By Ken Ham Well, I was recently able to speak in Cary, North Carolina, to hundreds of kids at Colonial Baptist Church. It was great to hear them all singing about Noah’s Flood during the dinosaur session with Buddy and me. …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham A recent example of this kind of thinking regards research on the eastern coyote or the “coywolf,” a hybrid of wolf, coyote, and dog. Researchers claim that this is a new species “evolving before scientists’ eyes in the eastern United States.” Well, let’s start by separating the observational science from the unsubstantiated historical science and evolutionary assumptions. Research shows that, due to a lack of mating options, wolves, coyotes, and dogs are breeding together. This has created a highly successful hybrid that is able to survive even in urban centers. This is the observational science. From …read
By Creation Moments It was a nice day on a tropical reef in what is now Western Australia when an armored fish began to give birth. Before she could finish, the violence of the Genesis Flood encased her in mud. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Ehrman’s latest book is just in time for the Easter season. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Gary Parker There is considerable evidence that Darwin was indeed correct about natural selection and the “war of nature.” …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The rainforest is filled with a stunning variety of animals and plants. These incredible creatures proclaim the glory of our Creator and highlight His creativity. Well, in a new DVD from our friends Dr. Jobe Martin and Dan “The Animal Man” Breeding, your family can take an amazing adventure deep into the Amazon rainforest and beyond! Creation Proclaims: The Amazon and Beyond is the newest video in the Creation Proclaims series. In this almost two-hour DVD, you will meet fourteen exotic creatures from the rainforest, such as the kinkajou, anaconda, bush baby, three-banded armadillo, …read more Read
By Ken Ham Growing Scientific Illiteracy Games and books that teach evolution to kids are growing increasingly popular. This is largely because of the declining scientific literacy here in America. Scientists—evolutionist and creationist alike—are bemoaning the lack of knowledge about and interest in science. Encouraging kids to become interested in the sciences early on is one way of combating this illiteracy. But, sadly, instead of designing books and games that teach kids good observational science, many of the books and games teach unobserved historical science starting from an evolutionary foundation. This is really nothing but indoctrination in the religion of
By Creation Moments The potter wasp is a solitary wasp that makes a mud nest with several rooms in it. At egg-laying time, the wasp lays one egg in each cavity and leaves some food in each cavity. She also leaves behind a security force! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
It’s exciting that the God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills chooses to use our gifts to accomplish His mission and purpose in the world. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By John UpChurch One of the big dangers in sharing our faith is to get sidetracked. It helps to acknowledge areas of agreement before getting into the deeper issues. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Avery Foley It was this moment in history, when Jesus conquered death, that gives humanity hope for all eternity if they will repent and trust in Christ for salvation. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The Tri-State Freethinkers atheist group in our area of Northern Kentucky-Greater Cincinnati, who say they are “advocates for equal rights,” continue to make it very obvious they don’t want equal rights for Christians.1 Both Christian and secular media outlets have reported on these atheists’ plans that the Tri-State Freethinkers describe this way: We have launched an IndieGoGo campaign to fund our billboard that will counter the Ark Encounter grand opening in July. The replica of Noah’s Ark is the newest project by Answers in Genesis to promote creationism. While they have a legal right to celebrate their
By Creation Moments The Tiger Keelback snake has a bite that delivers slow-acting venom and prevents the victim’s blood from clotting. An adult human could bleed to death from a bite, but it takes a while for the snake to deliver a lethal dose. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
Why does ICR need to build this discovery center? Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle describes what this ground-breaking project will accomplish and why it matters. More… …read more Read more here:
Describing their findings as “humbling,” researchers who set out to create a “minimal genome” have concluded that the basic elements of life are enormously complex and remain full of unsolved mysteries. In an article titled “Design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome,” a team of more than 20 scientists share the results of years of research on cellular genomes. The scientists, in an attempt to better understand the basic requirement for life, took a bacterial genome and stripped it down of all genes they deemed unnecessary. “We set out to define a minimal cellular genome experimentally by designing and
By Ken Ham Recently an article appeared in the Washington Post regarding an upcoming book, Feathers: Displays of Brilliant Plumage. If the preview provided in the article is any indication, this book is full of breathtaking photos of feathers from birds around the world. The author of the article raves about the “design” of these “works of art and engineering” and some of the complex uses for feathers. But then describes feathers as going “all the way back to the dinosaurs” and says that “today, birds have developed even more complex uses for feathers [than dinosaurs did].” Exchanging the …read
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. John West continues his talk on the social implications of Darwinism. Tune in to learn about the growing movements in today’s culture to disparage the sanctity and value of human life. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
The human sense of smell is a lot more sensitive than was thought. …read more Read more here:
What’s Easter got to do with biblical creation? Everything in fact! The thorny crown and crucifixion of Jesus on that first ‘Good Friday’ harks back to Genesis chapter 3. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Bacteria and fungi form biofilms on just about every wet surface, like that bowl of water you left out last night! In this biofilm state, bacteria cause 70 percent of all human bacterial infections. On underwater pipelines, biofilms cause corrosion. Such biofilms even form on seaweed. That is, except for the seaweed called Delicate Beauty. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Dr. Tommy Mitchell This world is broken and can’t seem to find its way. Where is the all-knowing, loving Creator God in the midst of all this pain and suffering? …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
The tiny fruit of a plant lands a big blow against evolution. …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Paul Nelson to hear his take on a recent NYT op-ed authored by University of Washington Professor David Barash. In his article, Prof. Barash explains “The Talk” he gives to his students, in which he insists that science and religion are incompatible. How should students respond to professors that attack their worldviews, and claim to be backed by science? Dr. Nelson gives some advice. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode Center for
By Ken Ham According to this researcher, as humans supposedly evolved, we lost the need for bigger brains dedicated to out-smarting others. Instead, goes the story, we developed smaller brains wired to be social and to gossip. Since social media provides the perfect outlet for gossip, it comes as no surprise to this researcher that many people “have a compulsion to engage with lots of people via social media” because “our brains have evolved for us to be social animals.” It seems that evolution takes the credit, or the blame, for everything these days. Behaviors and choices—from social …read more
By Creation Moments Homer, the blind Greek poet, spoke of Odysseus’s return to Ithaca and describes some astronomical events that seldom happen in the order he describes. Yet, the setting of the events he writes about took place 400 years before it is thought Homer lived. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Sadly, even many students who attend Christian colleges aren’t exempt. Instead of encouraging students to trust God’s Word and to start their thinking from the foundation of the Bible, continual attempts are made to undermine the Bible’s authority in history, theology, and ethics by professors and textbooks that compromise God’s Word, particularly in Genesis. Christian schools that affirm biblical authority are, sadly, few and far between (see to see a list of schools whose presidents have signed our statement of faith). Well, molecular geneticist and popular AiG speaker Dr. Georgia Purdom was named …read more Read
By Dr. Danny Faulkner Dr. Danny Faulkner proposes that Genesis 1:1 is an introductory encapsulation that establishes a foundation for building a biblical model of astronomy. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily