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Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: Bird tracks found in South Africa date a long time before birds, according to evolution’s deep time.
Answers in Genesis’  Tilt Shift  program, exclusive to Answers TV, won gold at the ICVM Crown Awards in the Best Talk Show category! Read More  
It’s impossible to add evolution to the Bible. So why do some Christians think we should try? Read More
Did you know all so-called apemen fit into one of three categories—either mistakes, apes, or humans? Today we’ll look at apes. Read More

Contrary to what some scientists claim, there is compelling philosophical and scientific evidence that a Creator of the universe exists. For example, the conditions described by the two laws of thermodynamics demand special creation.1 As the late Dr. Henry Morris noted, “The Second Law says the universe must have had a beginning—otherwise it would already be completely disordered. The First Law (conservation of mass-e... More...

It’s time for another construction update—this time to show you the great progress construction crews are making on our new conservatory at the Creation Museum. Read More
Why does the diversity of the created world indicate that the theory of evolution is not true? For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
A secular worldview struggles to answer identity questions, as evidenced by the answer Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson recently gave to why humans are special. Read More
The story of a worldwide flood isn’t just found in the Bible. Ancient historical records corroborate the biblical account of a worldwide flood. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Evolution does not fully account for the incredible ingenuity of man throughout history. We’re still learning about things the Romans knew 1,600 years ago. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
What makes our sun different from most stars in the universe? Today we take a look at the star God uniquely created to support life on Earth. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
God’s Word says humans are different from the animals—we’re made in God’s image! No animal bears God’s image—only we do. Read More
Scientists tell us that sharks are so primitive, they should be thought of as living fossils. Today we take a closer look at these amazing denizens of the deep. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we take a look at that amazing substance in your body called blood. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
If the fossil record is millions of years old, then for millions of years animals were eating each other and yet God said they were vegetarian. Read More
There’s always exciting upgrades, construction, and more happening at the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, and Answers in Genesis! Here are some of our recent projects. Read More
A brand-new exhibit, Radiance, is coming to the Creation Museum and will focus on our identity as an image of God’s glory. Read More
Creatures need to be called something. So who decided a dog would be called a dog? Read More
Do dermatomes make little sense unless humans evolved from other vertebrates?
The founding psychologist of the first pediatric gender clinic in the US is seeing more and more young people who are rushing into “transition.” Read More
Who are we to thank for the gift of language – God or evolution? For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com  
Evolutionists’ account for flight amount to little more than flights of fancy. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Today we take a close look at the rattlesnake – a most remarkable wonder of God’s design. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com
Our planet is an amazing creation placed in space where it can enjoy prime position in relation to our sun and where life and life support is guaranteed.
Is evolution seen in the fossil record? Why are fossilized terrestrial animals found buried with marine creatures? What conditions were needed to form the fossils we find today? Take a deep dive into the fossil record in episode 28 of The Creation Podcast with host Trey Bowling and ICR geologist Dr. Tim Clarey. Discover how the global Flood model explains the progression of the fossil record.
In 1934, using mathematical calculations, French entomologist August Magnan concluded that bee flight was aerodynamically impossible. The haphazard flapping of their wings simply should not enable bees to fly.   The mystery that has perplexed scientists ever since (due to inadequate understanding of aerodynamic theory) is now believed to have been clarified.   Using high-speed digital cameras and a giant robotic model of a bee wing, bioengineers at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Nevada at Las Vegas have been studying honeybee flight in an effort to determine how bees fly (Alt­shuler, et al., 2005).   They [More]
Don’t believe what evolutionists tell us about dinosaurs evolving into birds. For more creation resources visit https://creationmoments.com