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By Ken Ham Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday in America, a day set aside to emphasize the sanctity of every human life. In our culture we need this message more than ever. Every day in the United States thousands of babies are killed (really murdered) in their mothers’ wombs at the hands of abortion doctors. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are also realities. Embryonic stem cell research claims the lives of thousands of tiny babies every day. Mass shootings frequently shock America. Young men and women and even children are trafficked every day in the illegal sex trade. Our culture [More]
Scientists exhibiting at London’s Natural History Museum are unable to identify an evolutionary progression from apes to men. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
‘Dark ages’ not Dark! Medieval scientists knew about the tiny size and sphericity of Earth, and proposed that it rotates. Learn about Ptolemy, Boëthius, Buridan, and Oresme. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Some of you listening to me today are too young to remember the glory days of NASA – when the U.S. space agency put a man into Earth orbit and, a few years later, on the surface of the moon. NASA had brains and guts in those days – as evidenced by the remarkable story of Apollo 13 … or when astronauts weren’t afraid to read passages from Scripture in their transmissions from space. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Well, in the Old Testament we read of King Hezekiah, one of the greatest kings since David and Solomon. Living about 700 years before Christ, his greatness came from the fact that “he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his father David had done” (2 Chronicles 29:2). Because he loved the Lord, this king of Judah “did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and …read [More]
By Ken Ham Because of the huge crowds predicted by market research conducted nationwide—1.4 to 2.2 million guests in the first year alone!—we’re selling advance tickets for the first “40 days and 40 nights.” Either time slot (daytime entry ticket or nighttime entry ticket) offers a unique experience, such as viewing the gorgeous scenery of the rolling hills of Kentucky during the day or watching the sunset from the Ark at night. Tickets can be purchased through our online ticketing system at ArkEncounter.com/tickets. Tickets are $40 for adults, $28 …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
By Ken Ham What’s the “Best Way to Live?” Nye states that we need to appreciate ethics, which he basically defines as “the best way to live . . . in the human tribe.” Of course, this is an arbitrary statement. You see, what or who defines what “the best way” is? That’s the foundational problem with ethics apart from God and His Word. Who or what decides what is “best” and what is not? There is no ultimate authority for making this decision! So, really, how can anyone say that something is right or wrong? Something might be wrong [More]
In 1975, ICR’s founder and hydrological engineer Dr. Henry Morris made some interesting human population calculations. He demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining today’s world population in only about 6,000 years. A new study presents a very different version of human history—one in which the population grew very slowly for 200,000 years. Does the science in this new report debunk Dr. Morris’ 40-year-old biblical argument? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
Communicating God’s transcendent uniqueness to people of other religions. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
Increasingly, orphan genes defy evolution and support the Genesis account of creation. These genes are unique sets of coding sequences specific to particular creatures. This is a big problem for evolutionary ideas to explain. In a recent research report, scientists describe a new set of 1,307 orphan genes that are completely different between humans and chimpanzees. More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID The Future, Discovery Institute senior fellows David Berlinski and Michael Denton, both long-time critics of neo-Darwinism, discuss their primary objections to neo-Darwinian theory. For Berlinski, a mathematician and author of 1, 2, 3: Absolutely Elementary Mathematics, the problem is quantitative and methodological. For Denton, a scientist and author of Nature’s Destiny: How the Laws of Biology Reveal Purpose in the Universe, the problem is empirical. Don’t miss this engaging discussion! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more [More]
By Creation Moments “Have you ever heard the claim ‘all smart people are atheists’, or maybe its inverse: ‘people who believe in God are dumb’?” So begins a column at Examiner.com by a writer who decided to see if this is true by taking a closer look at the ten highest IQs ever recorded. His conclusion is that the most intelligent people on the planet believe in God. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Our burden at AiG is to see people enter the narrow gate and be saved for eternity. As we begin this new year, we need to tell people that it’s time to enter! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell “The 12 Days of Evolution”—a PBS-sponsored video series—deceptively makes Darwinian evolution appear obvious and undeniable. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Rather than celebrating some evolutionists’ ignorance, we should strive to educate people. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Multimedia On this episode of ID The Future, Andrew McDiarmid talks to Dr. Ann Gauger, a senior research scientist at Biologic Institute and co-author with Dr. Douglas Axe of a new paper recently published in the journal BIO-COMPLEXITY that probes the limits of evolutionary optimization. Gauger explains how she and Axe tested popular hypotheses for protein origins and discovered that while mutation and selection can improve the proficiency of good designs through small adjustments, they seem unable to convert fortuitous selectable activities into good designs. Enjoy the interview, then read the full paper here! Your browser does not support [More]
By Ken Ham Well, according to reports, an Episcopal rector in Louisville, Kentucky—less than two hours from the Creation Museum—has been more or less forced to resign due to the gay “marriage” issue. Episcopalian priests are authorized by the denomination to perform gay “marriages.” The Episcopal Church has a long history with the LGBT issue dating back to 1976, which includes consecrating an openly gay bishop and affirming that transgender individuals can be ordained. Now, Reverend Jonathon Erdman, the rector of Calvary Church in Louisville, has recently resigned because he says he cannot, in good conscience, perform a …read more [More]
Naturalistic objections to the design argument from autopoiesis fail by begging the question. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
‘Autopoiesis’ (self-making) shows that all aspects of life lie beyond naturalistic explanations. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Evolutionists never seem to tire of taunting creationists with such words as: “If creationists were real scientists, their papers would be published in secular scientific journals.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Tim Lovett The Bible gives us essential details on many things, like the size and proportions of Noah’s Ark, but does not necessarily specify the shape of this vessel. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Dr. Georgia Purdom The issues of cloning and stem cells raise many emotional and ethical concerns. How do we think biblically regarding these topics? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
The portrayal of a Neandertal as a human-like, dim-witted creature is stripped away when the facts are examined. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments One of my favorite books is Rupert Sheldrake’s Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home. Though the book was written by a non-Christian author who happens to be a well-qualified scientist from Cambridge, this book is filled with interesting stories about animal abilities that evolutionists are powerless to explain. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham But because so much of the attack on the Word of God today is directed at the first 11 chapters of Genesis, we find ourselves defending the historicity of the Bible’s very first book most of all—plus presenting the doctrines that are contained in those chapters. Because we are all created in God’s image (Genesis 1:26), that truth helps form our view on abortion. I have been privileged to speak a few times around the country about this evil, pointing out that over 55 million babies have been …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG     
By Ken Ham The disconnect begins with a generational loss of the spiritual legacy that should be passed on to the coming generations through family and church. Every generation has the same decision to make: Will I serve the God of the Bible or a false god? The “god of this world” may shift his seductions slightly from generation to generation, but the basic challenge is always the same. Christians must be vigilant to recognize these attacks and respond with biblical truth. Now, while statistics indicate that churches and Christian homes are failing to reach kids, God has given …read [More]
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Scientists believe protein sequences from dinosaur blood vessel walls may help them map evolutionary relationships. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily