By Sarah Chaffee In this episode of ID the Future from the vault, hear about electricity and bioluminescence, as highlighted in Dr. Geoffrey Simmons’ book, Billions of Missing Links. Listen in to learn about how a knee jerk reaction, eels, and the knife fish all use electrical impulses. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Jeffrey P. Tomkins Have you ever woken up just before your alarm went off? It’s as if your body is wired with an internal clock. Actually, scientists have discovered trillions of them! …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Last night I was honored to pick up an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Mid-America Baptist Seminary in Tennessee.* I also gave a talk to help launch the seminary’s sister school, The College at Mid-America. Both are located in Cordova, a suburb of Memphis. President Michael Spradlin leads the college and seminary. Before the convocation and ribbon cutting for the new college, he shared with me that he wanted it to be publicly known that his two schools side with AiG. President …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham Today is part of what’s considered “Be Kind to Humankind Week.” Each day this week has a special theme of different ways people can show kindness to one another. Some of these include “Sacrifice Our Wants for Others Needs Sunday,” “Forgive Your Foe Friday,” and “Speak Kind Words Saturday.” Now all of these things are good—as is the idea of a week dedicated to consciously deciding to be kind (as we should be all the time)—but why should we be kind to others? The idea of being “kind” is prevalent in our society with many proclaiming that
By Ken Ham While out on the road, AiG speakers, representatives, and I are frequently asked two questions: “How do we choose a good Christian college?” and “How do we find a solid, Bible-affirming homeschool curriculum?” Well, several years ago we created our website to answer the first question, and now we’re very excited to announce the launch of to answer the second question! If you’re familiar with our Creation Colleges site, you know it’s a place where you can find a list of Christian colleges that hold to biblical authority and AiG’s tenets of creation. To determine
By John UpChurch Cleaning up dead animals really stinks—and that’s a good thing, which shows God’s wise provision even in a fallen world. …read more Source: AIG Daily
Many secular scientists extrapolate current seafloor sediment deposit rates. They then publish Earth age assignments of millions of years. Are they following the scientific method? How do manganese nodules present problems for old-Earth proponents? Does evidence line up with recent creation and the global Genesis Flood? Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
Is the “God particle” truly “a blow to the Christian faith,” or “a nail in the coffin of religion”? Where does reality end and hype begin? Dr. Hebert exposes the flaws of the Big Bang theory and offers a logical evaluation of the scientific community. Listen: The Institute for Creation Research
By Ken Ham Our Special Effects Theater at the Creation Museum, already unique in the world, has been totally rebuilt and converted into a 4D theater. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future historian Michael Flannery continues discussion of his new book Nature’s Prophet: Alfred Russel Wallace and His Evolution from Natural Selection to Natural Theology. Flannery tells how Wallace became convinced of some “overruling intelligence” in nature — not because of “gaps” in what he knew, but because so many human attributes demand a better explanation than Darwin’s own “utility principle.” They called for a cause adequate to the effects. Please consider donating to support the IDTF Podcast. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our
By Ken Ham Evolutionary scientists have recently announced the “surprising discovery” of a dinosaur similar to Diplodocus (one of the long-necked dinosaurs) in a region of northwest China where these dinosaurs were not believed to have lived, fifteen million years earlier than scientists thought they had evolved. This discovery now “forces a complete re-evaluation of the origins and evolution of these animals.” When I point out that the evolutionary story and timeline have been revised again many evolutionists will quickly declare, “that’s science! The process of science changes our knowledge as we discover more evidence and data.” But what’s wrong
By Heather Lacey Left-handedness is just another physical trait that is still shared by millions of people, like red hair, green eyes, or a cleft chin. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Harry F. Sanders, III “If God saw that all he had made was ‘good,’ then wouldn’t the forbidden tree and its fruit be deemed ‘good’ as well?” …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future from the vault, Dr. Cornelius Hunter talks about his website Darwin’s Predictions, which critically examines 22 fundamental predictions of evolutionary theory. In this fourth and final podcast of the series, Dr. Hunter discusses evolution’s failed prediction that competition should be greatest between neighbors. Your browser does not support playing Audio, please upgrade your browser or find our podcast on podOmatic Download Episode …read more Source: id the future
By Ken Ham We’re excited to announce that the special effects theater at the Creation Museum is completely refurbished and now open for guests to enjoy a brand-new, 20-minute, spectacular 3D show, In Six Days. Due to the updates, this state-of-the-art 4D theater is now able to show 3D films as well as provide special effects that create the “4th D,” such as rumbling seats, wind, and other surprises. We had our first showings this past Friday morning.
