Genesis isn’t poetry, but Psalms’ poetic retellings of the creation account have much to teach the church today. …read more Read more here:
What kind of creation evidence can ICR reveal in the new museum? Science Writer Brian Thomas shares a few fascinating facts that refute evolution and confirm the authenticity of the Genesis account. More… …read more Read more here:
Central to the thinking of its central architects like Stalin, Lenin, Marx and Engels. …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia We often say that Darwinists are reluctant to debate advocates of intelligent design, but here are two who deserve a tip of the hat. Keith Pannell is a chemist at the University of Texas at El Paso who hosts a program, Science Studio, on the NPR station there. He invited Stephen Meyer on to talk about the science of ID, pegged to the Dover anniversary. Clearly Pannell is an ID critic so he gets kudos for being willing to have a civil and informative conversation. Perhaps feeling insecure about facing the author of Darwin’s Doubt by himself, Dr.
By Ken Ham What is the reason for such opposition to a project that will be so beneficial to the state as it brings hundreds of millions of tourist dollars into Kentucky? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments As everyone knows, most sea creatures get from place to place by swimming. Others – like the octopus – use a form of jet propulsion. But one thing that no one expects to see on the sea floor is a fish that walks! And what makes this creature even more unusual is that the spotted handfish gets about on pectoral fins that look almost like human hands! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Well, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, a medical doctor now here on staff at AiG, has some advice for young people who want to enter the medical field as biblical creationists. He says, You have to remain consistent. It’s just like with anything, you’re going to have people who are for you and who are against you. No matter whether you’re a fan of a certain sports team or you like a certain car, there are people who have different opinions. Now, when you’re talking about a core worldview—the basis of how you view the …read more Read more
By Dr. Gary Parker The Scopes trial showed it was foolish to teach only creation; is it any wiser to teach only evolution? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Why evolutionists try to explain such chemistry wouldn’t exist until over 100 million years later. …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future hear part 2 of Casey Luskin’s talk on the latest findings in microbiology and how they impact the debate over intelligent design and Darwinian evolution (find part 1 of his talk here). Casey discusses the current information age of biology, and how only intelligent design can make sense of the latest discoveries. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Roger Patterson The controversy over the name Easter, when used in association with the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus, is interesting, to say the least. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Avery Foley We know death and suffering aren’t God’s fault—they are the result of living in a sin-cursed world. And Bible believing Christians have hope in midst of pain. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
The idea that plant breeding supports evolution doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. …read more Read more here:
By Discovery Institute On this episode of ID the Future, Sarah Chaffee examines what it looks like to teach the controversy over Darwinian evolution, explaining why students should learn more, not less, on the topic. Listen in as she looks at a lesson plan overview for a unit on neo-Darwinisim, and highlights 3 points of scientific controversy that teachers can discuss. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Ken Ham Well, I recently received an email from a young man in high school who has been able to use what he’s learned from AiG and the Creation Museum to stand strong throughout high school. I think you will find his testimony encouraging. Dear Mr. Ham and the rest of the Answers team, I wanted to write you to say how much I appreciate your ministry. The articles on your website and [in your] books have helped me tremendously in my walk with Christ as I’ve gone through high school. My family visited the Creation Museum a few
By Ken Ham Again this year, we’ve partnered with Tom Vail, founder of Canyon Ministries, and Jon Albert for a once-in-a-lifetime Grand Canyon experience. These thrilling trips in northern Arizona include rafting down the canyon—home of North America’s biggest whitewater—on a motorized raft, hikes to explore side canyons, great food, fellowship, sleeping under the stars, and biblically based creation teaching. And all you need to bring is clothes, a camera, and your Bible—everything else is already there for you! There are three unforgettable trips to choose from. The …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
The incredible complexity of feathers continues to puzzle evolutionists. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Did you know that your tears reveal a whole lot more about you than what you might expect? read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham I think the unique mission and focus of Ci is really needed in our secular day and age. At AiG, we love science (and employ scientists with PhDs), and we want young people to become scientists and researchers who do their work for the glory of God and the furtherance of His kingdom. Well, Ci is offering several camps this spring and summer, each with a slightly different focus. Here’s some information I was given regarding these exciting upcoming camps, all happening near the Creation Museum in our Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area: Conflicting Worldviews College Camp: Coming up
By Ken Ham Intolerance against Christians’ freedom to express their Christian worldview is increasing from a minority of secularists who are in positions of authority. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Sometimes I just shake my head when I read some of the comments people make concerning the life-size Ark that Answers in Genesis is constructing in Kentucky. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments I’m sure that many of you have seen aerial photos of massive drawings that can only be viewed while flying over the Nazca Desert south of Lima, Peru. Some of these images depict spiders, hummingbirds and monkeys. Others are perfectly straight lines that run as far as five miles. In fact, writes Dr. Donald Chittick in The Puzzle of Ancient Man, “the lines are as straight as our best modern methods of aerial surveying could make them.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham This conference is unique because it’s “at your own pace.” While the whole conference lasts from August 1–13, you choose when you want to come and how long you want to stay, as we’ve repeated the sessions for maximum flexibility. You can come for two days, four days, a week, the full two weeks—it’s completely up to you! For example, even though the conference technically begins on a Monday, families could arrive on, let’s say, a Wednesday and if they stay through the following Tuesday, they will …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By Jake Hebert This paper, the first in a series, demonstrates that much of the Hays et al. paper, as originally presented, is invalid. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Dr. Jackson was unanimously voted “Board Director Emeritus” upon his retirement from the board in 2011. He served as a pastor in churches ranging from Washington State to Michigan, and still managed to have ministered in 75 countries. His international journeys included visits to some rather dangerous places to preach the gospel, teach people, and assist missionaries. He was also the leader of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches (GARBC) for many years and was the president of the Baptist Bible College and Seminary (now called Summit University) in Pennsylvania from 1979–1986. After some …read more
The earth is a ‘privileged planet’ and was specially created to support life. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Most spiders use their silk to make webs to catch prey. But there’s one spider that spins its silk to make a virtually waterproof sack and fills it with air bubbles so it can survive underwater for hours at a time. In fact, the air-filled sack is so efficient, it allows this air-breathing spider to live virtually its whole life a few inches below the water’s surface. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments