“Spirited Debate,” a Fox News program hosted by Lauren Green, recently interviewed Norman Geisler and Philip Williams on the possible discovery of Noah’s Ark. Despite Dr. Geisler’s support, three reasons suggest we should be skeptical toward their claims. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
By Ken Ham Five Things Everyone Should Know Well, here are the five things that Bill Nye says everyone needs to know about climate change: Number One: Our Atmosphere #1: The atmosphere is thin. Barely 60 miles, 100 kilometres, in outer space. Now, we shouldn’t be concerned about our atmosphere being too thin because our atmosphere was designed by the perfect Creator. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take care of it—we certainly need to make sure we don’t fill our atmosphere with pollutants or punch holes in the ozone layer. But we also need to remember that our atmosphere was
By CMI On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens exploded, devastating over 200 square miles in Southwestern Washington State. The heat spewing from the volcano melted the snow that covered its heights, creating mud flows that covered the surrounding area. The grim prediction was that forests and wildlife would never be found on or near the mountain within our lifetimes. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham In a way, I have often likened the AiG outreach ministry to the Israelites as they conquered the land “little by little” (Exodus 23:30; Deuteronomy 7:22). Over the years, we have been going out to churches, colleges, conferences of all types, and little by little have been spreading the truth of God’s Word and the gospel—and equipping people to defend the Christian faith against the onslaughts of evolutionary humanism that pervade the church and culture. I so love to see the thousands upon thousands of children the Lord has enabled us to teach, as they are the
By Ken Ham You see, from very early grades right until they graduate, students in public schools are learning the “religious principles” of the secular religion! Public schools are not neutral. As Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad” (Matthew 12:30). There is no neutrality. Students in government-run schools are being thoroughly educated in religion—the secular religion of naturalism. Evolution and millions of years are the major principles of this religion. They explain how life and the universe could arise without the need of a Creator.
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell That God created teeth, scales, and enamel at the same time is not an answer to evolutionists, so they claim each enameled fish fossil clarifies the confusion. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By CMI Scientists who believe in evolution have a faith just as much as any Bible-believing Christian. However, it is a very different faith than Christianity. This fact was illustrated when some secular scientists declared the bones labeled “Piltdown man” an ape-like human ancestor. Only after a couple of generations did they bother to actually study the bones and discover them to be an obvious hoax. They did the same with “Nebraska man,” which turned out to be a pig. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham To whom are these aborted children today being sacrificed? To the god of self! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Lost Skill Over Time? Well, this article, though written by an evolutionist, emphasizes how intelligent ancient man really was and how we have lost many of the skills they possessed. The article makes the admission that “it would be a mistake to think that our paleolithic ancestors weren’t as sophisticated or innovative in their thinking. Without a doubt, they didn’t have the voluminous depth and breadth afforded to us by our acquired knowledge, but they did have the same brains. And they used those brains to do some rather remarkable things.” The article then describes some of
Modern science arose in harmony with Christian creationist beliefs. But in recent years science has adopted an assumption that is not founded on Christian doctrine. What has happened? The creation vs evolution controversy is seen by some as a conflict between the Bible and modern science. Another area of contention is the matter of miracles vs the laws of science. Why do such conflicts arise? And what can we learn from them about the Bible and about science? We can learn something extremely important about the authority of the Bible from such conflicts. Here’s why. The origin of science is
By CMI A few years ago we did a Creation Moments program about the amazing fact that male seahorses, not the females, hatch the young and are solely responsible for their nurture. New research now tells us more about the relationship between the male and female seahorse. One of the surprises is that the female seahorse practices a limited form of monogamy. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Over 40% state they are not born again. 35% declare the Bible has errors or they don’t know if it has errors. 45% say either homosexual behavior is not a sin or they don’t know if it is a sin. 40% believe “gay couples” should be allowed to marry and have legal rights, and an additional 10% say they don’t know if they should or not. 20% believe there are other books other than the Bible that are inspired by God, and an additional 10% don’t know if there are. 65% believe if you are a good
By Ken Ham “Grandmother Fish can wiggle and chomp. Can you? Grandmother Reptile crawls and breathes, and so do you!” That’s how Amazon is describing a recently published children’s book called Grandmother Fish: A Child’s First Book of Evolution. The description goes on to say, Grandmother Mammal cuddles with her babies, and don’t forget Cousin Whale and Cousin Bird. Grandmother Ape hoots, and Grandmother Human tells stories. We are their children, and all living things are related. In this enchanting tale, Charles Darwin’s theory of common descent becomes adorable and kid-friendly. Yes, secularists know where the battle is in this
