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Most of us have experienced a pet displaying what looks like “guilty” behavior for doing something they shouldn’t have. But is there any reality behind this cute display? Read More
In a new study, researchers used advanced mass spectrometry and protein sequencing to detect bone collagen in a well-preserved hip bone from an Edmontosaurus. Read More
Pedigree dogs, far from being the ‘most evolved’, are actually the sickest and most genetically impoverished.
What happened to the woolly mammoths? Were they hunted, did they die from illness, or die from climate change?
Was an earthquake the cause of the fall of those famous walls?
The chameleon is well known for its ability to change colours. Not so well known are its telephoto eyes that can focus clearly on an object only an inch away. And its tongue shoots forward at tremendous g-forces, thanks to an intricate catapult design that is unparalleled in both nature and man-made machines.
Should God’s Word or man’s feckless opinion rule in our lives and laws? Clearly, evil will rule if God’s people remain silent. Read More
For those who believe the Bible’s history, it’s no surprise that our ancestors used their God-given intellects to accomplish great feats. Read More
Since man was created to fill the earth, it should be no surprise to those who believe the Bible that ancient man explored and traveled around the world. Read More
Preliminary sea trials indicate the superiority of a bow-mounted fin for directional stability. How could this be interpreted in the context of Noah’s Ark or ancient shipbuilding? Read More
Many people claim that virtually all scientists agree that devastating changes to our climate are the result of man’s actions. But is this true? Read More
WWII fighter planes abandoned on a Greenland glacier were found 50 years later, already under 75 metres of ice.

"Keep your heart with all diligence,

For out of it spring the issues of life."
(Proverbs 4:23 NKJV)

ICR's March 2025 wallpaper is now available for mobile, tablet, and desktop! Download this month's image for free by clicking the format option links below and saving the files to your device.

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Evolutionary ‘magic’ is not science

Jupiter’s moon Io is the most volcanically active body in our solar system, and NASA’s Juno spacecraft recently detected the largest volcanic event ever observed on that body.1 During a flyby on December 27, 2024, Juno detected the infrared radiation from a gargantuan volcanic hot spot larger than Lake Superior near Io’s south pole (see figure). The volcanism caused a subtle but noticeable change in the appearan... More...

When you don’t recognize God’s Word as the authority—when you allow yourself to be—you can fall into more than accidental error: you can dive into heresy!
Flat-earthers use globe earth assumptions when they navigate by the stars
Sneak peek for the latest Creation magazine: Namib beetles spend their lives in the dry desert, so how do they stay hydrated?
Someone asked the AI ChatGPT this question, “Out of all the religions in the world, which one do you think is most likely to be true? Answer in one word only.”  Read More
What this little-known globe feature teaches us about the shape of the earth.
The existence of venom in so many animals has long challenged creationists. How did it show up in a very good creation?
A new study found that over half of American teenagers are “very motivated” to learn more about Jesus over their lifetimes. Read More
After thousands of years, people can’t stop asking questions about Noah’s Ark.
Scientists have finally worked out how the Venus flytrap snaps shut on insect prey. But they are still baffled about the same thing Darwin was: how did this mechanism evolve?
As crews work on construction of the new Welcome Center and Jerusalem model building, our fabrication team is hard at work on what will go into the interior. Read More
What would you say if someone asked you, “What is the Bible?” I answered that question in just five minutes in a recent video. Read More
DNA is a language system that tells your body how to make you. So where did this information come from? Read More