There is no “neutral” starting point; everyone—whether they acknowledge it or not—interprets the “facts” according to a particular worldview. …read more Source: AIG Daily
A team of scientists claims to have found the “oldest polar forest on record from the southern polar region.” The trees were found in Antarctica’s Transantarctic Mountains and include a mix of evergreens, deciduous trees, and gingkoes. How old is this oldest polar forest? More… …read more Source:
By Creation Moments One of the most persistent rumors of popular evolutionary mythology is the concept of a primitive Stone Age. While serious evolutionists do not view such a time in the same way as the popular thinking, particularly in the media, the idea that there were early human societies that had no technology, save the ability to use rocks, is deeply ingrained. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
Science magazine uses a new museum as a pretext for attacking faith in the Bible. …read more Source:
Communication is key when it comes to deciphering some secrets. …read more Source:
Examining the abundance of variations within creatures after Noah’s Flood. …read more Source:
Secular astronomers recently described three bizarre discoveries that challenge mainstream ideas of an evolving universe: a planet that’s too big for its star, a distant “young” galaxy that shouldn’t look old, and an explosion that should have happened a long, long time ago. More… …read more Source:
Dozens of technical reports show original biochemistry in long-buried fossils, and the reports just keep coming. Three new reports give occasion to reconsider the age assignments for these fossils. The biochemicals they harbor resemble timers that should have elapsed long ago unless these fossils were deposited thousands of years ago, not millions. More… …read more Source:
By kpennock On this episode of ID The Future, host Tod Butterfield talks with Discovery Senior Fellow Wesley J. Smith about the use and abuse of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in China. Smith delves into the initially humane reasons for PGD, but notes how PGD is being used to advance the dark agenda of eugenics. Smith argues that the international community needs to take a leading role in defending the dignity of all human life. Otherwise, he says, China—with its abhorrent record on human rights—may set the standard for the rest of the world. Your browser does not support playing
What’s the best part of Christmas? Is it the lights, traditions, beautifully decorated trees, presents, festive food, or the gathering of family? No! I think the best part of Christmas is that during this time of year we have unique opportunities to present the gospel message! And we do so each year here at the Creation Museum and now the Ark Encounter with special Christmas programs near Cincinnati. Read More: What’s the Best Part of Christmas? | Answers in Genesis
As you plan your family’s Christmas activities this year, you’ll want to include a trip to the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky for ChristmasTime. We’re so excited about what’s coming this December 8 through January 15, 2018 (closed Christmas Eve and Christmas)—and we can’t wait to share it with you. During ChristmasTime you’ll experience “Encounter the Wonder,” a unique and spectacular animated program projected on the side of the full-size Ark with 15 video projectors. Read More: Encounter the Wonder at the Ark Encounter | Answers in Genesis
Recently I wrote a letter to our supporters detailing a recent public event where I had a dialogue with a seminary professor, but which turned into more of a debate. Dr. Richard Howe is associated with Southern Evangelical Seminary in North Carolina, and you can read my report on our dialogue/debate in “Taking Back the Bible’s Clarity—and Implementing Operation Upgrade.” As you read the article and watch the video of this “debate”—which I strongly encourage you to do—you’ll notice that much of our discussion revealed the position SES takes on the age of the earth/universe. Watch the video below:
How an icon of secular geology provides powerful evidence for Noah’s Flood. …read more Source:
Abstract The Sauk megasequence is thought to have been deposited during one of the highest sea level episodes of the Phanerozoic. However, few, if any, have examined the extent and volume of sediments deposited across entire continents in order to test the published, secular sea level curve against the rock record. This study examines the Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks across North America, South America, and Africa with particular attention given to the Sauk megasequence. Results show that the Sauk megasequence most likely represented a limited rise in global sea level. Africa and South America exhibit very little evidence of
By Creation Moments We have talked before about Cain and Abel, and we have seen how Cain’s offering was rejected because it was his attempt to get right with God by his own power. We have also seen how Abel’s offering was acceptable because it was the necessary blood sacrifice to atone for sin. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
