By Ken Ham Today marks a milestone in the history of this apologetics ministry. On December 27, 1993, our attorney filed articles of incorporation, signaling the beginning of the organization that was subsequently called Answers in Genesis. Of course, it would take a few weeks before our first seminar, newsletter, and other outreaches appeared, but we consider December 27 our official birthday. Today’s anniversary gives us an opportunity to reflect on God’s blessings over 24 years. Today’s anniversary gives us an opportunity to reflect on God’s blessings over 24 years, including when we faced some “Red Sea” moments—with a sea
As the release of CMI’s movie Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a Deception draws near, writer, producer, and director Gary Bates shares his thoughts and the impact he hopes this film will have. …read more Source:
Research provides evidence that nuclear transmutation rates were dramatically higher in the past. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Think of the Arctic and you probably think about polar bears. Those magnificent, big, white carnivores are probably pictured in your mind standing on snow and ice, where they can be difficult to see. The Arctic is the realm of the bear, and this is reflected in its name. The word “Arctic” is derived from the Greek word arktos, meaning bear. There are layers of meaning here. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
A number of secular cosmologists claim that our universe is just one of many universes that exist. Why do they say this? Is there any evidence for this claim? And how does this relate to the creation-evolution controversy? Listen: Hiding from God in the Multiverse | The Institute for Creation Research
Secular scientists have drilled into the thick ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica and extracted cores that run thousands of meters deep. These scientists claim that the deepest layers are hundreds of thousands of years old. Do these ice cores really prove an old earth? Listen: Do Deep Ice Cores Prove an Old Earth? | The Institute for Creation Research
Many Christians wonder about the ice age. Was there an ice age in earth history? If so, how many were there? And how would such a dramatic climate change fit into biblical history? Listen: The Ice Age | The Institute for Creation Research
By kpennock On this episode of ID The Future, Robert Crowther talks with Dr. Robert Marks, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Baylor University and author of Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics, about artificial intelligence and its limits. From the jump they delve into what artificial intelligence and computers will never be able to do, that is non-algorithmic tasks, and what examples of those look like such as creativity and consciousness. Marks goes over the popular tests for consciousness (Turing Test & Lovelace Test) and explains why computers still have not passed it and never will. Your browser does
Our primary goal in handling life’s pressures is to learn how to depend upon God and please Him, not simply get rid of stresses. The economy, unemployment, terrorism, politics, finances, moral decline, major sickness, a prodigal child, an unhealthy marriage—for most of us, contemplating any one of these pressures will knot our stomach. We become uneasy and tense. Our soul ceases to be quiet like the still waters but instead becomes deafeningly noisy like a wailing infant. In other words, we are “stressed.” Read More: Handling Stress | Answers in Genesis
The bald eagle … a powerful, swift and independent creature. …read more Source:
Pacific salmon are more accurate than guided missiles when it is time to spawn. …read more Source:
By Creation Moments Popular science information websites sometimes reveal fascinating facts. The Science Daily website recently published an articled suggesting that water is not one, but two liquids. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
An unusual admission by the US has many asking if aliens are real. Are you ready with an answer? …read more Source:
Answering a common charge against Scripture. …read more Source:
About a dozen species of Darwin’s famous finches inhabit the various Galapagos Islands. Textbooks have long used these animals as examples of evolution. Now, a new finch species established itself as a bona fide population on the tiny island of Daphne Major. What do these new observations imply about textbook evolution? More… …read more Source:
By Creation Moments “There can’t possibly have been a worldwide Flood. Where would all the water have gone after the Flood?” This is a common objection to belief in the biblical account of the Flood of Noah’s time. Did the water drain away, or evaporate? read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
By Creation Moments It is notable that the first giving of the Gospel was spoken to Satan, but in the hearing of Adam and Eve. It is also notable that the first Gospel was given immediately after the first sin. God, in His mercy, did not leave mankind for a moment without a means of salvation. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
The familiar holiday song about jolly ol’ Santa Claus rings out to remind children not to pout or whine because He’s making a list, And checking it twice. Gonna find out who’s naughty and nice. Santa Claus is coming to town. He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good. So be good for goodness’ sake! 1 Believing that Santa is watching their every move and judging their actions to see if they deserve gifts may be an effective way of getting children to behave during the
Extraordinary claims about this extraordinary creature don’t always match what the science is revealing. …read more Source:
In many ways, Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year.”1 With special gatherings with family and friends, we share in God’s bounty and love as expressed in the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ. But the message of Christmas carols, stories, and movies can be rife with words and deeds that obfuscate or distract from the truth of Scripture. Even more disappointing and alarming is when Christmas sermons present unbiblical ideas or challenge clear teaching from God’s Word. Read More: Talking to Your Pastor About Christmas Fallacies | Answers in Genesis
By Creation Moments As a child attending Sunday School and listening to so many disconnected Bible stories, I was confused by the account of Cain and Abel. In particular, I found it strange that God accepted Abel’s offering, but not Cain’s. There didn’t seem to be a reason. I remember asking my Sunday School teacher, who didn’t know either. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
Our culture is tearing itself apart because it rejects all authority. How can Christians demonstrate that God’s authority is just what everyone needs? What strange days these are in American political and cultural life. Few American groups vie for the top spot in our crazy, overheated age more than the “anti-fascist” group Antifa, which gained notoriety last summer when it clashed with white supremacists at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Though Antifa avoids formal organization and top-down leadership, it nonetheless organizes and articulates passionately held philosophical views. According to one affiliate: “We are in direct conflict with racism, homophobia,
The ScienceBlogs website indicates intra-abdominal testicles show that elephants may have evolved from a common ancestor of manatees or whales. Many of us remember enjoying coloring books and can recall the connect-the-dot pictures. Looking back from an adult standpoint at what seemed like a fun activity as a kid, now I see an exercise that teaches a child in multiple ways. Having to identify the number one dot and use fine motor skills to draw the line from dot one to dot two and so on, you would continue drawing lines until you got to the last dot. This taught
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID The Future, John West, Associate Director of the Center for Science & Culture and author of Walt Disney and Live Action: The Disney Studio’s Live-Action Features of the 1950s and 60s talks about Walt Disney’s life-long fascination with evolution. By exploring the subtle messages promoted by Disney’s theme parks and animated features West shows that evolution rather than being a one-off was an recurring fascination of Disney’s. From the Magic Skyway created for the 1964 World’s Fair to the 1948 animated film Fantasia we see Disney’s recurrent contemplation of evolution. Fantasia explored
I’ve heard many people, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses, say that the Bible does not teach that Jesus is God. In response to that claim, I took a deep dive into Scripture, particularly the New Testament, to see how much evidence there really is for the deity of Jesus. What I found was astounding. There is overwhelming evidence that the NT authors intended to present Jesus as God come in the flesh. In this “article,” I’m providing a resource for you to use next time someone challenges you on this issue. I go through the books or sections of the New
By Creation Moments Jesus described Abel as a prophet. He referred to all the prophets who had been killed, “from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah” (Luke 11:51). Prophecy refers to that forthtelling, which comes from the Holy Spirit. The words of the prophet are the words of God. Prophecy can sometimes, though not always, be predictive. read more …read more Source: Creation Moments
There is a battle raging for the authority of God’s Word. Will you stand with us? …read more Source: