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ICR often receives passionate social-media feedback on our articles and news posts. For example, we recently reported the discovery of organic protein remains in fossils.1 Although the secular scientists themselves described these remains as original animal tissue (i.e., unmineralized), one of our readers responded: “They never found soft tissue. They found preserved soft tissue. It was mineralized and not organic.” His words sound familiar. Almost without fail, whenever an ICR scientist discusses original tissue in fossils, we hear well-intended explanations of how we got it all wrong—that the fossils in question are actually made of minerals. But they are not [More]
By Mark Looy The atheists are on the rampage again, and this time their target is our just-opened Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
With senseless shootings leaving America feeling more divided than ever, how can Christians respond? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham Now, in an evolutionary worldview, H. erectus is considered to be “physically close to modern humans,” and these footprints were supposedly left behind 600,000 years before modern man. The researchers believe these prints “may provide important clues on how H. erectus‘s gait evolved until Homo sapiens . . . came about.” Despite their belief that these footprints offer an insight into evolution, the researcher who led the dig noted that “the prints show toe details, a marked longitudinal arch and an abducted toe, all features distinctive of human feet.” Another article describes the prints as “nearly identical [More]
By Creation Moments To environmental alarmists, carbon dioxide is a pollutant and its existence in Earth’s atmosphere is one of the greatest threats facing our planet today. But if plants could talk, they’d tell you a totally different story. To plants, carbon dioxide is food, and right now they are begging for more! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham At this conference you’ll be equipped with practical answers to the skeptical questions of this age, encouraged by solid teaching, and refreshed by worship music from the string and vocal trio the Foto Sisters. There will also be a panel Q&A and special women’s sessions. Registration also includes complimentary tickets to the world-class Creation Museum and the newly opened Ark Encounter! Our goal is for this conference to equip you to be a preacher of righteousness in an increasingly secular culture. To help pastors and others during this busy summer season, we’ve extended our …read more Read [More]
The book of Genesis lays the groundwork for the Christian belief system. It is the foundation of everything that God has undertaken on behalf of humanity. Therefore, we need a correct understanding of Genesis in order to correctly understand our identity, our responsibility, and our future. Should we treat the Genesis account as historical fact? Should we believe in a literal creation? What does Genesis say about what and how God created? More… …read more Read more here: icr.org     
The thinking behind the existence of old objects close to Earth. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Multimedia This episode of ID the Future features part two of Casey Luskin’s interview with James LeFanu, author of Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves. According to Dr. LeFanu, one of the problems with Darwin’s theory and where it stands today is that it presupposes that the argument is closed, draining interest and fascination from the question of our origins. Dr. LeFanu discusses the problems with the Darwinian explanation for the evolution of the eye and how the development of genetics has brought our attention to the deep inscrutability of the nature of genetic structures and [More]
By Ken Ham The Freedom From Religion Foundation is engaged in bullying tactics to thwart the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom and free exercise of religion. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Design in nature could not be more obvious, but it’s a mountain too high to climb for some. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Since species are defined by traits and characteristics that are heritable, the origin of species is a fundamentally genetic question. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Is the human hand evidence of a Creator? In a paper which appeared in the science publication PLOS ONE, a team of four scientists claimed that the link between muscles and hand movements is the product of “proper design by the Creator.” The paper goes on to say that human hand coordination “should indicate the mystery of the Creator’s invention,” and concludes by again claiming the mechanical architecture of the hand is the result of “proper design by the Creator.” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Apparently Bill is the host of an upcoming science documentary and wanted to bring along a video crew as we walked through the Ark. It really turned into an almost two hour debate as we walked through all three decks of the Ark. We both agreed to video the entire discussion as we walked. Numerous children, teens, and adults swarmed around us as we passionately interacted as the audience grew. There were thousands of visitors at the Ark Encounter, and a large group of them had a unique opportunity I’m sure they will never forget. Bill challenged [More]
Even secular scientists can’t agree on what age to assign one of the world’s most magnificent geological features. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Callie Joubert Researchers using neuroimaging technology claim to have found the cause for the conflict between science and religion (evolution and creationism) in the brain. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Your view of the world depends on where you stand. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Ken Ham The next time you’re tempted to despair at the hopelessness of our modern church, consider Hezekiah. He faced similar challenges—and overcame them. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Change Tan This paper argues that the issue with the origin of life and the origin of biodiversity is not an issue of time, though deep time is problematical. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
By Multimedia This episode of ID the Future features part one of Casey Luskin’s interview with James LeFanu, author of Why Us?: How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves. Dr. LeFanu shares his perspective as someone who straddles two worlds, encountering science on a micro level in his practice as a medical doctor, and reflecting on the broader aspects of science and medicine as an author and columnist for the UK’s Daily Telegraph. Dr. LeFanu explains why he doubts the too-simplistic Darwinian account, where the “facade of knowing” is daily challenged by the inescapable complexity of life. To learn more [More]
By Ken Ham But Do We Want Contact? Apparently scientists from Cornell reached their conclusion based on the Fermi Paradox, which says that “aliens have had plenty of time to make contact with Earth,” and Copernicus’ Mediocrity Principle which states that “Earth’s physical attributes are not unique and that natural processes are likely common throughout the cosmos.” They believe that this points to another roughly 1,500 years before we make contact with aliens. But another current news item, commenting on research from a Columbia University astronomer, claims a “’Laser Cloak’ Could Hide Earth from Evil Aliens.” This researcher—whose coauthored research [More]
In August of 2009, the Institute for Creation Research reported that UK paleontologists found intact ink sacs within squid fossils.1 The ink appeared largely unaltered, and the scientists used it to draw a picture of how the extinct squid variety would have appeared in real life. Now, a new team of researchers, publishing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reports that the ink is almost an exact match with modern cuttlefish ink. The age implications of this find are clearer now than ever. These researchers subjected the fossil squid ink from two samples to eight different tests [More]
The biblical explanation for the diversity of life fits the facts far better than Darwin’s theory. …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Careful reexamination of the first two chapters of Darwin’s seminal work, On the Origin of Species, leads to a surprising conclusion. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily     
Is a new Coptic fragment evidence that some early Christians thought Jesus was married? …read more Read more here: creation.com     
By Creation Moments In a surprisingly candid article at the pro-evolution website ScienceDaily, one scientist admits that most fossil finds include a generous amount of hype. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Yes, an avowed atheist is trying to crash AiG’s “countdown competition,” which is giving away free passes to the Ark in Northern Kentucky. But, as I’ve done so many times before in regard to these narrow-minded people and their clear prejudice against the Christian message, I remind you of this verse: But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. (Genesis 50:20) What this atheist wants to do (and really I find it quite childish) [More]