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By Heather Brinson Bruce Despite all our advances with human flight, we don’t come close to matching the wonder of birds and their feathered flight. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments “You can’t possibly believe that there was a worldwide Flood. If the Ark was floating above Mount Everest, the air would be so thin that they would not be able to breathe.” This objection to the Flood is a very common one that I hear frequently. It is also one that is most easily disproved. In fact, I am always very surprised that so many people think this must be a valid argument. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham We’re very excited for our friends at Creation Today who recently announced that Genesis: Paradise Lost, their spectacular film, is back in theaters for a final night, following the two recent very successful showings in theaters across America! You can see this powerful movie—which features interviews with top creationist researchers and theologians and 3D animation* of the days of Creation—in hundreds of theaters nationwide December 11, 2017. On the first night this movie was released in theaters, with only one showing at 7 p.m., Genesis: Paradise Lost was the number four movie in the nation! On the [More]
Limpet teeth break strength record by using the principles of fiberglass-reinforced plastic on a nano-scale. …read more Source: creation.com     
Many kinds of eyes exist, but there is no progression of eye designs from simple to complex in the fossils. Even the simplest light-detecting cell requires enormously complicated coordinated biochemistry. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Evolutionists often use a language all of their own. Frequently that language involves reification. Reification is a logical fallacy whereby an abstract concept is treated as if it were something real or concrete. Evolutionists frequently refer to selection of genetic information by nature – the so-called Natural Selection. Nature is an abstract concept. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
The internet, and especially social media, is making people more closed-off to new ideas than ever before! …read more Source: creation.com     
The heavens and everything in them have long been a source of wonder, curiosity, and excitement. The vastness of space reminds us how small we are (Psalm 8:3–4), and the beauty and majesty of the heavenly bodies declare God’s glory (Psalm 19:1). Well, you can learn more about the heavens in AiG astronomer Dr. Danny Faulkner’s new book, The Expanse of Heaven: Where Creation and Astronomy Intersect.   Shop Now This comprehensive new volume, intended as a companion to Dr. Faulkner’s earlier book The Created Cosmos, discusses astronomy by examining the scientific data in light of Scripture.   Read More: [More]
Evolution does not explain human language or consciousness, which is a serious problem for naturalism and atheism. …read more Source: creation.com     
By kpennock An accountant wonders how people can separate fact from faith in scientific claims, and biologist Jonathan Wells (author of Zombie Science) and playwright Matt Chait respond. This conversation was taped live in Hollywood during a discussion after the final performance of Disinherit the Wind, a play that tells the story of a neurobiologist who sues his university for the right to challenge neo-Darwinian evolution. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
The genes that affect light and dark skin colour are found across the world, indicating that they were in our population before we spread out across the world at Babel. …read more Source: creation.com     
By kpennock On this episode of ID The Future, Sarah Chaffee talks with bioethicist Wesley Smith about the gene-editing technique known as CRISPR. Smith describes it briefly and discusses its larger implication for bioethics. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
During the Christmas season and into the New Year, Ark Encounter guests can experience the wonder of a spectacular event called “ChristmasTime at the Ark.” …read more Source: AIG Daily     
“Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.” (Romans 5:20) More… …read more Source: icr.org     
How a theory that was once widely believed did not stand up to scrutiny. …read more Source: creation.com     
By Creation Moments Forestry organizations have a major problem with beetles. The Mountain Pine beetle infests many coniferous trees in the Western United States. Apparently 40 million acres of forest have been damaged by these critters. A fungus can get into the tree with the beetle, and this fungus prevents transportation of water and nutrients. The beetle lays its eggs in the bark, and beetle larvae can also cause the tree to die. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Today, November 24, is the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. Some evolutionists celebrate it as Evolution Day. I thought I would mark the anniversary of Darwin’s work by highlighting a few things Darwin rightly observed, because he did get some things right (he was an excellent observer!)—he just took his interpretations too far and ignored the true history revealed in God’s Word. Species aren’t fixed. In Darwin’s day, the dominant scientific idea of biology was “the fixity of species”—that species were designed for their specific environment and that they don’t [More]
By Michael Belknap Even if Noah could build a wooden Ark strong enough to survive a yearlong Flood, how could he house and feed all those animals? …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Dr. David Menton Let’s take a look at the whole matter of aging and death from the perspective of both the Bible and science. …read more Source: AIG Daily     
By Creation Moments Many people know about the devastating and explosive eruption of Mount St Helens in 1980. Not so many people know that the volcano has erupted since then, but in less spectacular fashion. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments     
By Ken Ham Each year we host an exciting Deaf outreach here at the Creation Museum and now at the Ark Encounter. This year our Deaf Day attendance doubled from last year! And attendance at the Ark Encounter Deaf Day was even higher than that. People from 15 states attended this special two-day event and saw deaf presenter Calvin Farley teach about dinosaurs and the Bible. Well this year we’ve added an additional Deaf event on December 16, 2017, for ChristmasTown at the museum! Creation Museum guests enjoying Calvin …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG     
Sneak peek of latest Creation magazine. How a stunning astronomical event bears witness to the Creator. …read more Source: creation.com     
Devonian fossils supposedly hail from a time long before modern oak trees evolved. The Darwinian concept of plants and animals gradually gaining complexity over eons of natural selection paints a picture of simple-to-complex development. But a newly discovered tree fossil from northwest China seems to tell just the opposite tale—that the growth structures in the world’s earliest trees were more complicated than in today’s trees. More… …read more Source: icr.org     
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, learn about some of scientists’ attempts to copy sophisticated designs found in the natural world. This emerging science of imitating nature, known as biomimetics, has attracted extensive research and led to new technologies. As uniform experience has shown, such good design comes not from blind processes, but from a good mind. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future     
By Ken Ham With Thanksgiving this week, it will feel like Christmas is right around the corner. We’re excited to celebrate the Christmas season here at the You can turn your Christmas tree into a gospel conversation starter with hand-painted Christmas ornaments, featuring the Ark Encounter or Creation Museum. These beautiful balls were painted using a centuries-old technique of painting inside the glass, and no two are exactly alike. These ornaments are a great way to start conversations about the Ark, the truth of creation, and the gospel. Get yours soon: some of the designs have already sold out!
What can we know about the pre-Fall world? …read more Source: creation.com     
Geological forces could cause a devastating landslide. …read more Source: creation.com