Is it really impossible for human beings to do anything good apart from God? …read more Source:
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Discovery Institute Center for Science and Culture Fellow Nancy Pearcey. Discussing her new book, Finding Truth: Five Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes, Pearcey highlights contradictions of evolution’s claims regarding human reason. If Neo-Darwinian theory postulates that man’s knowledge is not necessarily true – simply a product of natural selection – how can it also claim that the idea of God is a mis-firing of the human brain? Read excerpt from Pearcey’s book about this issue at Evolution News. Your browser does …read more Source:
By Rich Wendling Christians should love, not fear, Muslims. If you look under the surface, you’ll see just how hopeless their religion leaves them. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham The more we study God’s creation, the more we realize how complex and beautifully designed it is. I was reminded of this truth when I learned about how the drab brown or pearly scales of the juvenile ocellated lizard change to a green and black adult lizard “using a computer-like process,” about God’s marvelous design in nature, especially in reptiles. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Ken This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team. …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
Asphalt volcanos really do exist on the ocean floor. They ooze natural gas, oil, and the same type of black glop we use for road pavement. Unique sea creatures team up to eat these petroleum products. Asphalt volcanos and their inhabitants inspire a few good creation questions, such as how could any living thing live off natural gas? More… …read more Source:
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Ray Bohlin gets author Jonathan Wells’ reaction to early feedback on Wells’ new book, Zombie Science. Listen in as Wells shares his favorite endorsement, discusses evolutionist Jerry Coyne’s “review” (Coyne doesn’t appear even to have read the book), and describes a spoof review that … well, listen and decide for yourself what you think the reviewer’s real message was. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Mike Johnson When the United States Supreme Court handed down its controversial decision on same-sex “marriage” last summer, it opened a legal Pandora’s Box. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson Venema claims that the published, comprehensive genetic comparisons between humans and chimpanzees reveal a genetic identity of 95–98%. …read more Source: AIG Daily
The earth’s age is crucial for the Christian worldview, but the ‘dating game’ is not objective science. Biography of Arthur Holmes, one of the major players in the game, shows it’s subjective, arbitrary and erratic. …read more Source:
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Jonathan Wells, co author of The Design of Life, discusses the just-released Design of Life Online Companion. Listen in to learn more about this resource, which includes chapter summaries, videos, and quizzes. Then access the free course at! Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham Two-thirds of American young people are walking away from the church by the time they reach college age, with very few returning. It’s a massive exodus from the church. Our national research indicated that one of the major reasons behind this exodus was a lack of apologetics training—many young people simply don’t know what the Bible teaches or how to defend what they believe. So, to help parents and churches address this problem, we developed Answers Bible Curriculum (ABC). ABC—A for apologetics, B for biblical authority, and C for chronological—is now a four-year Sunday school course that
By Herb Samworth The Reformers of the sixteenth century believed the only path to lasting reformation was the Word of God. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Genesis says that God created the universe in six days. But some people question what the word “day” means! What is a creation day? More… …read more Source:
By Creation Moments The Northwest Passage is, in many ways, the stuff of legend. It is the idea that there could be a shipping route around the North Coast of Canada. This would provide a much quicker route, than existing routes, for ships to get, for example, from Europe to India and China. For centuries, explorers have tried to find this route. For example, during Elizabethan times, English privateer Sir Martin Frobisher undertook three voyages to try to find it. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Media from all over the world have toured the Ark Encounter, and we have appreciated all the extensive global coverage. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A critic says morality has evolutionary roots, and blasts creationists for their “narrow” worldview. …read more Source:
Have you ever wondered if your appendix, wisdom teeth, and tonsils were useless structures due to human evolution over millions of years? Find out whether the fossil record supports human evolution or the special creation of man in the beginning. Listen: The Myth of Human Evolution | The Institute for Creation Research
By Ken Ham The 510-foot-long Noah’s Ark has been described by many thrilled guests as “the eighth wonder of the modern world.” …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments Lampreys are very odd creatures. They are fish, and hence are vertebrates. However, they have no jaw, so many species of lamprey are parasitic, burrowing into the flesh of other fish, with their toothed, tunnel-like mouths, in order to suck their blood. A recent article on the Science Daily website said this about them: read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham The following is a list of the many media visitors (even some international) we welcomed to Answers in Genesis last week. The national and international coverage of the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum has been extraordinary over the years. Last week, we also experienced much coverage for the victory seen by our geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling against the Grand Canyon National Park (see “Grand Canyon Scientist/Creationist Receives Permits.”) Also, please read the commentary I wrote for the Cincinnati Enquirer that appeared in yesterday’s paper. Monday, June 26 American Family Radio at the museum: Alex McFarland, host, …read
Why it is necessary to defend the Gospel from a creation foundation. …read more Source:
Bugs in the deep help you to breathe deeply. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Britain’s Telegraph newspaper carried a fascinating article, recently, with a new spin on the myth of the evolution of human beings: that apes evolved into humans, by eating lots of fruit. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham It’s hard to believe that tomorrow will be one year since the grand opening of the Ark Encounter, our full-size, highly popular themed attraction in Northern Kentucky. God has indeed blessed this project, and we are so thankful for the families and individuals he has strengthened and the souls that have been committed to Christ through this project. It’s a great blessing to be used by the Lord for his work as every day we’ve see thousands of people pour in this summer. It’s certainly been a busy year since we opened! We’ve made a variety of
Despite the claims of some, a ‘jolly’ man in a red suit should never be compared with our Creator and Saviour. …read more Source:
By Dr. David Menton Perhaps the reason so many people continue to reject the notion of evolution is that it seems contrary to ordinary experience. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Well, it seems scientists have done it. They’ve discovered an ingredient needed for the evolution of life around distant stars! Now all they need is a planet just the right distance from just the right star with just the right environment (and of course all the rest of the ingredients for life, including an information and language system)—and then they’ll have life! Of course, I write this tongue in cheek. Scientists are no closer to discovering a naturalistic mechanism for the origin of life (here on earth or elsewhere in the cosmos) than they were before this