Could the Christian concept of ‘Heaven’ (or ‘the New Heavens and Earth’) come from the Buddhist notion of ‘nirvana’? …read more Source:
By Joshua Cedar At the film’s very start, it became clear that “science is under attack” would be a central theme that would appear throughout Bill Nye: Science Guy. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Creation Moments The hunted are smart to stay downwind of the hunter. Many predators hunt using scent, at least in part. The same principle works in water. Many predators smell chemicals given off by their prey and use that scent to help them locate their prey. If you were a predator in a stream you would be smart to stay downstream from your prey. The prey won’t smell you. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Back by popular demand, Pocket Lie Detectors are available through our friends over at Living Waters. My good friend Ray Comfort said he would be “thrilled to the back teeth” if I would promote them for him, so I thought I’d let you know about these high-quality, aluminum witnessing tools. But rather than telling you what they’re all about, here’s a short video from Ray explaining what a pocket lie detector is: <!– –> …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
Carl Wieland interviews Romanian geologist and world cave authority Dr Emil Silvestru …read more Source:
Does God have good reasons to use special revelation, like the Bible, to reveal Himself? …read more Source:
By Creation Moments The bacterium Bacillus cereus likes to live in soil that would kill most other bacteria. It’s bothered neither by lethal concentrations of metal nor natural antibiotics. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Ken Ham Do “molecules of ancient organisms” from Australian rocks answer the question of man’s origin? Well, this recent article suggests that we humans owe our existence to . . . algae. Supposedly, it’s only because algae formed that life was able to evolve and diversify so, they say, “algae . . . are the ancestors of us all.” After all, evolutionists believe humans are related to all animals and plants in their so-called evolutionary tree of life. According to this new story about the origin of life, bacteria dominated the planet in the supposed Snowball Earth period, a
By Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Minerals display not only God’s incredible creativity and His care for our needs, but also His unbounded love of variety and beauty. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Secular geologists hypothesize five major mass extinctions in Earth history and maintain the most catastrophic of these happened nearly 252 million years ago. This Permian extinction, or Great Dying, supposedly resulted in the loss of 70 percent of land species and 95 percent of marine species. What really happened? More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Biblical illiteracy is a rampant, increasing problem throughout America. Many churchgoers (from our experience, most churchgoers) simply don’t really know what the Bible teaches from Genesis to Revelation, or how to defend their beliefs. Several years ago, Dale Mason, a vice president at Sample pages from The 10 Minute Bible Journey. This brand-new Answers in Genesis resource features 52 illustrated, 10-minute chronological Bible lessons filled with apologetics material. This resource, designed for adults and teens, gives an overview of the Bible in a memorable way. It will help you and your kids see how …read more Source:
We need to know what it actually is before we can hope to explain its origin. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments The news has again been filled with stories about the search for planets orbiting nearby stars. All these stories assume that our Earth was not formed by God. They perpetuate the idea that the Earth and other planets in the solar system formed when dust around the young sun began to collect into lumps. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
The Nashville Statement and what does the Bible say about homosexuality and transgenderism? …read more Source:
The discovery in a seaweed of a complex molecule thought (and taught!) to be only in land plants astonishes evolutionists, forcing a billion-year rewrite of textbooks. …read more Source:
By Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell A group of scientists at Tel Aviv University propose that bacteria in our intestines may be responsible for human altruism. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Are you a sinner? According to LifeWay Research, two-thirds of Americans (67%) admit they are, but only a minority (28%) relies on Jesus to overcome that sin. Around one-third (34%) say they “work on being less sinful,” while 18% say sin doesn’t exist or that they aren’t sinners. But what do most of these people mean by “sinner”? I suspect a lot of people don’t actually have a correct understanding of the word—and without the history in Genesis chapter 3, they would not be able to. In many of my talks, I note how here in America
Increased knowledge about cavitation highlights the destructive power of fast-flowing water. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments You get up early. The illumination isn’t very good, you put on your socks anyway, only to find out, in the light of day, that you have one blue and one gray sock on. That’s because our eyes have cone cells to detect color, as well as rod cells that are sensitive to light, but cannot see color. So, as the light level becomes lower, we have a decreasing ability to detect colors. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
Berkeley, California, radio station KPFA recently cancelled an interview with vocal atheist and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, citing his harsh criticisms of Islam. Why are the producers of KPFA disturbed by Dawkins’ statements about Islam, but not his statements about Christianity? More… …read more Source:
By David Woetzel Artwork at Cambodia’s Angkor Wat temple appears to depict a dinosaur. Though the engraving is “stegosaur-like,” this interpretation has been criticized. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Dr. Danny R. Faulkner The belief that there will be a literal fulfillment of the Revelation 12:1–2 sign on September 23, 2017, depends upon there being nine stars in Leo. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Botanists recently discovered a large form of green algae named Lychnothamnus barbatus in North American lakes. Before this discovery the only hints of this particular type of algae in the Americas came from their fossils mixed with dinosaurs in Argentina. Somehow, it avoided evolutionary tinkering for over “65 million years.” More… …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Many marine creatures reflect surrounding light. They can do so because of tiny light-reflecting platelets. Typically, these crystalline platelets are made of purine, one of the building blocks of DNA, but these particular crystals cannot change how much light they reflect. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
How can we believe in objective morals if people disagree on moral questions? …read more Source:
Despite the attempts of evolutionists to explain it, the complexity of the spoken word continues to be a puzzle. …read more Source:
By Dr. David Menton After visiting the Grand Canyon, I discovered that not only are the evolutionist’s “missing links” truly missing—their whole “ladder of life” is missing! …read more Source: AIG Daily