By Ken Ham This latest issue is packed full of informative articles that will fascinate you as they equip you to defend your faith. You’ll be intrigued by the flying reptiles known as pterosaurs; were they primitive, clumsy beasts, barely able to get off the ground, or were they intricately designed marvels perfect for the environment God put them in? In another intriguing article, we point out many people haven’t thought much about what the creatures on the Ark might have looked like. They just imagine today’s animals beside Noah and his family. Well, you might be surprised to learn
Did mankind come from Adam? Did nations arise from families dispersed from Babel, found in modern-day Iraq? According to the most popular versions of human evolution, mankind came from an ape-kind. Animals supposedly evolved without supernatural tinkering, and the world’s nations emerged from Africa. But discoveries from archaeology, linguistics, and genetics during 2015 confirm the Genesis account. More… …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Some think acorn worms, virtually unchanged since the Cambrian explosion, represent an evolutionary link between invertebrates and humans. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Multimedia On this episode of ID The Future, we explore how the attacks on skeptics of man-made global warming are similar to those against proponents of intelligent design. Host David Boze talks with Casey Luskin about recent examples of these attacks, why they are happening, and how to handle them. Says Luskin: “Academic freedom for dissenters from global warming and dissenters from Darwinian evolution are being marginalized and, in some cases, being censored in many of the same ways.” Tune in to learn more about this interesting development! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser
By Ken Ham Drs. Hector and Maritza Lopez are a testament to the fact that one person truly can make an impact on the lives of others. This Puerto Rican husband and wife team shares a passion for creation ministry and a burden to share the gospel with as many people as possible. For the past several years they have loaded up a camper with friends and neighbors and have brought them from their current home in Minnesota to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. They even pay their entrance into the museum and personally give their guests a tour of
By Ken Ham For my 2009 book Already Gone , we commissioned America’s Research Group (ARG) to research why two-thirds of young people are leaving church. And last year we expanded this research, again with ARG, to understand more about the state of the modern church and particularly the younger generations that remain in church. What we found was absolutely shocking and sobering. Here’s just some of what ARG’s research uncovered about the beliefs of those who attend church in their 20s and 40s: Twenty percent (20.6%) said they don’t believe the Bible is true and historically accurate. 27% said
By Steve Ham Christian Martyrdom is a solemn and powerful witness of those who are assured of an even more powerful message of Good News. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Evolutionists never tire of taunting creationists with the statement, “If creationism is scientific, why are there no papers from creationists published in peer-review publications?” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Joel Leineweber When someone first sees the Answers in Genesis logo, we want the person to engage with the truth of God’s Word, the authority of it, and ultimately the gospel. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Our many talented speakers and I clearly show how observational science confirms God’s Word. And yet, despite the overwhelming evidence that supports the Bible, many people still reject biblical creation. Why do so many, including scientists, fail to see the truth of the history of God’s Word? Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, the newest addition to our research staff here at AiG, shared in a recent interview why he thinks so many scientists reject biblical creation, despite the evidence that confirms God’s Word: I believe surveys say around 97% of professional scientists hold evolution. Understandably many people want to
The Bible explains that people were extremely corrupt and violent prior to the Flood. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments A long-time friend of Creation Moments, Richard Rothermel, recently shared his thoughts with us about the worldwide flood of Noah’s time and why this historic event is so important for creationists to defend. Here is what he had to say. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Is being human just a matter of accumulating qualities that humans have, even if evolutionists could find a way that ape-like creatures could have done so? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Frost Smith Creationist scientists Drs. Tomkins and Bergman came up with an overall DNA similarity between humans and chimps of around 81%—quite a difference! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Despite claims to the contrary, the meaning of yôm in Genesis is not in doubt. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Did you hear the exciting news about the scientist who found a snake with four legs? Well, actually it wasn’t a snake. It was a fossil that British paleontologist David Martill from the University of Portsmouth discovered in an almost-forgotten box at a museum in Germany. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Many secularists claim that creationists can’t be real scientists and that teaching creation to children will eventually put the US behind technologically. But this is simply not true. As I showed Bill Nye “the Science Guy”—a secularist who often makes this claim—during our 2014 debate, many great scientists of the past and present were and are biblical creationists. Here’s a video clip, part of which you will likely recognize from the debate, that shows one such creation scientist. Dr. Raymond Damadian is an incredible scientist whose work inventing the MRI scanner has saved millions of lives, and
‘Superbugs’ are seen by some as evidence of evolution in action but the truth is rather different. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Danny Faulkner If you make New Year’s resolutions, why don’t you decide this year to get outside at night away from city lights more often to enjoy God’s beautiful creation? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Have you noticed how many of the most admired atheists come from a science background? I could name dozens – Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett and Stephen Hawking, to name a few. Thousands of people are fans of the late Carl Sagan and his protégé, Neil deGrass Tyson. Some of these atheists are practically superstars with followers numbering in the millions. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
The Ark will feature several highly detailed dioramas and modern technology has allowed us to produce these scenes much faster than ever before. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
How can our souls influence the physical realm without violating the conservation of energy? …read more Read more here:
Christian researcher notes that creation is an important issue for youth in the church-and even sometimes determines whether they stay or leave. …read more Read more here:
Scientists who have long been puzzled by the origins of Earth’s water are beginning to believe it originated deep inside of the planet—just like the Bible describes. Where did our planet’s water come from? This question remains a hotly-debated issue among geologists and astronomers, who concede that it is still largely a mystery. Evolutionists who believe the Earth was originally a hot molten sphere abounding with toxic gases have struggled to make sense of the abundance of water currently on our planet. ……. New scientific findings seem to support the Bible’s account. A report published recently in the journal “Nature”
By Creation Moments In an interview with Britain’s The Guardian newspaper in 2011, famed physicist Stephen Hawking warned that the efforts by the SETI Institute to actively “contact possible intelligent life out there is way too risky and dangerous.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Here’s what he wrote us: The Ark project has already had a major impact, even though it has not yet opened. My childhood friend who I will not name has been contracted to work on the project, overseeing some of the workers. He grew up in a Christian home, but has not taken the Bible seriously . . . until now. He has often asked me to prove its inerrancy. After working on the Ark for the last few months, my friend returned home for Thanksgiving, at which time I was able to talk about whether this
By Ken Ham Now, when I’m reading much of the news, I’m frequently reminded that what you believe about the past determines your interpretation of the evidence. A good example of this comes from an article about an upcoming book, God Is Watching You, by an evolutionary biologist from Oxford University. This evolutionist, Dominic Johnson, believes that there is no conflict between evolution and religion because religion is nothing more than the result of evolution. Now, the evolution of religion is not a new idea but Johnson believes that the evolution of religion actually supposedly shaped evolution by allowing …read