We love seeing children come to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter with so much to do. It’s exciting to see the next generation equipped to think biblically with answers to the skeptical questions of our day. School classes and homeschool groups often come as part of a field trip or other excursion. Many of these groups tour both attractions, attend lectures or special events such as our live Answers News program at the museum, and participate in our many varied workshops. Read More: School Trips and Family Reunions at the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum | Answers in Genesis
Most children are familiar with Jesus as the baby in the manger. But, sadly, we’ve found that many children falsely believe that this is when Jesus came into existence. They don’t understand that he’s the eternal God who has always and will always exist. So we developed a brand-new Vacation Bible School (VBS) for 2018 that addresses this misconception. Time Lab will help kids discover Jesus from eternity past to eternity future. Read More: Jesus—the Eternal God from Eternity Past to Eternity Future | Answers in Genesis
By kpennock On this episode of ID the Future, Dr. David Berlinski continues his exploration of cladistics and the Cambrian explosion. Listen in as Berlinski explains the limitations of cladistic analysis and looks at some specifics of Nick Matzke’s critique of Darwin’s Doubt. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Creation Moments Evolutionists assume that evolution happens by increases in genetic information. This, they claim, happens by mutations making more information. We should analyze how this might happen. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
This season enjoy a Christmas gift from us—three free Christmas Sunday school lessons complete with teaching, crafts, and games for kids from prekindergarten up to middle school. These lessons, part of our increasingly popular Answers Bible Curriculum—used in over 10,000 churches!—will help children focus on the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus. Read More: Free Christmas Sunday School Lessons from Answers Bible Curriculum | Answers in Genesis
If you live in a city, stop and look around—life might be evolving before your eyes! A new study looked at data from 192 separate studies and determined that cities are “pushing some [organisms] to evolve and even spawning new species more quickly and more often than you might think.” (Spoiler alert: this isn’t really evolution!) Read More: Is Your City Driving Evolution? | Answers in Genesis
I saw a story in the news recently that reminded me of the tentative nature of historical science (the kind of science that is not directly testable, observable, and repeatable because it deals with the past) and how frequently the evolutionary story changes. Many fossil bones have been discovered covered in cuts and scrapes. Researchers thought this demonstrated that our supposed human ancestors (really just ape species) used tools to get the meat off. But a new study says the marks on the bones may have been made by crocodiles instead! Read More: Did Hominids or Crocodiles Make Marks
By Creation Moments Recently, I took a group of 6th Grade children and their teachers around the Hummocks’ Trail as part of their homeschool co-op’s fieldtrip to the area near the Mount St. Helen volcano. It was a hot sunny day. The slopes of many of the hummocks were covered in wild strawberries. The heady scent was strong and delicious in the air! read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
The reports are in. The generation that reached adulthood after the turn of the century is turning away from organized religion. They reject labels and absolutes. What hope do we have to reach them? “I’m not gay. But I have friends who are. I’m not going to marry another guy, but I support their decision. Who am I to judge that they can’t love each other? Marriage is about two people in love. I don’t understand how you can be so unloving.” I still remember when my good friend in college unloaded this on me during LGBT week on campus
Why one atheist’s arguments about pandas don’t stand up to scrutiny. …read more Source:
Evidence of our Lord’s creativity and attention to detail can be seen throughout his creation, from the large to the very tiny, from the flashy to the drab. All you have to do is open your eyes and look. Here are two examples involving insects you’ve probably seen before but perhaps never thought much about: the water strider and the leafhopper. My, What Beautiful Legs You Have Water striders are a familiar sight on ponds and other bodies of water around the world. Belonging to the family Gerridae are 2,200 species of this insect that is commonly known
By Creation Moments As Christians, and especially as Christian parents, many of us have negative comments to make about what happens in school science lessons. In so many areas, it is often easier to criticize and break down than to build up something new. Many years ago, I came across a fascinating yet simple curriculum model idea that would be of considerable help in many Christian education situations. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments