By Ken Ham In the video report (and the associated opinion piece she wrote), Costello interviewed Bob Fox, pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Georgetown, Kentucky (about 30 miles from the Ark site). What CNN Ignored in Its Church vs State Claim Here is what CNN did not mention in its stories this week. On January 25, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction against the state of Kentucky for unlawfully blocking AiG’s participation in a rebate incentive for the Ark. The federal court found that the state’s “exclusion of AiG from participating in the program for the reasons stated—i.e.,
The amazing ability of birds to achieve ape-level cognitive traits—and in some cases exceed them like when they emulate human speech—has long confounded the evolutionary paradigm that claims humans evolved from apes. Now the bird intelligence evolutionary quandary has worsened as described in a new research report that shows bird brains contain over twice as many neurons per unit area as ape brains. More… …read more Read more here:
A review of John Piper’s latest book, A Peculiar Glory. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments On our previous broadcast, we told you about the Fermi paradox. In case you missed it, the Fermi paradox is the attempt by scientists to account for the fact that we have not come in contact with extraterrestrial life. This is a very real problem for evolutionists because they believe that if life evolved here, evolution must have occurred on countless other planets. So why haven’t we found anybody out there? Here are a few attempts to solve the Fermi paradox. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham July 7 is the first day the the Ark Encounter themed attraction opens to the public. And to make the experience even more authentic, we will have scoffers! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham That’s why I’m a fan of Camp Infinity. Like us here at Answers in Genesis, Ci is dedicated to teaching the next generation solid observational science while equipping them with a biblical worldview. During their time at camp, young people will do hands-on science activities, learn faith-affirming apologetics, hear from AiG scientists, tour the nearby Creation Museum, and much more. Hands-on Science Many secularists, such as Bill Nye “the Science Guy,” constantly say that creationists don’t do real science. As the researchers here at AiG have shown, this …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
When Europeans encountered Aboriginals on the Australian island of Tasmania, they assumed them to be not far removed from animal ancestors because of their ‘lack’ of technology. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments How good are evolutionists at explaining the origin of life? Not very! Listen to what some have written and said. First up is professor Paul Davies from the University of Arizona. In his book The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life, he wrote, “Obviously, Darwinian evolution can operate only if life of some sort already exists.” He continued: “Darwinism can offer absolutely no help in explaining that all-important first step: the origin of life.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham With the generally positive and balanced news coverage we have enjoyed, now comes a glaring exception from our local newspaper, the Cincinnati Enquirer. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Irrelevant to the Gospel? Today’s regular street evangelists are challenged with serious questions about evolution, suffering, aliens and UFOs. …read more Read more here:
Science and the Bible agree. ICR zoologist and Research Associate Frank Sherwin tells us how in this 5-part podcast series on the scientific evidence for creation. From submicroscopic machines to the mighty oceans, Frank explores the marvels of design, buried clues from the past, and the myth of human evolution. More… …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Evolutionists would be foolish to question creation scientist Dr. Markus Blietz’s credentials as a legitimate scientist. Dr. Blietz earned his Ph.D. in astrophysics at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and now works in the semiconductor industry in charge of helping researchers develop new ideas. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Here is a short video that shows the first bent being put into place and what the Ark looks like now. Of course, the Ark footage is now out-of-date because it changes every day as the crews work hard to get ready for opening day. …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
Evolutionists promote an ‘evidence-first’ approach, but fail to see that their own philosophical evolutionary bias blinds them to evidence for the God of the Bible. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Joe Francis Rusty old iron is toxic to our bodies. Yet God designed all living things to depend on a steady supply of iron to continue living. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments In his excellent article in Creation magazine “Jesus on the Age of the Earth”, Carl Wieland reports that the standard secular timeline of billions of years for the age of the universe is “accepted by most people in the evangelical Christian world.” He went on to write, “Some would even say that to even dispute billions of years is to place an unnecessary stumbling block in the way of any scientifically-minded potential converts.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Though the terrorist will have to answer to God for his own murderous sins (Hebrews 9:27), we are all collectively to blame for the violence and suffering, since we sinned in Adam. The world is fallen—groaning because of the effects of sin. Now evolutionists believe death and suffering have happened over millions of years. But the Bible teaches that death is an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26); an intrusion because of our sin. We live in a groaning world because of our sin (Romans 8), and this is why Jesus came to conquer death and offer the free
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner To the Christian, God’s word is the ultimate, unchanging authority, and so we can rely upon it for answers for many things, such as the age of the universe. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Fed up with how evolution is promoted as fact, one scientist self-published a book which challenges the worldly view of origins. …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Sarah Chaffee discusses New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof’s recent articles about intellectual diversity. Kristof makes a compelling case for hiring faculty with varying political and religious viewpoints (including evangelical Christians), but stops short when it comes to those skeptical of evolution. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear an episode of Tom Woodward’s radio show The Universe Next Door, which features CSC Research Coordinator Casey Luskin. Luskin explains the mystery of the Cambrian explosion, gives examples of human designs that copy designs in nature, and gives 5 major problems with current theories about the chemical origin of life. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Libby Wild One of the first things we did when we arrived in Florida was to make a trip to Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky! …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Should we read the Genesis creation account as literal and inspired history, or is it simply a symbolic framework that should be adapted to the most popular scientific theories? Sadly, a growing number of Christian leaders accept evolution as fact and try to harmonize the Bible with the concept of naturalistic development over countless eons. Dr. Henry Morris III offers five fundamental reasons why belief in a recent creation is not only feasible, but vital to a true understanding of God’s Word. More… …read more Read more here:
After investing so much time and effort to understand how all parts of the human body interact, scientists keep turning up new and unforeseen connections—often when they ask the right questions. New and strange developments inspired a team to ask wacky questions about a unique white blood cell called Ly6Chi. And they found some profound answers. More… …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, hear a past episode of The Universe Next Door in which Tom Woodward talks to CSC Associate Director John West about the themes of his book The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society. If C.S. Lewis were around today, would he be a supporter of intelligent design or theistic evolution? Dr. West discusses what Lewis has to say about science, evolution, and the dangers of scientism. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read
By Ken Ham Relative Morality—the Popular Philosophy Barna recently conducted a general population survey to determine current American views on morality. The results are saddening. Overall, eight in ten Americans “express concern about the nation’s moral condition.” People of all ages, backgrounds, and religious beliefs are rightly recognizing that we have a problem in this nation. And yet these same people are confused about what or who determines morality; two-thirds of American adults admit that they believe morality is relative to the circumstances. It’s interesting that they are concerned about America’s moral condition when many believe morality is simply relative.
How the cataclysm of Noah’s Flood explains it. …read more Read more here: