere four years—a
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear about a recent article in the science magazine Nautilus (Evolution, You’re Drunk: DNA studies topple the ladder of complexity) that shows animal phylogenetic trees conflicting sharply with genetic data. As Casey Luskin points out, “When Darwinian theory tells us that crucial and complex features like brains or nervous systems evolved independently — or almost as weirdly, evolved and were repeatedly lost throughout life’s history — maybe, it’s time for the “ghost of teleology” to make an appearance in the form of common design.” Your browser does not support playing Audio,
By Simon Turpin It does not seem Dr. Ben Witherington has ever seriously taken the time to interact with material that answers his objections concerning biblical creation. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
“Spirited Debate,” a Fox News program hosted by Lauren Green, recently interviewed Norman Geisler and Philip Williams on the possible discovery of Noah’s Ark. Despite Dr. Geisler’s support, three reasons suggest we should be skeptical toward their claims. More… …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Five Things Everyone Should Know Well, here are the five things that Bill Nye says everyone needs to know about climate change: Number One: Our Atmosphere #1: The atmosphere is thin. Barely 60 miles, 100 kilometres, in outer space. Now, we shouldn’t be concerned about our atmosphere being too thin because our atmosphere was designed by the perfect Creator. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take care of it—we certainly need to make sure we don’t fill our atmosphere with pollutants or punch holes in the ozone layer. But we also need to remember that our atmosphere was
By CMI On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens exploded, devastating over 200 square miles in Southwestern Washington State. The heat spewing from the volcano melted the snow that covered its heights, creating mud flows that covered the surrounding area. The grim prediction was that forests and wildlife would never be found on or near the mountain within our lifetimes. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham In a way, I have often likened the AiG outreach ministry to the Israelites as they conquered the land “little by little” (Exodus 23:30; Deuteronomy 7:22). Over the years, we have been going out to churches, colleges, conferences of all types, and little by little have been spreading the truth of God’s Word and the gospel—and equipping people to defend the Christian faith against the onslaughts of evolutionary humanism that pervade the church and culture. I so love to see the thousands upon thousands of children the Lord has enabled us to teach, as they are the
By Ken Ham You see, from very early grades right until they graduate, students in public schools are learning the “religious principles” of the secular religion! Public schools are not neutral. As Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad” (Matthew 12:30). There is no neutrality. Students in government-run schools are being thoroughly educated in religion—the secular religion of naturalism. Evolution and millions of years are the major principles of this religion. They explain how life and the universe could arise without the need of a Creator.
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell That God created teeth, scales, and enamel at the same time is not an answer to evolutionists, so they claim each enameled fish fossil clarifies the confusion. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By CMI Scientists who believe in evolution have a faith just as much as any Bible-believing Christian. However, it is a very different faith than Christianity. This fact was illustrated when some secular scientists declared the bones labeled “Piltdown man” an ape-like human ancestor. Only after a couple of generations did they bother to actually study the bones and discover them to be an obvious hoax. They did the same with “Nebraska man,” which turned out to be a pig. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham To whom are these aborted children today being sacrificed? To the god of self! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Lost Skill Over Time? Well, this article, though written by an evolutionist, emphasizes how intelligent ancient man really was and how we have lost many of the skills they possessed. The article makes the admission that “it would be a mistake to think that our paleolithic ancestors weren’t as sophisticated or innovative in their thinking. Without a doubt, they didn’t have the voluminous depth and breadth afforded to us by our acquired knowledge, but they did have the same brains. And they used those brains to do some rather remarkable things.” The article then describes some of
Modern science arose in harmony with Christian creationist beliefs. But in recent years science has adopted an assumption that is not founded on Christian doctrine. What has happened? The creation vs evolution controversy is seen by some as a conflict between the Bible and modern science. Another area of contention is the matter of miracles vs the laws of science. Why do such conflicts arise? And what can we learn from them about the Bible and about science? We can learn something extremely important about the authority of the Bible from such conflicts. Here’s why. The origin of science is
By CMI A few years ago we did a Creation Moments program about the amazing fact that male seahorses, not the females, hatch the young and are solely responsible for their nurture. New research now tells us more about the relationship between the male and female seahorse. One of the surprises is that the female seahorse practices a limited form of monogamy. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Over 40% state they are not born again. 35% declare the Bible has errors or they don’t know if it has errors. 45% say either homosexual behavior is not a sin or they don’t know if it is a sin. 40% believe “gay couples” should be allowed to marry and have legal rights, and an additional 10% say they don’t know if they should or not. 20% believe there are other books other than the Bible that are inspired by God, and an additional 10% don’t know if there are. 65% believe if you are a good
By Ken Ham “Grandmother Fish can wiggle and chomp. Can you? Grandmother Reptile crawls and breathes, and so do you!” That’s how Amazon is describing a recently published children’s book called Grandmother Fish: A Child’s First Book of Evolution. The description goes on to say, Grandmother Mammal cuddles with her babies, and don’t forget Cousin Whale and Cousin Bird. Grandmother Ape hoots, and Grandmother Human tells stories. We are their children, and all living things are related. In this enchanting tale, Charles Darwin’s theory of common descent becomes adorable and kid-friendly. Yes, secularists know where the battle is in this
At the 75th annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, held this year in downtown Dallas, the world’s foremost fossil experts presented scores of research summaries. Amazingly, almost all of these fossil descriptions included phylogenetic (evolutionary) tree diagrams. Today’s paleontologists show a religious-like devotion to fit their finds in an evolutionary tree. And with equally amazing regularity they describe problems with this process of constructing evolutionary trees. Are these problems significant enough to cast doubt on the whole exercise? More… …read more Read more here: