By Ken Ham “What I see for the future.” That was the prompt for 2017’s US Doodle 4 Google Contest. Over 140,000 artists answered the prompt and submitted their work. The winner was a talented tenth-grader, Sarah Harrison, from Connecticut. Her artwork was displayed on the Google homepage on March 31, 2017, for millions of Americans to see. So what did Sarah see for the future? She says, “My future is a world where we can all learn to love each other despite our religion, gender, race, ethnicity, or sexuality. I dream of a future where everyone is safe and
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell The stories about origins of the Greek gods stand in contrast to the one true God, who according to the Bible is not a created being but has always existed. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Prof. Cox’s alternatives for the end of the universe are maximum disorder or maximum blowup. The future according to the Bible involves re-creation of the Earth, and universal Judgment by God. …read more Read more here:
By Creation Moments Did Jesus get things scientifically wrong? After all, He was a man of His times. Jesus’ followers could never have comprehended the sophistication of evolutionary biology and cosmology, would they? Yet, in so many places, we read about Jesus stating things that went against the very grain of the society He lived in. This is because He told the truth. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Last week, Answers in Genesis received a very heart-warming award from Children’s Hunger Fund as we celebrated our partnership of almost four years for the sake of the gospel. We were privileged to have Dave Phillips, CEO and founder of Children’s Hunger Fund, brief our staff about the CHF ministry and how God is using it to minister to people hurting in poverty, both overseas and in America. In 24 countries, hunger-stricken people are receiving help from CHF food parcels and the hope of the gospel through food box delivery. Since our initial connection …read more Read
By Ken Ham Answers in Genesis is pleased to participate in the only Christian-worldview-based film festival in the United States. The Over the years, AiG has won many awards from the secular and Christian communities for excellence in many different projects. Here is a photograph of just some of these awards displayed at our offices: I’m thankful that AiG has been able to influence the next generation of Christian filmmakers. It’s a privilege …read more Read more here: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham In our day, secular ideas about God, His Word, morality, science, and more are growing in the church. We’re seeing the erosion of biblical authority and the acceptance of anti-biblical ideas by pastors, seminary professors, and, sadly, the next generation of Christians. It’s vital that we raise up good and godly leaders who love God’s Word and start their thinking on that foundation. That’s what we try to do here at Answers in Genesis and I’m excited about a new podcast, Life and Leadership Today, from Dr. Ronnie Floyd of Cross Church that also seeks to do
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. Wade Warren gives a deeper look at the Louisiana science standards review, where he served as a member of the review committee. Discussing his participation throughout the process and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education’s amendment to the standards at their March meeting, Warren highlights the importance of examining evidence for and against evolution. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
If you have a property you would like to sell and would like an income tax deduction, a bargain sale is a great giving option. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham What much of the media has been doing in its coverage about politics is similar to the way they report on Christian organizations like Answers in Genesis. …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
Have people really found skeletons of giants? …read more Read more here:
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, CSC Research Coordinator Dr. Brian Miller discusses micro and macro evolution in terms of fitness terrains. Can we compare design principles in human engineering to life? Listen in as Miller shares how the process of optimization unravels the explanatory power of neo-Darwinism. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Read more here: id the future
By Multimedia On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews CSC senior fellow Dr. Mike Keas, author and expert on science pedagogy. Dr. Keas discusses True U, a worldview curriculum aimed at high school and college students. Dr. Keas contributes to the teaching resources at Listen in as they talk about the impact of the New Atheists and how scientifically-based arguments such as intelligent design have religious implications. True U is an extraordinary resource to help students understand what they think about the world and the big questions of life. For more information and free resources, visit
By Ken Ham Evolutionists have long wondered what made us humans such uniquely intelligent and social creatures. Well, according to a new idea, religion did it. Apparently humans are capable of making and forming relationships and social ties because we developed religion through evolution. Is this the right interpretation of the evidence? Bonded Together The research found that activities we often associate with religion, such as singing or doing things in a synchronized fashion, produce endorphins, which bond people to one another. Religion also “create[s] the sense that we’re all one family” to stop people from “killing everybody else out
We reveal the scientific problems with Cox’s claims regarding the big bang, the CMB, the horizon problem, the flatness problem, faster-than-light inflation, an eternal universe, and a multiverse. …read more Read more here:
A correspondent suggests the Bible’s teaching was changed to remove reincarnation. We respond. …read more Read more here:
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling NCSU’s recent research revealed an “oversight in a radioisotope dating technique used to date everything from meteorites to geologic samples.” …read more Read more here: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Does a five-month-old infant know that three is more than two? Impressive new evidence strongly supports the idea that infants have natural mathematical reasoning skills. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Digital media is increasingly replacing print as the media of choice for Western consumers. Well, an engaging new evangelistic tool called Unpopular is now available on YouTube as a sort of digital gospel tract. Pastor Emilio Ramos and RedGraceMedia have put together a visually stunning and theologically compelling explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a witnessing tool. Being a Christian is sure to make anyone “unpopular” in our culture, yet the gospel is the only solution to the sin problem that we have all inherited from Adam. Unpopular does a great job highlighting our sin
Exploring the possibility that long-age radiometric dating correlates to biblical earth history. …read more Read more here:
“More marvels of design that we are supposed to believe were the product of random chance processes … yeah, right.” Admin Scuba divers can explore underwater depths firsthand because of specialized equipment that was developed in just the last century. Likewise, solar-powered airplanes currently in development promise to provide fuel-free flying. These inventions open new realms for human exploration, but the arachnid and insect equivalents of their equipment have been on the planet for ages. Scuba is a stand-alone word today, but it began as the acronym for “self-contained underwater breathing apparatus,” so named because it supplies breathable air underwater.
By Ken Ham We constantly battle against the idea that you can add evolutionary ideas or millions of years to the Bible. Christians who compromise Genesis with evolution are really no different from the Israelites who compromised with the Canaanite religions. They are taking parts of the secular worldview and trying to squeeze them into the Bible. It’s an attack on the authority of the Word of God. We live in an era when the authority of the God’s Word has been greatly undermined in this culture (and throughout our Western world). One attack on the Bible, which I call
By Ken Ham When I announce on Facebook that I’ll be doing a session for children or teens, many of the atheists who follow me get upset. When I speak to kids, evolutionists fear that they will get exposed to creation apologetics teaching regarding the truth of Genesis and the lie of evolution. Secularists fear when Answers in Genesis overcomes censorship and exposes school kids to evidence for creation and against evolution. You could even say these secularists throw tantrums when myself or our AiG scientists expose the lie of evolution and millions of years to the world and teach
Scientists are discovering engineering details of the biological structures that enable some animals to jump exceedingly far for their sizes. Froghoppers are insects that can jump 100 times their body length, and it turns out that sheer muscular strength is not nearly sufficient to account for this feat. Read More: Insect Designed with a Spring in Its Step | The Institute for Creation Research
Sea urchins are spiny marine animals. Some of them like to hide in holes that they dig out of limestone in the ocean floor, using teeth that are ground down and yet remain sharp. What makes these teeth so special that they can drill through rock and not go blunt? Israeli scientists found remarkably precise and efficient construction when they took a close look at the sea urchins’ teeth. Using various high resolution imaging techniques, they saw tiny edges of magnesium calcite crystals exposed on the tooth surfaces. The sea urchins manufacture these crystals so that as the tooth wears
By Creation Moments As we learn more about the history of our planet, it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the Earth has had many faces over its history. Remains of tropical forests have been found within 400 miles of the North Pole. Dinosaurs once lived in the tropical lushness of Alaska. At one time, you could even walk to Australia from Asia. read more …read more Read more here: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is at it again in America. This time its targets are two school boards in Arkansas that pray before they begin their board meetings. The FFRF sent letters to both school boards, stating that “public prayers before board meetings violated the U.S. Constitution.” The school boards have temporarily stopped praying before their meetings while they are “researching the legality of the public prayers.” FFRF is known to bully school boards, counties, or other places with the threat of a lawsuit if they continue praying or displaying a Christian symbol, or even