By Ken Ham When you browse your local Christian bookstore for a new Bible study, how do you know if the material you’re picking up is truly biblical? How do you point out the differences between the religions of your neighbors and friends, and true biblical Christianity? Our culture, and sometimes even the church, is filled with false teaching and dangerous lies. These teachings and lies are usually cleverly camouflaged with emotional arguments and half-truths. Sadly, many Christians are lacking in discernment to see through the deception and to discover what …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By John UpChurch God clearly had people in mind when He designed this lowly plant with so many desirable qualities. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Dr. Danny Faulkner Pluto fans may be encouraged by the announcement that astronomers think they have evidence there is a ninth planet after all, a sort of replacement for Pluto. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments In the early 19th century, a papyrus was found in Egypt – called the Ipuwer papyrus – that appears to be an actual eyewitness account of the events recorded in the book of Exodus. Of course, nearly all secular archaeologists attempted to say the papyrus does not describe these events. After all, their worldview is opposed to the historic reliability of the Bible. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Today, AiG has rallied God’s people to rebuild the Ark Encounter as a powerful evangelistic outreach to the world. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Charles Lyell aimed to free geology from the time-frame of Genesis. …read more Read more here:
Youth groups that major on entertainment or emotional commitment fail to help young people develop ‘the mind of Christ.’ …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, listen to Dr. Steven Dunbar, graduate biology program director in the Earth and Biological Sciences department at Loma Linda University and president of the Protective Turtle Ecology Center for Training, Outreach and Research (ProTECTOR) discuss the work of ProTECTOR, his involvement with Living Waters, and the complexity of sea turtles’ magnetic maps. Join us on Friday, February 5 for the greater Houston premiere of the new intelligent design film, Living Waters: Intelligent Design in the Oceans of the Earth. The event will feature Paul Nelson and Lee Strobel. The film premiere
By Ken Ham As a result of the federal judge ruling in favor of Answers in Genesis in regard to the Kentucky tourism tax incentive and our using religious preference in hiring, we have been inundated with media requests. These photographs were taken when our local Channel 12 interviewed me at the Ark Encounter site this past Tuesday. If you haven’t seen the piece they broadcasted, I urge you to watch this excellent short segment that led the 5:00 p.m. news that day. Remember, the Ark opens July 7 this year. It is an excellent …read more Read more here:
Recently in Dorset, England, bad weather washed a massive section of a cliff into the sea revealing scores of ammonite fossils. Creation scientists are interested in this event because substantial erosion was accomplished in literally seconds. It didn’t take hundreds of thousands to millions of years of slow and gradual erosion. One headline recently stated, “Climate can grind mountains faster than they can be rebuilt.” More… …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell The only positive evidence supporting the assertion that these dinosaurs were dancing for mates is that some modern birds engage in ritual courtship dances. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments If you held a salpa maggiore in one hand and looked at it closely, what you would see is … your hand! That’s because this strange marine invertebrate is transparent! Put it back in the water, and it would almost completely disappear. A fisherman who found one floating near the top of the water said, “It felt scaly and was quite firm, almost jelly like, and you couldn’t see anything inside aside from this orange little blob inside it.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Great response at Stanwell Tops with 800 attending Australian creation camping adventure …read more Read more here:
In complete contradiction to evolutionary predictions, the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity. As a news story on a recent discovery explains, “The world of epigenetics…has just got bigger with the discovery by a team of scientists from the University of Cambridge of a new type of epigenetic modification.” More… …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Sadly, this is the result of a generation that was not taught to start their thinking with God’s Word, and not taught how to defend the Christian faith (apologetics) against the secular attacks of our day. Instead, they start with man’s ideas and interpret God’s Word through those ideas. So, what can we do about this dangerous situation? Teach this generation and the next one to boldly stand on God’s Word! As a part of the solution, the importance of “home” is a top priority. Often times, parents wrongly look to their local church as the primary
By Creation Moments Though Creation Moments doesn’t agree with everything that Christian author and apologist Eric Metaxas believes about origins, we have to congratulate him on his excellent op-ed piece that appeared in The Wall Street Journal – “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham I recently blogged about an Episcopalian rector who was forced to resign over his rejection of gay “marriage.” The Episcopalian denomination embraces gay “marriage” and allows its priests to perform gay “marriages.” The denomination has even consecrated an openly gay priest and allowed for transgender individuals to be ordained. Well, in light of the Episcopalian denomination’s unbiblical views on marriage, the Anglican denomination (of which the Episcopal Church is a part) has recently invoked a three-year suspension of the US branch of the church. This takes away its ability to hold key voting positions. Observers …read more
When atheists argue against creation, they mostly refuse to accept that they are taking an evolutionary faith position. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham The words below were spoken by Representative Brian Linder this afternoon on the floor of the State House of Representatives in Frankfort, Kentucky. Representative Linder represents House District 61 which includes Grant County, where the Ark Encounter is being built. He has been an avid supporter of the Ark project in the midst of opposition by secularists. After Monday’s ruling by a federal judge in AiG’s favor, Representative Linder shared the following with his colleagues this afternoon: In 2015, I filed House Concurrent Resolution 163, urging the Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet to reconsider …read more Read
By Scot Chadwick Our children should acquire an understanding of evolutionary theory, particularly as it contrasts with a biblical creation viewpoint. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Multimedia Biologist Michael Denton published the groundbreaking Evolution: A Theory in Crisis more than 30 years ago. On this episode of ID the Future, we will be giving you a special preview of biologist Michael Denton’s new book, Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis, and hearing from Denton and biochemist Michael Behe. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Ken Ham Sadly, the next generation of American Christians is becoming increasingly secular. As I detailed in my coauthored book Already Gone , over two-thirds of American young people will leave the church, many of them never to come back. And those who do stay, as I showed in my new coauthored book Ready to Return, think more like the secular culture than God’s Word and are confused about what the Bible teaches! And this phenomenon isn’t just happening in America. We’re seeing this across the Western world. In Iceland, the church is “already gone.” According to …read more
Does Genesis imply a gap between verses 1 and 2 of chapter 1 into which Christians can fit long ages? …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Gary Parker Reluctant and surprised, I finally concluded that what we read in God’s Word is the surest guide to understanding what we see in God’s world. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
What is the relationship between God and logic? …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments On a previous Creation Moments program, we told you about the elephant’s trunk with its 40,000 muscles. This is 70 times the number of muscles in your entire body! And that amazing trunk can bulldoze a tree or pick up a pin. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Atheist organizations and other secular groups have been falsely claiming that AiG/Ark Encounter should not receive a facially neutral tax incentive in Kentucky because of our Christian message. They have also been wrongly stating that AiG would be breaking the law if we used a religious preference in our hiring at the future Ark. AiG has responded many times to their bogus claims, charges which are nothing more than the secularists’ blatant desire to see religious discrimination be practiced against AiG. Such discrimination against Christianity is growing across America. When the State of Kentucky more than …read