At the 75th annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, held this year in downtown Dallas, the world’s foremost fossil experts presented scores of research summaries. Amazingly, almost all of these fossil descriptions included phylogenetic (evolutionary) tree diagrams. Today’s paleontologists show a religious-like devotion to fit their finds in an evolutionary tree. And with equally amazing regularity they describe problems with this process of constructing evolutionary trees. Are these problems significant enough to cast doubt on the whole exercise? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
By CMI Evolutionists say that an animal’s unique features developed because the unique feature gives the animal some survival benefit. Just what that benefit might be is open to interpretation, and sometimes the explanation is a little fuzzy. Sometimes the explanation just doesn’t work. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham The reaction to businessman Donald Trump’s candidacy can be instructive as it relates to ministries like Answers in Genesis. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
New methods using increased precision have allowed mankind to answer a fundamental question: Do other stars have planets? Natural philosophers have pondered this question for centuries. Johannes Kepler imagined beings on other planets in his book, The Dream, considered the first work of science fiction. Today’s scientists are finally able to move from fiction to fact. The answer is: Yes! Other stars do have planets. A follow-up question for creationists (and evolutionists) is: what does it mean for our worldview? Read More: Exoplanets – creation.com
When you ask Christians if they “believe the Bible”, you will likely receive a universal and enthusiastic affirmative response. However, if you were to ask those same believers why they believe the Bible, you are more likely to get a puzzled look and a less-than-enthusiastic mumbled response. Christians believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and it should be our authority in all areas of life. We believe that we can trust what we read in our Bibles today is the same message that God inspired. But most Christians could not explain how the original documents that God
By CMI According to evolutionary theory, humans had a common ancestor with chickens 300 million years ago. Much more recently in evolutionary time, we had a common ancestor with the mouse. One would then be led to conclude that, in evolutionary terms, we are genetically closer to the mouse than to the chicken. Of course, we must stress that we at Creation Moments have good reasons to reject all those multiple millions of years. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham In the latest issue of World magazine, Bart Campolo, son of well-known speaker, author, sociologist, pastor, and social activist Tony Campolo, gives frank answers about his walk away from Christianity and his new job as a “humanist chaplain” at a secular university in California. You can read the interview for yourself. I would like to make two comments about Bart Campolo’s statements given to World magazine: When asked the question, “What spiritual nurturing would someone who doesn’t believe in a spiritual life need?,” Campolo answered, “It’s interesting that you should ask, because here’s the thing. If somebody
By Jeffrey P. Tomkins Interestingly, BioLogos is probably the only evolutionary group that puts such a high level of focus on this hypothesis as key evidence for evolution. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Those who hold to the big bang argue that biblical creation is wrong because of this “time travel” problem, but that argument is self-refuting! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Our first article on Homo naledi addressed questions about the anatomy and geologic setting of these fossils. Our second asked why these scientists chose to not date the fossils. This third and final article explores the question of how the fossils arrived in such a remote part of the cave. This may be the toughest of the three questions to answer. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org
Researchers in the field of astronomy have recently announced what is described to be a ‘truly monstrous’ structure, consisting of a ring of galaxies around 5 billion light-years across. Reported findings show that the seemingly unprecedented galactic ring, which was revealed by nine Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), is located 7 billion light-years away. GRBs are thought to be the result of massive stars collapsing into black holes, ostensibly at the end of the stars’ lives. Because black holes are typically found inside galaxies, astronomers say the ring of GRBs is evidence of a gigantic galaxy ring. Beacons can be used to
Jesus clearly believed Genesis as history. For example, He referred to marriage at “the beginning of creation” (Mark 10:6), and to the global flood of Noah (Luke 17:26–27). This is a problem for those who profess to be Christian (to follow Christ) yet do not believe Genesis as Jesus did. Read More: Jesus the Creator – creation.com
‘If Noahs Flood really happened, then why don’t we see any evidence for it?’ a skeptic might ask. In today’s era of mass-media disinformation, this type of question is hurled at Bible-believers daily. The answer is quite simply this: evidence for Noah’s Flood is everywhere, but it is not reported as such by mainstream secular sources. A recent Associated Press article posted on the Guardian website provides us yet another perfect example of how evidence can be hidden in plain sight and presented in a completely dishonest way. Read More: Unpermineralized hadrosaur bones Alaska – creation.com
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling The biblical worldview changes how you see everything, even a “paradise” like Hawaii. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily