How can Jesus be God if he does not know what the Father knows? …read more Read more here:
By Derrick M. Glasco The DNA-protein paradox has long been a point of contention in the origin of life debate. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Here’s an idea for those who create superhero comic books and movies. Introducing the amazing Sea Cucumber Man – able to turn his skin into a hardened shield that can stop bullets cold! read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham The American higher education system used to be the envy of nations around the world, but in several profound ways, it is not making the grade. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham For over a century the truth behind the fake Piltdown man has remained a mystery. Many people and combinations of people have been suggested as the culprits, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle of Sherlock Holmes fame. In a new study scientists report that evidence strongly points to a single trickster, Charles Dawson, the man who introduced the “fossil” to the scientific community. DNA recovered from the specimen shows the teeth and jaw belonged to an orangutan of the species found in Borneo, and the skull material came from two or three medieval humans. These teeth and bones
A series about creationist kids at an evolutionist science camp has lessons for parents. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments If you had nothing better to do with your time, you might enjoy thinking about such things as: “How do I know that the whole world isn’t just a figment of someone’s imagination?” Or, “How do I know that the whole universe didn’t suddenly pop into existence 20 minutes ago?” read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
What’s the basis for the racist symbolism of hurling bananas at black football players? …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling “Lack of oxygen did not hold back evolution of complex life” was the bold announcement in the scientific news media recently. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Dr. Ron Samec Did Mars once contain vast oceans? Some creationists now think so. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Several years ago, a Creation Moments staff member was discussing biblical creation with a well-known Bible teacher and Old Testament scholar. When this professor – whose name I will not disclose – began writing articles promoting theistic evolution for the BioLogos Foundation, he was asked to leave his teaching position at a conservative Christian seminary. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham The title piggybacks off the Scripture’s teaching that just as “iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend” (Proverbs 27:17). This conference is designed to act like steel sharpening steel as attendees grow in the Lord and study His Word. I’m thrilled to be speaking later this month (September 23–25) at the national “Steeling” conference that has a Noah theme. This conference is hosted by our good friend Bill Perkins of Compass International, who chose to hold his conference in Northern Kentucky and very near Cincinnati because of the Ark Encounter’s opening and
For those seeking to explain life’s origins from an evolutionary perspective, the gap between aspirations and evidence remains vast. …read more Read more here:
By Ken Ham Recent excavations in the lower Galilee area of Israel have unearthed a synagogue. Synagogues have long been used, and are still used today, as Jewish assembly places for worship and religious instruction. Jesus and later the apostles often taught in synagogues. Including this new find, only eight have been discovered in Israel dating from the Second Temple era (the time between the return from Babylonian exile under Cyrus, the Persian ruler, in 530 BC and the destruction of the second temple by the Romans in AD 70). This new synagogue find “is the first synagogue discovered in
By Creation Moments Do you know how your ears help you pinpoint the location of whatever you are hearing? Two factors come into play. First, you hear the sound louder in the ear that is closer to whatever is producing the sound. And second, the sound arrives at the closer ear a little sooner than the other. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
An evolution-propagandizing illustrated children’s book is drawing praise from the secular community and currently ranks as a best seller on “Annabelle & Aiden: The Story Of Life” is a 26-page children’s book that was published last month. Advertised as an “inspirational storybook” that will help kids “gain a basic understanding of evolution,” the book walks readers through the history of life according to Charles Darwin. Featuring a “wise owl” who describes evolution to two young girls named Annabelle and Aiden, the book proselytizes evolution using rhyming text and whimsical illustrations. Read more: ‘Increasingly Aggressive’ Atheists Target Children in New Evolution-Promoting
By Ken Ham It was a blessing recently for one of our staff members to sit at a breakfast table with three business leaders who have been impacted by the Ark’s opening. To the right of our CCO, Mark Looy, was a person who works for the company that provided much of the concrete at the Ark site. Two chairs over was someone who works at the plumbing business that helped install many of the bathrooms at the Ark Encounter—including the restrooms near our shuttle bus drop off. To Mark’s immediate left at the table was the person who manages
Could Noah’s Ark have been a giant coracle, as claimed by British Museum curator Irving Finkel in his translation of a Babylonian tablet? …read more Read more here:
Creatures need to be called something. So who decided a dog would be called a dog? …read more Read more here:
In 2011, the world’s human population reached seven billion. How long did it take for this many humans to be born? More… …read more Read more here:
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Dominic Halsmer, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at Oral Roberts University, continues the discussion of his peer-reviewed paper, “The Coherence Of An Engineered World,” published in the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Listen in as Dr. Halsmer explains some of the aesthetic arguments for design from beauty in science, engineering, and the study of humanity. How do modularity, specificity, adaptability, durability, and other aspects of engineering systems argue for intelligent design in nature? Tune in to find out. Your browser does not support playing
If you’ve been blessed by the AiG ministry and want to see the truth continue to impact our culture, consider making a bequest to AiG in your will or trust. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Well, recently the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) submitted a complaint because an Air Force major had an open Bible on display on his desk. They claim he should be “aggressively punished” for this act. Base officials are now investigating whether or not having an open Bible at his desk violated the so-called separation of church and state. The founder of MRFF said in a statement, “It [the Bible] is very obviously a statement of Christian preference, Christian primacy” and accused the major of “harboring and encouraging a truly abhorrent example of First Amendment civil rights violations
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Dominic Halsmer, Dean of the College of Science and Engineering at Oral Roberts University, discusses his recent peer-reviewed paper, “The Coherence Of An Engineered World,” published in the International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics. Listen in as Dr. Halsmer explains to Casey Luskin why the universe is bio-friendly and the signs of engineering he sees in nature. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Ken Ham We couldn’t do what we do at Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, and the newly opened Ark Encounter without our faithful, hard-working staff members. Their service behind-the-scenes and in serving our guests is vital to this ministry, and we are thankful for them. We often receive comments on the friendliness and helpfulness of our staff members. I thought I would share one particular email from a recent guest to both attractions. I wanted to email you about our great experiences both at the Creation Museum and at the Ark Encounter. Not only were the exhibits and
Reasons why it is not Noah’s Flood …read more Read more here:
Does Genesis really matter? How can we know the true timescale of creation or the age of the universe? And what should Christians do when they spot logical fallacies in conversations with skeptics? ICR astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle delves into these questions and more, offering several biblical and scientific arguments to logically defend the Christian faith. More… …read more Read more here: