By Creation Moments In the introduction to his chapter on the origin of life for the book Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels, Ph.D. scientist Tas Walker points out that “geology has long been considered the solid foundation for evolution.” He goes on to write that Darwin “built his theory of biological evolution squarely on then-current theories of geology, especially the work of his contemporary, Charles Lyell.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham I was introduced to one of our volunteers who was an atheist but became a Christian after attending one of my creation seminars at Cedarville University in 1993. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics. …read more Read more here:
Is there a connection between the ‘Black Death’ that devastated Europe in the 14th century and the plagues mentioned in the Bible? …read more Read more here:
Appointment of BBC News presenter condemned simply because he believes in creation. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments According to the ScienceDaily website, “New research involving a psychologist from the University of York has revealed for the first time that both belief in God and prejudice towards immigrants can be reduced by directing magnetic energy into the brain.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Today is the one-year anniversary of when the religious discrimination lawsuit was filed by Answers in Genesis/Ark Encounter against the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The federal judge recently ruled in our favor (January 25). This was a victory for religious freedom—for the free exercise of religion as guaranteed under the US Constitution—in this nation. Also, read our press release about the judge’s ruling at this link, along with a link to the entire 71 page ruling by the federal judge. Here is a short update: Since the state has decided not to appeal the ruling, the matter should
Without details from the infallible record of Scripture, we can only speculate how Noah spent his final centuries. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Who wouldn’t want to encourage a simple practice that can save almost a million lives and over 300 billion dollars per year in health costs? According to an article in medical journal The Lancet, breastfeeding provides so many dramatic advantages over other options that health experts are calling for its widespread practice. More… …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell Three of the genes that control our immune system’s first line of defense (and our allergies) bear a significant footprint from Neanderthals. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Researchers have uncovered scientific evidence that the human brain recognizes the existence of God. Scientists have discovered that the reality of God is hardwired into the human brain — even by those who are not taught directly taught about Him — according to new research divulged by National Geographic. Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation Executive Director Shaheen E. Lakhan, who holds numerous doctorate degrees, including an M.D. from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, contends that something that has been revealed by the Bible for millennia is now recognized by modern science. Read More: Research: Brain recognizes reality of God
By Ken Ham College is a difficult time for many students, especially if they are Christian students attending a secular college. Their faith will be tested on all sides as anti-Christian, anti-God messages will probably be thrown at them every day. Sadly, even students at many Christian colleges will find their faith tested. Many Christian schools have compromised on God’s Word (particularly in Genesis), and they tear down, rather than build up, young adults’ faith in God’s Word. Well, Camp Infinity (Ci) is announcing an exciting camp program designed just for college students this May in our Northern Kentucky area.
Christian scientists who believe in a young earth are citing the recent discovery of fossilized silk cocoons as evidence that many fossilized materials are much younger than evolutionists allege. As previously reported, scientists have repeatedly been surprised by the discoveries of various delicate biomaterials that have supposedly remained intact for millions of years. These materials include shell proteins, ancient embryos, dinosaur skin, and dinosaur blood vessels. Now scientists are puzzled by another material that purportedly survived millions of years: silk cocoons. Read More: 295 Million Year Old Silk? Recent Discovery Could Be Problematic for Evolutionists | Christian News Network
The discovery of gravitational waves that match Einstein’s general relativity theory for a binary black hole merger is an example of solid operational science. …read more Read more here:
Children’s book challenge-answers to questions about fossils, the origin of oil, and the geology of Canada. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Well, a recent study of Bushmen in Namibia found that tribes “quickly found ways to evolve their hunting methods.” Apparently, as they hunted in our cursed, fallen world, it didn’t take them very much time between adopting the bow and arrow and using poison made from certain plants or beetle species on their arrowheads. This is similar to Amazonian tribes using frog poison on their hunting arrows. Of course, this study should come as no surprise to Christians who start with God’s Word. Tribal groups—or any people for that matter—aren’t primitive or unintelligent. They probably …read more
By Jens Jorgenson On this episode of ID the Future, hear a short excerpt of the book Billions of Missing Links that examines the extraordinary design of the cockroach, and how nearly everything about it defies the theory of evolution. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
We note the passing today of US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, listen to a lecture given by David Snoke at a conference sponsored by the Christian Scientific Society. Dr. Snoke, professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Pittsburg, answers the question is information a physical entity?, and discusses the nature of information processing systems. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Steve Golden What exactly does the Bible say about homosexuality? And how do pro-gay Bible scholars try to work around those passages? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The state of Missouri allows nonprofits to apply to the state for scrap tires that they can break down and use to make safer rubber playground surfaces. When a church with an attached daycare applied for the program, its application was ranked highly but was declined “based on a state constitutional provision that forbids state money going to support churches.” The church appealed this ruling and lost at both the US district court and the court of appeals. The case is now headed to the Supreme Court, …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By Dr. Marcus Ross The Bible reveals when dinosaurs first walked the earth and when most were destroyed. But do we know what they really looked like and how they lived? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Huge Chinese wooden ships as large as Noah’s Ark sailed around the Indian Ocean in the 15th century …read more Read more here:
We answer the questions: Does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? And, is the order of creation important? …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham As I wrote in my blog last month, secularists are trying to get Darwin Day recognized as a national holiday here in America. Right now, both a Senate and a House resolution are trying to accomplish this. Really, this is just another sign of the growing secularism in our culture. The religion of this age is naturalism (which is essentially atheism)—that’s what’s taught in our public schools and colleges. This religion is being forced on our culture in the name of “science.” But, really, it’s just an interpretation of the evidence, based on a belief …read more
Namib desert beetles collect faint water droplets on their exquisitely designed outer surfaces so they can survive in their dry environments. And polar bears keep a tight grip on smooth ice using precisely designed footpads. Engineers have copied these exquisite designs to make useful tools. More… …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Today on Creation Moments we bring you a bit of old news. I mean really old news. Though this news is nearly a hundred years old, few people even today know that the massive stone heads on Easter Island are actually sitting atop tall stone bodies buried in the ground. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments