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The Plants of the Bible Conservatory displays the plants that are featured in Scripture
Many people think it doesn’t matter what you believe about Genesis as long as you believe in Jesus. But the gospel message begins in Genesis! Read More
The many similarities we observe among living things is called “homology.” It’s often used as evidence of descent from a common ancestor. Read More
How were the New Testament documents written? Read More
At Answers Academy, we always start with God’s Word—it is our foundation for everything. Read More

Conventional thinking relegates creationists—folks who believe that God created the world only thousands of years ago—to quack science. After all, are they not brimming with irrational bias? If that’s true, then how did I, a creationist, help get another journal article through the strict peer review process? I did science.

My area of expertise is fossil proteins. It fascinates me because of how strongly it conf... More...

Animals designed to fly are classified into four groups: the extinct flying reptiles (pterosaurs), insects, mammals (bats), and birds. According to the creation model, bats and birds were created on Day 5 as bats and birds.

Recently, a science news article addressed the wings of the two groups in an article entitled, “A Comparison of Bat and Bird Wings Reveals Their Evolutionary Paths Are Vastly Different.”1More...

When we read and interpret the Bible, we need to look at Scripture from cover to cover—the whole Scripture! Read More
Why Creationists Should Accept Special Relativity as Good Science. Read More
How should we address claims of bad design in nature? Is the appendix a vestigial organ?
Scripture isn’t full of hidden meaning only the educated or enlightened can discover. It is God’s truth declared truth plainly to all generations. Read More
What are the reasons that God sent a global flood, and how is it relevant to us today?
Evolution’s a cinch, right? Wrong
How can you find a Christian college that upholds the truth of God’s Word and will build up, rather than tear down, your faith? Read More
The literary framework approach to Genesis has become very popular among evangelical academics but there are many reasons why this belief is wrong.

Mollusks consist of a wide range of invertebrates that include the intelligent octopus, pulmonated snails (gastropods), and bivalves (clams). They appear suddenly in the early Cambrian about 514 million years ago according to evolution theory. In 2020, evolutionists said there is “no good record of molluscs before they had shells, and there can be some doubt that certain early fossil shells are really remains of molluscs.”1... More...

Did you know that the Bible actually says there is no God? Well, the Bible only says this if you ignore the context! Read More
Would God create such a huge universe and not fill it with intelligent species? Actually, God has clearly revealed in His Word why not, and the purpose of the vastness of the cosmos

Uncovering animal tracks and trackways in sedimentary rocks is a testament to the Genesis Flood.1–4 Fascinating discoveries continue to be made with the latest trackway (200 footprints) being unearthed in Oxfordshire, England.5 The longest trackway is estimated to be 492 ft (150 m) in length and is probably longer. And therein lies the problem.

Many who are involved with uncovering these incredibly old... More...

Substantive and enduring love is ultimately rooted in and continually flows from God himself, even from before creation. Read More
When you start with the Bible, the law of biogenesis makes sense. There was never a time when life came from non-life because life is a gift from the Creator. Read More
Unraveling the Feathers vs. Scales Debate: Did a Single Gene Really Spark Evolution? Discover the Surprising Truth in the 2023 Experiment.
A YouTube channel recently released a video where internet-famous atheist Alex O’Connor “debated” 25 professing Christians. Read More
Evolution makes God simply the god-of-the-gaps. He’s just tacked on to a naturalistic process. Read More
Many people claim the Earth can’t be just thousands of years old like the Bible teaches, because carbon-14 dating gives such old ages. Read More
The answers will always be in Genesis because Genesis 1–11 is the foundation for everything! Read More
A rash of news reports creates the illusion that an open alien visitation is imminent. But what is the agenda that is really driving these claims?