By kpennock On this episode of ID: The Future, Evolution News & Science Today editor David Klinghoffer takes issue with the suggestion that conservatives tend to view science as “a kind of fakery,” and that they embrace intelligent design primarily out of religious, anti-science motives. Then Klinghoffer considers the case of physicist and Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson, who came out in support of intelligent design on PBS’s “Closer to Truth.” Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Creation Moments What color is the scarlet gilia? Well, that depends on where and when it’s blooming. Despite its name, the scarlet gilia can be red, pink, and even white. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Dr. David Menton The survival of living species depends on its ability to pass on its genetic instructions, from generation to generation, without significant alteration. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Researchers shined a laser light on fossil leaves and found some surprising results. What they thought were just impressions of leaves turned out to contain original molecules—persisting after millions of supposed years. More… …read more Source:
By Dr. Neal Doran The evolutionary “family tree” that ties all dinosaurs together has just been redrawn. What bigger questions does this raise? …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Did your mom ever tell you, “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it?” I’ve noticed in the secular media, especially recently, that it’s all in the way words are used. So compare how the media describe an atheist church to what media have been saying about our Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky. Now, keep in mind the Ark structure is permitted to exit 10,000 people at one time. There can be over 5,000 people inside the three decks of the Ark at one time, yet some parts of it can look fairly empty. Since
By Creation Moments Modern sophisticated laboratories have produced many specialized materials with amazing qualities. Yet, many creatures make ceramic materials that are stronger and tougher. If a crack starts in a piece of our ceramic, over time it grows. The same crack will not grow in ceramic made by the oyster. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin interviews Discovery Institute Center for Science and Culture Fellow Nancy Pearcey. Discussing her book, Finding Truth: Five Principles for Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes, Pearcey explains how evolutionary materialism freeloads from religion. She highlights prominent atheists who concede that the concepts of human rights, democracy, and equality originate from the Judeo-Christian worldview. Read an excerpt from Pearcey’s book about this issue at Evolution News and Views. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode Further IDTF
Don’t fall for flat-earth brainwashing …read more Source:
By Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson In this article, we explore Venema’s claims in Adam and the Genome about genetic sequences that he thinks have lost their function. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Karin Viet The bombardier beetle’s tail end is equipped with twin “spray nozzles” (or gland openings) to shoot its gaseous ammunition. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Are creation geneticists wrong about mutation rates? And how distantly related should parents be for genetically healthy offspring? …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Research has repeatedly shown that dogs can be an effective sedative. Continued research has now shown that dogs can relieve more stress and promote better health than even the presence of a close friend will do. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments Aerodynamics, the science of flight, is a highly complex science. This is because many complex forces are acting on anything in flight. These forces include the power available for flight and drag produced by the flying object. Each of these categories include many additional forces that depend on the shape of the flying object, the shape and length of the wings, the speed and the altitude. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Headlines last week boldly proclaimed, “Discovery of 13 Million-Year-Old Ape Skull Shows What Human Ancestors May Have Looked Like.” Of course, this is nothing more than evolutionary hype. What the research team discovered is, by their own admission, nothing more than a baby ape skull. Yet they proclaim, “To find this little baby that perished in volcanic ash 13 million years ago . . . [is] a glimpse of what our prehuman stage looked like.” What the team found was “the most complete skull of an extinct ape species in the fossil record.” Using scans of the
By Dr. David Menton Darwin reasoned that if animals can be selectively bred by man to produce certain traits, then nature can select for limitless traits by natural selection. …read more Source: AIG Daily
What does Scripture say about the sun and the moon? How do these two “great lights” rule the heavens? In this special episode of Science, Scripture, & Salvation, Dr. Jim Johnson describes the sun and moon’s impact on our planet, as well as their effects on plants, animals, and humans. He also sheds light on a historical controversy involving Galileo. More… …read more Source:
By schaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Casey Luskin sits down with Dr. Cornelius Hunter for a discussion about “junk” DNA and the ENCODE project. Dr. Hunter lends his insight into how non-coding DNA fits into the ongoing debate between Darwinian evolution and Intelligent Design, noting how Darwinian evolutionists have changed their predictions and explanations in order to accommodate contradictory evidence that would falsify their theory. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Creation Moments Shore birds like the oystercatcher search for buried mollusks by touch. They poke around in the sand, hoping to find a hard-shelled mollusk. But if you have ever tried to find something that was hiding where you couldn’t see it, you know that this method of looking for something is not very efficient. But another shore bird, the red knot, seems to know just where to find its hidden food. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By schaffee Which requires more faith? A belief in multiple universes or a belief in the intelligent design of our universe? On this episode of ID The Future, host David Boze explores the ideas found in a Harper’s Magazine article by MIT physicist and author Alan Lightman. Some physicists attempt to side-step the intelligent design implications of our finely-tuned universe by suggesting that ours is merely one of countless universes, each with its own laws and constants.
By kpennock On this episode of ID: The Future, Biologist Jonathan Wells, author of Zombie Science, and political scientist John West, author of Darwin Day in America, recently visited Hollywood for the final performance of the play Disinherit the Wind. The play tells the story of a neurobiologist who sues his university for the right to challenge neo-Darwinian evolution. Listen in on a post-play discussion in front of the audience featuring Wells, West, and playwright/actor Matt Chait as they discuss science, academic freedom, and the evidence of purpose in nature. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your
Australia’s Lake Eyre does not live up to the age that has been assigned to it. …read more Source:
By Karin Viet In God’s wise foresight, He equipped the original penguin kind with the genetic information necessary for penguins like the emperor penguin to exist today. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments A number of species of fish live, apparently comfortably, in Antarctic waters as cold as the freezing temperature of sea water, which is a couple of degrees colder than fresh water. This presents us with several mysteries. First, cold slows down the chemistry necessary for life. At these temperatures, life’s chemistry all but stops. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments Several different animals communicate on a limited basis with one another. But human speech is unique, leaving those who believe in evolution perplexed. The very oldest human fossils show the bony structures needed to support speech. Evolutionists will admit, in a candid moment, that they have no idea how speech could have evolved. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham People have been buzzing with excitement about the upcoming total solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible on August 21, 2017, across a swath of North America, including an area just three to four hours southwest of where we are in Northern Kentucky. In Oregon, at the invitation of the Design Science Association, AiG astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner will be speaking at several eclipse-related events and leading a viewing of the total eclipse. On the other end of America, one of AiG’s friends is using the widespread “eclipse mania” to spread the gospel in a unique way
By Bryan Osborne What makes the Creation Museum, Ark Encounter, and the message of AiG powerful and inspiring to Christians and infuriating to atheists? Biblical authority. …read more Source: AIG Daily