A recent Livescience article1 is entitled “The Galápagos Islands: Laboratory of Evolution.” It addresses, among other things, “unique examples of plant and animal life.” The islands contain a variety of biota (the animal and plant life in a particular area), such as the Galápagos giant tortoise, sea lions, the varieties of finches, waved albatrosses, penguins, marine iguanas, and hundreds of … More… …read more Source:
By Ken Ham The biblical account of Moses is coming to the big screen for two days only, September 13 and 15, 2018, in movie theaters across the US. Our friends at the Sight & Sound Theatre in Pennsylvania put on a spectacular live stage production of Moses’ life, including his discovery by the pharaoh’s daughter, the burning bush encounter, the 10 plagues, and the crossing of the Red Sea. This production has been seen by over two million people, and now it’s coming to theaters across America. Don’t miss it! …read more Source: Ken Ham AIG
By Ken Ham The human body is a wonderous creation of God. Its amazing design speaks to the great care God used to build it in his image. Answers in Genesis attempts to provide resources to show we are indeed “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Order your copy of The Digestive System and Metabolism today! The Digestive System and Metabolism is the fourth book in Dr. Tommy Mitchell’s Wonders of the Human Body curriculum series. This series is an in-depth look at the wonderful design in our bodies and is a great resource to help middle schoolers and others
A new DVD highlights deceptive false teaching under the guise of science. …read more Source:
Two recent news stories, one from the Carnegie Institute for Science1 and another from an issue of Nuclear Technology,2 shed light on an icon of “deep time” radioisotope dating—the Isochron model. The former reported evidence that quartz crystals in samples of a granite body can crystallize at temperatures below what has been conventional orthodoxy in the geochronology field for years. The la… More… …read more Source:
Explaining why there is death and suffering if God created the world ‘very good’. …read more Source:
By Sarah Chaffee On this episode of ID the Future, Jorn Dyerberg, the Danish biologist and co-discoverer of the role of omega-3 fatty acids in human health and nutrition, talks with Brian Miller about finding irreducible complexity in cells 40 years ago. It wasn’t until he encountered ID researchers like Michael Behe that he gave it that name — but he saw how many enzymes and co-enzymes it took working together to make metabolism work in every living cell. And if neo-Darwinism is true, and these enzymes showed up one at a time, “And over these eons, the other enzymes
Biblical Creation predicts and requires rapid speciation! …read more Source:
By Ken Ham Euthanasia is the idea that a patient can choose to end their own life, with a doctor’s help. Belgium now allows children of any age to choose euthanasia. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Ken Ham Our Eden Animal Experience at the Creation Museum has been a huge hit with guests. Visitors enjoy interacting with our camels, zorse and zonkey, Zebu steers, wallabies, goats, sheep, and other creatures. Our zookeepers do a great job caring for the animals, and part of that care involves animal enrichment activities. These activities encourage the animals to remain active while practicing natural behaviors. And you can help create some of the items used during these enrichment activities! On Saturdays, now through September 8, we’re offering a Let’s Build Animal Enrichment! workshop that allows you, or your child,
By Dr. Ross Anderson While design may be seen in all living creatures, the early development of the fruit fly shows the making of a “simple” fruit fly exhibits forethought. …read more Source: AIG Daily
By Sylvia Thornburg Are you a grandparent or hope to be one someday? No matter where you are in life there are children who would be blessed by your prayers. …read more Source: AIG Daily